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NIOSH-Approved Powered Air-Purified Respirators Meeting CDC Criteria for Ebola

This web page is intended to provide the recommended guidelines by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the NIOSH-approved respiratory protection products meeting the criteria outlined by the CDC to help prevent the spread of the ebola virus. With new information becoming available daily, please consult the CDC website for the most current update regarding infection control procedures.

General Public Ebola Statement

At this time NIOSH is not aware of any recommendations for personal protective equipment for the general public to help reduce exposures to the Ebola Virus Disease. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) have stated that there is minimal risk to the general public. Only healthcare workers, and/or family and friends in close contact with patients with Ebola, are at the highest risk, because they may come in contact with the blood or body fluids of patients. For further information, and the most current agency recommendations, please consult your local health department or the CDC and WHO websites.

What is Ebola?

Ebola, also known as Ebola hemorrhagic fever, is a rare and deadly disease caused by one of the Ebola virus strains. The virus was named after the region near the Ebola River where it was first discovered in 1976 in what is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

What type of Personal Protective Equipment is recommended by the CDC Infection Prevention Guidelines?
Guidance on Personal Protective Equipment To Be Used by Healthcare Workers During Management of Patients with Ebola Virus Disease in U.S. Hospitals, Including Procedures for Putting On (Donning) and Removing (Doffing)

NIOSH-Approved Powered-Air Purifying Respirators

Following is a table listing all of the NIOSH-approved powered-air purifying respirators, identified by the manufacturers as meeting the CDC criteria for use in managing patients with Ebola. For your convenience, a hyperlink to the product page is imbedded for each product listed. Decontamination information, specific to brand and model, has been attached in instances where NIOSH has received it from the manufacturer. The decontamination information will be updated as we receive additional procedures from the manufacturers.

The listing does not endorse or recommend products.This information is provided as a courtesy and all respirators on the listing are NIOSH-approved.


