2010 General Activities on Department of Energy (DOE) Cases

DCAS will reconstruct radiation doses by evaluating all appropriate data relevant to which an individual worker or group of workers have been exposed, particularly when radiation monitoring data are unavailable, incomplete, or of poor quality. The data used for the dose reconstructions will be obtained through requests sent to DOE and data search and capture efforts.

DCAS along with Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU), the contractor hired to support NIOSH’s responsibilities under The Act, have been involved in data search and capture efforts. These efforts are being conducted at various DOE sites and federal and private records storage locations throughout the United States to retrieve radiation monitoring data needed to conduct dose reconstructions.

2010 Data Search and Capture

Richland, WA

Preselected documents and search results from previous requests were reviewed and eight documents were retrieved for the following DOE site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site
Information Retrieved
University of Rochester Atomic Energy Project Record transfer forms and Hanford search results from a list of University of Rochester Atomic Energy Project workers

Department of Energy Public Reading Room
Richland, WA

Preselected finding aids were reviewed and 8 documents were retrieved for the following DOE site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Hanford Hanford records transfer forms

Tonawanda Public Library
Buffalo, NY

A data reconnaissance trip was conducted for the DOE site listed below. No documents were retrieved.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Reviewed
Linde Ceramics Plant Documents in the library collection relating to Linde Ceramics Plant

Miamisburg, OH

A data reconnaissance trip was conducted and information from the following DOE site was retrieved:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Mound Plant Search results retrieved on primary neutron dosimetry data and glove box construction details from the SW Building

College Park National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
College Park, MD

Eighty-one boxes of information were reviewed and 63 documents were retrieved for the following DOE sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Argonne National Laboratory (East) Progress reports
Nevada Test Site Fallout data at various locations
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (X-10) Progress reports
Pacific Proving Ground Fallout data at various locations, data from nuclear tests, and limited exposure information from test personnel
Trinity Nuclear Explosion Site Fallout data at various locations and data from nuclear tests
University of Rochester Progress reports, animal study discussions, and trip reports

Washington State University Library Tri-Cities
Richland, WA

Pre-selected documents resulting from a search on the library database were reviewed and 6 documents were retrieved for the following DOE site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
University of Rochester Atomic Energy Project Device for Measurement of Thoron in the Breath, The Fate of Radon Ingested by Man, Evaluation of a Rem Responding Neutron Detector for Use Around the University of Rochester’s 20 Mev Emperor Tandem Van De Graff Accelerator, Thorium Inhalation Studies, Biological Studies with Polonium Radium and Plutonium Vol.3, and Metabolism and Biological Effects of an Alpha Emitter Polonium-210

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (X-10)
Oak Ridge, TN

Material in the Oak Ridge National Laboratory vault was reviewed and two classified documents were retrieved for the following DOE site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Huntington Pilot Plant Under classification review

United States Transuranium and Uranium Registry
Richland, WA

A data reconnaissance trip was conducted to review information on the DOE site listed below. No documents were retrieved.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Reviewed
University of Rochester Atomic Energy Project United States Transuranium and Uranium box holdings for any Dr. Newell Stannard or University of Rochester Atomic Energy Project documents

University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN

Seventeen boxes of information were reviewed and 136 documents were retrieved for the following DOE sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) Whole body actinide body burdens of employees
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Whole body actinide body burdens of employees
Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute Descriptions of processes and facilities
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (X-10) Health physics training and reports from 1946-1950
University of Rochester Atomic Energy Project Source term data, information on how Po-210 solutions are made, and documents from Dr. Newell Stannard’s collection

Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, TN

A data reconnaissance trip was conducted to locate information for the DOE site listed below. No documents were retrieved.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Reviewed
Linde Ceramics Plant Materials in the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (X-10) vault pertaining to Linde Ceramics Plant

Richland, WA

Pre-selected documents that were put on hold until classification review was complete were reviewed.

