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Attachment B: Procedure for Applying for CBRN SCBA Retrofit Kit Approval

Letter to All Interested Parties

Applications may be made by submitting a request by e-mail to or by mail to:

Attention: Records Room
Respirator Branch
National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory (NPPTL)
P.O. Box 18070
626 Cochrans Mill Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15236

Each applicant must state that it is an application for approval of a CBRN SCBA Retrofit Kit and must contain a unique application reference number. The first three digits of this applicant-assigned reference number must be the NIOSH-assigned applicant’s code. This number must appear on each hardware sample package. The cost for processing a completed application is $10,000. The applicant-assigned reference number or NIOSH-assigned task number must appear on the payment check, bank draft, or money order. The cost must be paid to the Institute as a condition of approval.

Sample hardware must be submitted to the Respirator Branch in Pittsburgh, PA for testing under the extension of approval application. The NIOSH-assigned task number for each application can be obtained either by requesting it in the e-mail submission or by submitting a stamped, self-addressed post card with the applicant-assigned reference number with the mailed application. NIOSH will note the assigned task number and promptly return the post card or provide an e-mail notification. Foreign manufacturers may send a completed fax form that NIOSH will fax to them with the assigned task number. Subsequent inquiries must refer to the NIOSH-assigned task number (TN) of the applicant-assigned reference number.

Each application for approval of a CBRN SCBA Retrofit Kit must include the following:

  1. Documentation that NIOSH has approved the CBRN SCBA for which the CBRN SCBA Retrofit Kit is applicable. This can be accomplished by identifying the NIOSH certification number(s) with all applicable component parts, major assemblies, and accessories.
  2. A fee to initiate required testing and evaluation of the extension of approvals for the CBRN SCBA Retrofit Kit. NIOSH will not issue approval until fees are paid in full.
  3. Hardware submitted to the Respirator Branch, NPPTL, Pittsburgh, PA.

NIOSH may request additional documentation or test samples from the manufacturer if it determines that such documentation or samples are necessary to evaluate the application.

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