Schedule NIOSH Approval Number Model and Link to Website Facepiece Type Blower Location
21C 0635 Air Mate Powered Air Purifying Respirator Hood Belt-mounted. Includes hood and loose-fitting facepiece versions.
21C 0671 W452/W459 Hood Belt-mounted.
21C 0741 L550, L750, L950 GVP-1 w/ GVP440 Helmet Belt-mounted. Includes helmet and loose-fitting facepiece with head protection.
21C 0742 AS-400LBC, AS-600LBC w/ AS-140 filter Helmet Head-mounted. Loose-fitting facepiece.
21C 0766 Adflo PAPR system with HE filter, Spark Arrestor and prefilter Helmet Belt-mounted. Welding Helmet.
21C 0828 GV PAPR Powered Air Purifying Respirator with Hood Hood Belt-mounted.
21C 0829 GV PAPR Powered Air Purifying Respirator with Head-cover Helmet Belt-mounted. Loose-fitting facepiece.
21C 0830 Breathe Easy Turbo Powered Air Purifying Respirator with Hood Hood Belt-mounted. Hood and loose-fitting facepiece included.
21C 0831 Breathe Easy Turbo Powered Air Purifying Respirator with Hood and LiMnO2 Battery Hood Belt-mounted. Hood and loose-fitting facepiece included.
21C 0832 Breathe Easy Turbo Powered Air Purifying Respirator with Headcover Helmet Belt-mounted. Loose-fitting facepiece.
21C 0833 Breathe Easy Turbo Powered Air Purifying Respirator with Headcover and LiMnO2 Battery Helmet Belt-mounted. Loose-fitting facepiece.
21C 0835 GV PAPR Powered Air Purifying Respirator with Hood Hood Belt-mounted. Hood and loose-fitting facepiece included.
21C 0842 Series BE-Turbo Powered Air Purifying Respirator with Series 800 Hoods Hood Belt-mounted. Hood and loose-fitting facepiece included.
21C 0843 Series BE-Turbo Powered Air Purifying Respirator with Series 800 Hoods Hood Belt-mounted. Hood and loose-fitting facepiece included.
21C 0852 Series TR-300 PAPR with S-Series Hoods Hood Belt-mounted. Hood and loose-fitting facepiece included.
21C 0853 Series TR-300 PAPR with S-Series Hoods Hood Belt-mounted. Hood and loose-fitting facepiece included.
21C 0854 Series TR-300 PAPR with S-Series Headcovers Hood Belt-mounted. Loose-fitting facepiece.
21C 0855 Series TR-300 PAPR with S-Series Headcovers Hood Belt-mounted. Loose-fitting facepiece.
21C 0856 Series TR-300 PAPR with S-Series Hoods and Premium Suspension Hood Belt-mounted.
21C 0857 Series TR-300 PAPR with S-Series Hoods and Premium Suspension Hood Belt-mounted.
21C 0858 Series TR-300 PAPR with H-Series Hoods Hood Belt-mounted.
21C 0859 Series TR-300 PAPR with H-Series Hoods Hood Belt-mounted.
21C 0860 Series G&V PAPR with M-Series Headcovers/Faceshield Hood Belt-mounted. Hood and loose-fitting facepiece.
21C 0861 Series G&V PAPR with M-Series Headcovers/Hardcat Hood Belt-mounted. Hood and loose-fitting facepiece.
21C 0862 Series G&V PAPR with M-Series Headcovers/Helmet Belt-mounted. Includes options for helmet and loose-fitting facepiece.
21C 0863 BE-Turbo PAPR with M-Series Headcovers/Faceshield Hood Belt-mounted. Hood and loose-fitting facepiece.
21C 0864 BE-Turbo PAPR with M-Series Headcovers/Hardhat Hood Belt-mounted. Hood and loose-fitting facepiece.
21C 0865 BE-Turbo PAPR with M-Series Headcovers/Helmet Helmet Belt-mounted. Includes options for helmet and loose-fitting facepiece.
21C 0866 Series TR-300 PAPR with M-Series Headcovers/Faceshield Hood Belt-mounted. Hood and loose-fitting facepiece.
21C 0867 Series TR-300 PAPR with M-Series Headcovers/Faceshield Hood Belt-mounted. Hood and loose-fitting facepiece.
21C 0868 Series TR-300 PAPR with M-Series Headcovers/Hardhat Hood Belt-mounted. Hood and loose-fitting facepiece.
21C 0869 Series TR-300 PAPR with M-Series Headcovers/Hardhat Hood Belt-mounted. Hood and loose-fitting facepiece.
21C 0870 Series TR-300 PAPR with M-Series Headcovers/Helmet Helmet Belt-mounted. Includes options for helmet and loose-fitting facepiece.
21C 0871 Series TR-300 PAPR with M-Series Headcovers/Helmet Helmet Belt-mounted. Includes options for helmet and loose-fitting facepiece.
21C 0884 Series TR-300 PAPR with L-Series Helmet/Bumpcap Helmet Belt-mounted. Includes options for helmet and loose-fitting facepiece.
21C 0885 Series TR-300 PAPR with L-Series Helmet/Bumpcap Helmet Belt-mounted. Includes options for helmet and loose-fitting facepiece.
21C 0886 Series TR-300 PAPR with L-Series Helmet/Bumpcap and Welding Shield Helmet Belt-mounted. Includes options for helmet and loose-fitting facepiece for welding.
21C 0887 Series TR-300 PAPR with L-Series Helmet/Bumpcap and Welding Shield Helmet Belt-mounted. Includes options for helmet and loose-fitting facepiece for welding.
21C 0888 Series TR-300 PAPR with L-Series Helmet/Hardhat Helmet Belt-mounted. Includes options for helmet and loose-fitting facepiece.
21C 0889 Series TR-300 PAPR with L-Series Helmet/Hardhat Helmet Belt-mounted. Includes options for helmet and loose-fitting facepiece for welding.
21C 0890 Series TR-300 PAPR with L-Series Helmet/Hardhat and Welding Shield Helmet Belt-mounted. Includes options for helmet and loose-fitting facepiece for welding.
21C 0891 Series TR-300 PAPR with L-Series Helmet/Hardhat and Welding Shield Helmet Belt-mounted. Includes options for helmet and loose-fitting facepiece for welding.
21C 0892 Series TR-300 PAPR with L-Series Helmet Helmet
21C 0893 Series TR-300 PAPR with L-Series Helmet Helmet
21C 0894 Series TR-300 PAPR with L-Series Helmet and Welding Shield Helmet Belt-mounted. Includes options for helmet and loose-fitting facepiece for welding.
21C 0895 Series TR-300 PAPR with L-Series Helmet and Welding Shield Helmet Belt-mounted. Includes options for helmet and loose-fitting facepiece for welding.
21C 0899 Adflo Series Powered Air Purifying Respirator with the 9100 Air Headgear Helmet Belt-mounted. Loose-fitting facepiece for welding.
21C 0900 Adflo Series Powered Air Purifying Respirator with the 9100FX Air Headgear Helmet Belt-mounted. Loose-fitting facepiece for welding.
21C 0904 TR-300 Series Powered Air Purifying Respirator with Loose Fitting Headgear Hood Belt-mounted. Hood and loose-fitting facepiece.
21C 0905 TR-300 Series Powered Air Purifying Respirator with Loose Fitting Headgear Hood Hood and loose-fitting facepiece.
21C 0906 TR-300 Series Powered Air Purifying Respirator with Loose Fitting Headgear Hood Belt-mounted. Hood and loose-fitting facepiece.
21C 0907 TR-300 Series Powered Air Purifying Respirator with Loose Fitting Headgear Hood Belt-mounted. Hood and loose-fitting facepiece.
21C 0908 TR-300 Series Powered Air Purifying Respirator with Loose Fitting Headgear Hood Belt-mounted. Hood and loose-fitting facepiece included.
21C 0909 TR-300 Series Powered Air Purifying Respirator with Loose Fitting Headgear Hood Belt-mounted. Hood and loose-fitting facepiece.
21C 0910 TR-300 Series Powered Air Purifying Respirator with Loose Fitting Headgear Hood Belt-mounted. Hood and loose-fitting facepiece.
21C 0914 Adflo Series Powered Air Purifying Respirator with Loose Fitting Headgear Hood Belt-mounted. Hood and loose-fitting facepiece included.
21C 0920 Model TR-300 Powered Air Purifying Respirator with Helmet Helmet Belt-mounted.
21C 0923 Adflo Series Powered Air Purifying Respirator with HE Filter and Helmet Helmet Belt-mounted. Includes options for helmet and loose-fitting facepiece for welding.
21C 0924 Adflo Series Powered Air Purifying Respirator with HE Filter and Helmet Helmet Belt-mounted. Loose-fitting facepiece.
21C 0933 Model Adflo Turbo Powered Air-Purifying Respirator with Helmet Helmet Belt-mounted. Loose-fitting facepiece
21C 0948 TR-600 Powered Air Purifying Respirator with Hood and Particulate Filter Hood Belt-mounted.
21C 0949 TR-600 Powered Air Purifying Respirator with Hood and Particulate Filter Hood Belt-mounted.
21C 0950 Model TR-600 Powered Air Purifying Respirator with Helmet and Particulate Filter Helmet Belt-mounted.
21C 0951 TR-600 Powered Air Purifying Respirator with Hood and Particulate Filter Hood Belt-mounted.
Cleaning Reusable Respirators and Powered Air Purifying Respirator AssembliesPersonal Protective Equipment (PPE) for Ebola virus disease (EVD) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) [PDF – 419KB]