Thirty-six documents were retrieved for the following DOE sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Hanford Beta-Gamma dose rates, canned uranium dose rates, uranium bioassay program, film dosimetry information, neutron exposure at 105-DR reactor, exposure limits for thorium, work restriction policy, film badge exchange, radiation monitoring film rings, and thyroid counter calibration
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Photodosimetry procedures

Richland, WA

Two boxes of information were reviewed and 71 documents were retrieved for the following DOE site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
University of Rochester Atomic Energy Project Documents from the J. Newell Stannard Collection that dealt mostly with animal experiments and studies

Miamisburg, OH

During this data capture effort, 28 boxes of information were reviewed and 176 documents were retrieved for the following DOE site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Mound Plant SW Building and G Area tritium smears, tritium analysis, and rosters

Denver Federal Records Center
Denver, CO

Sixty-two boxes of information were reviewed and 21 documents were retrieved for the following DOE sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Health physics progress report, report of Pu intake, and weapons engineering tritium facility
Pantex Plant Final environmental impact statement for continued operation, DOE occupational exposure report, environmental assessments and associated material for hazardous waste staging facility and other locations, building 12-44 cell decontamination, personnel monitoring controls, and limited individual exposure data
Sandia National Laboratories (Albuquerque, NM) Engineering assessment – gamma irradiation facility

College Park National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
College Park, MD

Thirty boxes of information were reviewed and 46 documents were retrieved for the following DOE sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Brookhaven National Laboratory Plutonium exposures
Hanford 200-E contamination, closeout report of tank leak, and shipments of Sr-90 and Cs-137
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Plutonium incident bioassay, Pu-238 inventory, and Pueblo Canyon contamination
Mound Plant Pu-238 environmental release, environmental data
Rocky Flats Plant Pu in soil studies, tritium release

Albuquerque Operations Office
Albuquerque, NM

Forty unclassified and 23 classified boxes of information were reviewed. Forty-four documents and several classified documents were retrieved and are undergoing classification review.

Information was retrieved for the following DOE sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Hi film badge reading, release of contamination and exposure, and fecal sampling procedure
Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute Reclassification of building 9202 and radioactive material inventory
Mound Plant Investigation of Pu liquid contamination in building 38, Room 6
Pantex Plant Radioisotopic thermoelectric generator dismantlement mission QA program, site qualifying questionnaire, responses for potential relocation of Pantex operations, discussion of release factor from a potentially damaged weapons facility, medical program description, incident report with fatalities, environmental assessment of interim storage of Pu components, temporary operations procedures for x-ray equipment, radiation safety training material, and technical safety appraisal and corrective actions
Sandia National Laboratories (Albuquerque, NM) Personnel exposure – unusual occurrence and annual reactor safety appraisal

Atlanta National Archives
Morrow, GA

Approximately 44 boxes of information were reviewed and 111 documents were retrieved for the following DOE sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Ames Laboratory Measurements of airborne metal dust; materials for thorium program, thorium receipts, installation of ventilation, thorium production estimates, requirement for irradiated slugs, inspection of Gilman’s lab, 1946 organization chart
B &T Metals Measurements of airborne metal dust
Herring-Hall Marvin Safe Co. Measurements of airborne metal dust
Electro Metallurgical Monthly reports, construction for tuballoy building, billet receipts
University of Rochester 1944 medical section progress report, shipments of urine sample bottles

Fort Worth Federal Records Center
Fort Worth, TX

Approximately 48 boxes of information were reviewed and 9 documents were retrieved for the following DOE site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Pantex Plant Personnel X-ray jacket covers and general description of contents, data samples related to dog experiments (radiological and biological), samples of terminated employee files, samples of dog experiments logs, and samples of personnel medical records

College Park National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
College Park, MD

Four boxes of information were reviewed but no documents were selected during this data capture trip. However, documents may be requested in the future.

Information was reviewed for the following DOE sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Reviewed
Argonne National Laboratory–East Memos and teletypes from Hanford as either the end user or supplier of materials or providing guidance to other sites
Brookhaven National Laboratory Memos and teletypes from Hanford as either the end user or supplier of materials or providing guidance to other sites
Chapman Valve “Oak Ridge Records Series 6” collection (documents reviewed included accountability-related memos)
Electro Metallurgical Memos and teletypes from Hanford as either the end user or supplier of materials or providing guidance to other sites
Hanford Memos and teletypes from Hanford as either the end user or supplier of materials or providing guidance to other sites
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Memos and teletypes from Hanford as either the end user or supplier of materials or providing guidance to other sites
Mallinckrodt Chemical Company Memos and teletypes from Hanford as either the end user or supplier of materials or providing guidance to other sites
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (X-10) Memos and teletypes from Hanford as either the end user or supplier of materials or providing guidance to other sites
University of Rochester Atomic Energy Project Memos and teletypes from Hanford as either the end user or supplier of materials or providing guidance to other sites
Y-12 Plant Memos and teletypes from Hanford as either the end user or supplier of materials or providing guidance to other sites

Miamisburg, OH

Preselected documents were reviewed and 25 documents were retrieved during this data capture trip for the following DOE site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Mound Plant Summary employment records sorted by the first letter of the last name

Miamisburg, OH

Twenty-eight boxes of information were reviewed and 176 documents were retrieved. This data capture is a continuation of trip that was started in May 2010.

Information was retrieved for the following DOE site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Mound Plant SW Building and G Area tritium smears, tritium analyses, and rosters

Hanford, WA

Two boxes of information and preselected documents were reviewed. Twenty-seven documents and 10 search results were retrieved for the following DOE sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Ames Laboratory Search results from searches of Hanford’s databases
Chapman Valve Search results from searches of Hanford’s databases
Electro Metallurgical Search results from searches of Hanford’s databases
Hanford Results of the bioassay audit program for fiscal year 1987, retrospective evaluation of data submitted by US Testing in support of the internal bioassay (1983-1990), results of the Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL) bioassay audit program for FY 1988, results of the PNL bioassay audit program for FY 1989, PNL message to staff announcing termination of US Testing contract, results of the PNL bioassay audit program for FY 1990
Linde Ceramics Plant Search results from searches of Hanford’s databases

University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MD

One box and several shelves of information were reviewed and 3 documents were retrieved for the following DOE site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Chapman Valve Membership/executive board meeting minutes, brief mention of diagnostic x-rays, and the acknowledgment of the company’s participation in the atomic weapons program

United States Army Corps of Engineers Buffalo Office
Buffalo, NY

During this data capture effort, 48 boxes of information were reviewed and 135 documents and 187 CDs were copied for the following DOE site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Linde Ceramics Plant Documents primarily from the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) period

College Park National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
College Park, MD

Twenty-two boxes of information were reviewed and several documents were selected. This effort is a continuation of review of the “Oak Ridge Records Series 6” collection.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Various DOE and AWE Sites Undergoing classification review

Denver Federal Records Center
Denver, CO

During this data capture effort, 100 boxes of information were reviewed and 44 documents were retrieved for the following DOE sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Annual plutonium body burden calculation, photodosimetry evaluation book “bible,” revised dose estimates for the criticality excursion at LANL, quarterly report (health safety and environmental division), Po urinalysis (primarily individual female samples), mortality among Pu and other radiation workers at a Pu Weapons Facility
Mound Plant Health physics coding instructions, Po urinalysis data (primarily female workers), historical review of 30 years of radiation exposure records, evaluation of the internal dose for Po-210 based on urine samples, trip report including some personnel exposure data, alphabetical list of personnel in people database

Grand Junction Operations Office
Grand Junction, CO

Approximately 97 boxes of information were reviewed and 183 documents were retrieved for the following DOE site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Grand Junction Operations Office Disposition and control of uranium mill tailings, airborne readings from mill tailings, evaluation of radon 222 near uranium tailings piles, indoor radon progeny exposure evaluation study, Maximum Permissible Concentrations (MPCs) for radon and other isotopes in uranium mills, radiological characteristics of uranium mill tailings, radon concentrations in residences and outdoor near or on uranium mill tailings, Union Carbide uranium production and allocation reports, and uranium mines problems