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – Care in United States Healthcare Facilities [PDF – 248KB]

E.D. Bullard Company

E.D. Bullard Company
Schedule NIOSH Approval Number Model and Link to Website Facepiece Type Blower Location
21C 0765 CC20 respirator hood with PA20 blower and PA1FG filters Hood Belt-mounted
21C 0807 PA30 Loose Fitting Hood PAPR Hood Belt-mounted
21C 0825 PA30IS Powered Air Purifying Respirator with Hood Hood Belt-mounted
21C 0836 EVA Series Powered Air Purifying Respirator with Hood Hood Belt-mounted
21C 0922 EVAHL Powered Air Purifying Respirator with Hood Hood Belt-mounted
Protect Against EbolaCleaning and Disinfecting PAPR

ILC Dover

ILC Dover
Schedule NIOSH Approval Number Model and Link to Website Facepiece Type Blower Location
21C 0814 Sentinel XL HP Loose Fitting Hood Powered Air Purifying Respirator Hood Belt-mounted
21C 0848 Sentinel XL HP PAPR with Clear Hood Hood Belt-mounted
21C 0901 Sentinel XT Powered Air Purifying Respirator with the Sentinel XT Clear Hood Hood Belt mounted with optional back harness
21C 0902 Sentinel XT Powered Air Purifying Respirator with the Sentinel XT Full Hood Hood Belt mounted with optional back harness
ILC Dover Component Decontamination Solution Usage Recommendations [PDF – 80KB]