Miamisburg, OH

During this data capture trip, information on the following DOE site was retrieved:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Mound Plant Chapter 2 of the T Building Safety Analysis Report and the Final Safety Analysis Report for the Tritium Complex

Richland, WA

This data capture trip was a result of requested searches on Hanford’s databases for Ames Laboratory, Chapman Valve, Dow Chemical Co., Electro Metallurgical, Linde Air Products, Linde Ceramics Plant, Revere Copper and Brass, and Simonds Saw & Steel Co. Fourteen boxes, 17 classified documents, and 78 videos were reviewed. Several documents, four videos, and one box of information were retrieved. Some documents and one video were classified. Selected documents are currently in the process of being reviewed by the Hanford Classification Officer. All videos reviewed and selected were Hanford related (N Reactor, Fuel Fabrication).

Information was retrieved for the following DOE sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Ames Laboratory Undergoing classification review
Chapman Valve Undergoing classification review
Hanford Undergoing classification review

Department of Energy
Germantown, MD

Five preselected classified documents were reviewed. Only two were found relevant and retrieved for the following DOE sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Sites
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Pantex Plant

College Park National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
College Park, MD

This data capture trip is a continuation of the review of the “Oak Ridge Records Series 6” collection. One hundred boxes of information were reviewed and several documents were selected.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Various DOE and AWE Sites Undergoing classification review

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) Records Archive
Carlsbad, NM

During this data capture effort, 112 boxes of information were reviewed and 192 documents were retrieved for the following DOE sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Hallam Sodium Graphite Reactor Deactivation study, thermal neutron flux distribution, various pre-operational assumptions/calculations, technical memo on radiation streaming in control and assemblies, contract documents, general hot cell discussions, testing report on radiation shielding, daily reports with Rx power, equipment location, fuel and irradiation studies, technical specifications, training manual, organizational chart, general rules for guards, time sheets and listing of personnel job titles, radioactive waste estimates, shielding design criteria, and trip report
Piqua Organic Moderated Reactor Weekly reports, phase II testing report on radiation shielding, and operations analysis and progress report

Hagley Museum and Library
Wilmington, DE

Nineteen boxes of information were reviewed and 168 documents were retrieved for the following DOE sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Hanford Meeting minutes, bioassay manual, fuel element failures, uranium isotope analysis, radiation readings for 221 building, thorium program, calibrated film, document control record index, reactor shielding, new uranium metal plant, trip reports, gamma activity of tritium slugs
Savannah River Site Gamma readings in 221-F building, neutron monitors data, reactor incidents, alleged environmental damages, report on criticality incident, radioiodine from 200f stack, trip reports, effect of the plant on environmental radioactivity, standards for protection against radiation, extrusion press, tritium bioassay samples shutdown, curium production facilities, shielding of duct and neutron leakage, monitoring heat exchange leaks, reactor atmosphere, radio safety intentional violation, shielding calculations

College Park National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
College Park, MD

During this data capture effort, College Parks Master Location Registers (MLR) for Record Series 319, 326, 430, and 434 were reviewed to locate information for various DOE and AWE sites.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Various DOE and AWE Sites Finding aids for Record Series 319, 326, 430, and 434

College Park National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
College Park, MD

This effort marked the completion of the “Oak Ridge Records Series 6” collection. Twenty-six boxes of information were reviewed and 127 documents were retrieved. Nine additional boxes were reviewed in addition to the Series 6 collection. The notes and documents retrieved were sent for classification review.