Immediate Response Technology

Immediate Response Technology
Schedule NIOSH Approval Number Model and Link to Website Facepiece Type Blower Location
21C 0799 PureAir Loose Fitting C420 Powered Air-Purifying Respirator with the S-70013 HE particulate filter Hood Belt-mounted
21C 0809 FlexAir Powered Air- Purifying Respirator with Loose-Fitting Hood Hood Belt-mounted
21C 0839 FlexAir PAPR with Loose- Fitting Hoods Hood Belt mounted with optional back harness

Interactive Safety Products, Inc.

Interactive Safety Products, Inc.
Schedule NIOSH Approval Number Model and Link to Website Facepiece Type Blower Location
21C 0797 Pureflo ESM PAPR with HE filter (P/N PR02180) Helmet Helmet-mounted
21C 0847 PureFlo ESM Powered Air- Purifying Respirator with Visor Helmet Helmet Helmet-mounted
21C 0926 PureFlo ESM PAPR with Helmet and Faceseal, Powered Air-Purifying Respirator Helmet Helmet-mounted
21C 0927 PureFlo ESM PAPR P-Series with Helmet and Faceseal, Powered-Air Purifying Respirator Helmet Helmet-mounted
21C 0928 PureFlo Hydra PAPR with Helmet and Lifting Visor, Powered Air-Purifying Respirator Helmet Belt-mounted
21C 0929 PureFlo Hydra PAPR with Helmet and Fixed Visor, Powered Air-Purifying Respirator Helmet Belt-mounted

MSA Safety

MSA Safety
Schedule NIOSH Approval Number Model and Link to Website Facepiece Type Blower Location
21C 0800 OptimAir TL Powered Air Purifying Repirator with Hood Hood Belt-mounted

North Safety

North Safety
Schedule NIOSH Approval Number Model and Link to Website Facepiece Type Blower Location
21C 0872 Compact Air Series 200 PAPR with Hood Primair Hood Hood Belt-mounted
Product Information [PDF – 233KB]PAPR Information [PDF – 666KB]

Assembly Instructions [PDF – 463KB]

Frequently Asked Questions [PDF – 399KB]

Scott Health and Safety

Scott Health and Safety
Schedule NIOSH Approval Number Model and Link to Website Facepiece Type Blower Location
21C 0777 Proflow 3 PAPR system with three 052683 Hood Belt-mounted
Cleaning and Disinfecting Guidance [PDF – 104KB]Additional PPE and Ebola Information

Syntech International

Syntech International
Schedule NIOSH Approval Number Model and Link to Website Facepiece Type Blower Location
21C 0803 MaxAir Helmet PAPR with integral blower Helmet Helmet-mounted
21C 0812 Maxair PAPR with Tri-Snap Helmet Helmet Helmet-mounted
21C 0813 Maxair PAPR with Single Post Helmet Helmet Helmet-mounted
21C 0849 Maxair Loose Fitting Universal CH Helmet Powered Air Purifying Respirator Helmet Helmet-mounted
21C 0850 Maxair Series Powered Air Purifying Respirator with Universal CH Helmet Helmet Helmet-mounted
21C 0851 Maxair Series Powered Air Purifying Respirator with Universal CH Helmet Helmet Helmet-mounted
21C 0911 Maxair Loose Fitting Helmet Powered Air Purifying Respirator with the Universal-CH Helmet Helmet Helmet-mounted
21C 0912 Maxair Loose Fitting Helmet Powered Air Purifying Respirator with the Universal-CH Helmet Helmet Helmet-mounted
21C 0915 Maxair Powered Air Purifying Respirator with Loose Fitting Helmet Helmet Helmet-mounted
21C 0942 Maxair Loose Fitting Powered Air Purifying Respirator with Helmet and Filter Helmet Helmet-mounted
21C 0946 MaxAir Loose Fitting Helmet Powered Air Purifying Respirator Helmet Helmet-mounted
Recommendations [PDF – 1MB]