Information was retrieved for the following DOE sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Ames Laboratory Undergoing classification review
Battelle Laboratories (King Avenue) Undergoing classification review
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (X-10) Undergoing classification review

Richland, WA

Preselected documents were reviewed and 138 documents were retrieved for the following DOE sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Ames Laboratory Generator assessment, closeout of cooperative agreement, waste management audits, request for a storage disposal approval record, burial approval and cask/liner, waste shipments to Hanford, trip report
Hanford Uranium oxide specifications, uranium oxide operations, enriched UO3, safety analysis report, chemical research report, neptunium analytical data, summary of analytical methods, uranium scrap burning facility, specifications for uranium metal billets, manuals of radiation protection standards, history of Hanford exposure limits
Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant (K-25) Minutes of nuclear safety committee meetings
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (X-10) Analytical progress report, contaminant scoping survey, hazards report for Building 3517, safety assessment
Y-12 Plant Industrial hygiene progress reports, urinalyses, maintenance division personnel reports

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) Records Archives
Carlsbad, NM

Ninety eight boxes of information were reviewed and 59 documents were retrieved for the following DOE sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Area IV of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory Reactor safety reports for different reactors, snapshot vehicle dosimetry, space reactor assessment, annual groundwater monitoring report, sodium reactor experiment dismantling, shield test and irradiation procedures
General Atomics Preliminary safety information on Standard Modular High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor (MHTGR), High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor (HTGR) general information
Hanford SP-200 related material, irradiation history, ground engineering system report
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Audit response, waste certification plan, radium septic waste disposal recommendation
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) SP-100 safety evaluating report, general radiation properties of Pu238

Miamisburg, OH

Preselected documents were reviewed and 58 documents were retrieved for the following DOE site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Mound Plant Illegible entries of bioassay logbooks were rescanned

Sandia National Laboratories
Albuquerque, NM

Various material was reviewed and meetings were held with site personnel. Five documents were retrieved for the following DOE sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Hangar 481 1992 roster of Ross Aviation personnel, article issued on the 25th anniversary of Ross Aviation
Sandia National Laboratories Criteria for determining if a document is a record, site maps from 1949 to 1994, and A History of Exceptional Service in the National Interest

Hagley Museum and Library
Wilmington, DE

Fifteen boxes of information and 251 documents were retrieved for the following DOE sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Clinton Engineer Works (CEW) General history, dummy slug program
Hanford Plant histories, list of HW reports relating to issues, and weekly reports
Savannah River Site Curium production facilities, Area 200 meeting minutes, quarterly reports, waste handling and generation material, history reports, epidemiology study data, closure of seepage basins, air sampling, trip reports, and purification of irradiated U235, and Po production

GE Evendale
Evendale, OH

Preselected documents were reviewed and 20 were retrieved for GE Evendale. The following information was retrieved: zone number coding, environmental hygiene organization chart from 1959, job descriptions from 1958, whole body and lung count results for a decon worker, 1987 status reviews for Buildings D and C-West, and a 1990 affidavit on contracts, radioactive material, and waste disposal.

Sandia National Laboratories
Albuquerque, NM

Eleven boxes of information were reviewed and various documents were selected and are going through classification review. The purpose of this data capture trip was to determine the extent and potential usefulness of future data captures at the site.

Richland, WA

Preselected documents were reviewed for this data capture trip and 28 documents were retrieved for the following DOE sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Ames Laboratory Iowa Commodity Irradiation Report, design development report, correspondences
Chapman Valve Samples of Chapman Valve purchases from Hanford
Hanford Interviews with Hanford employees, construction specification for 241-BX tank farm waste transfer, historical uranium transactions, comparison of Hanford material, data on UO3 shipments

Savannah River Site
Aiken, SC

Five boxes of preselected documents were reviewed and 20 documents were retrieved for the Savannah River Site. The documents are undergoing classification review. The information captured relates to the development and use of metal tritides.

Amarillo, TX

Staff toured the Pantex facility and discussions were made in regards to classified information.

Sandia National Laboratories
Albuquerque, NM

Several documents pertaining to Ross Aviation were selected and are in the process of classification review.

DOE Legacy Management
Morgantown, PA

Twenty-seven boxes of information were reviewed and 71 documents were retrieved during this data capture effort.

Information was retrieved for the following DOE site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Mound Plant Contamination surveys in the SW and R Buildings from the mid 1970s to 1993

Mesa College
Grand Junction, CO

Various files were reviewed during this data capture effort. Thirty-nine documents and three catalogs were retrieved. General information was retrieved on tritium report bibliographies from the 1970s and 3 Mesa State College DOE Collection catalogs.

In addition, information was retrieved on the following DOE site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Grand Junction Operations Office Pilot plant reports; a history of the uranium industry on the Colorado Plateau; ore source reports with assay data; series of Y-12 reports, which were provided to Grand Junction, on the recovery of uranium from carnotite ore

Oak Ridge Public Library
Oak Ridge, TN

Various files were reviewed and ten documents were retrieved. Information was retrieved on the following DOE site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Clinton Engineer Works History of Oak Ridge and Clinton Engineer Works, newspaper and other photographs from 1940s, history of Clinton Laboratory, and cubicle operations manual

Grand Junction Operations Office
Grand Junction, CO

Seven boxes and various folders were reviewed. Eighty documents and one CD were retrieved.

Information was retrieved on the following DOE sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Battelle Laboratories (King Avenue and West Jefferson) Site and project histories, surveys, shipping records, and thorium work
Mound Plant Neutron source information and the completion report for the disposal of Unit IV
Pinellas Plant Environmental reports

University of Tennessee Special Collection
Knoxville, TN

During this data capture effort, 19 boxes of information were reviewed and 45 documents were retrieved

Information was retrieved on the following DOE site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Clinton Engineer Works Urinalysis program, redacted badge and urinalysis reports, instrument calibration, film badge general information, procedure for high band count, radioactivity hazards and instructions, interpretation of film badge readings, personnel monitoring, radiological incidents, site history, and health physics report

Y-12 Plant
Oak Ridge, TN

Log sheets were reviewed during this data capture effort. One document and two sets of log sheets were retrieved. A summary document that details every isotope production campaign carried out and log sheets for tanks 608 and 610 were retrieved on the Y-12 Plant.

San Bruno Federal Records Center/National Archives and Records Administration
Knoxville, TN

During this data capture effort, 23 boxes of information were reviewed and 8 documents were retrieved.

Information was retrieved on the following DOE sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Clinton Engineer Works 1940’s documents containing names and assignments along with samples of employee files and Beta runs. Most of the data retrieved is related to Y-12.
Y-12 Plant 1940’s documents containing names and assignments along with samples of employee files and Beta runs. Most of the data retrieved is related to Y-12.

Richland, WA

Preselected materials from the November 29-December 2, 2010 and December 8, 2010, data capture trips were reviewed and 118 documents were retrieved.

Information was retrieved on the following DOE site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Hanford Material relating to US Testing and 231-Z and a Nuclear Materials Management and Safeguards System (NMMSS) document

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Oak Ridge, TN

Seventy-four documents were retrieved relating to the Clinton Engineer Works and Chapman Valve facilities.

Richland, WA

During this data capture effort, 2 boxes of information were reviewed and 30 documents were retrieved.

Information was retrieved on the following DOE site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Hanford Material relating to 231-Z

Atlanta National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Morrow, GA

One hundred and seven boxes of information were reviewed and 15 documents were retrieved during this data capture effort.

Information was retrieved on the following DOE site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Clinton Engineer Works (CEW) Reference to Roane-Anderson insurance company, First aid stations with some reference to warehouses, warehouse construction and those in Area 0101

Memorandum of Understanding Between the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Department of Energy

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and DOE signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in Fiscal Year 2019. The MOU describes how the Agencies will work together to carry out their responsibilities under The Act and Executive Order 13179. Part of the agreement covers how HHS and DOE will coordinate data search and capture activities.