2011 General Activities on Department of Energy (DOE) Cases

DCAS will reconstruct radiation doses by evaluating all appropriate data relevant to which an individual worker or group of workers have been exposed, particularly when radiation monitoring data are unavailable, incomplete, or of poor quality. The data used for the dose reconstructions will be obtained through requests sent to DOE and data search and capture efforts.

DCAS along with Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU), the contractor hired to support NIOSH’s responsibilities under The Act, have been involved in data search and capture efforts. These efforts are being conducted at various DOE sites and federal and private records storage locations throughout the United States to retrieve radiation monitoring data needed to conduct dose reconstructions.

2011 Data Search and Capture

Department of Energy Legacy Management
Morgantown, WV

During this data capture trip, 22 boxes of information were reviewed.

Information was retrieved on the following DOE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Feed Materials Production Center (Fernald) 15 boxes of urine sample cards and 5 boxes of recycled uranium reports and backing documentation boxes were collected. Samples were taken of two boxes (individual radiation exposure records, performance evaluations).

Battelle Laboratories
Columbus, OH

During this data reconnaissance trip, documents located in the records holding area and in file cabinets in several offices were reviewed. No documents were retrieved during this trip.

The documents reviewed related to the following DOE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Sites
Battelle Laboratories (King Avenue)
Battelle Laboratories (West Jefferson)

Sandia National Laboratories
Albuquerque, NM

Preselected materials were reviewed and several other documents were reviewed and selected.

Information was retrieved on the following DOE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Sites Information Retrieved
Hangar 481 Photos of Hangar 481
Sandia National Laboratories Records pertaining to the Reactor Division SEC (1957-1962)

Department of Energy Legacy Management
Morgantown, WV

Thirteen boxes of information were reviewed and retrieved during this data capture effort.

Information was retrieved on the following DOE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Feed Materials Production Center (Fernald) 13 boxes of urine sample cards

Richland, WA

Preselected materials were reviewed and four documents were retrieved for Hanford. Material relating to the Nuclear Management & Safeguards System (NMMS) was retrieved.

Richland, WA

Seventy-nine documents that were reviewed during a previous data capture trip were retrieved. Information on US Testing procedures, audits, memos, and status reports for Hanford were retrieved.

Richland, WA

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory classified documents and one box of records relating to US Testing were reviewed. Interviews were also conducted with former Hanford employees. Several documents that were retrieved were sent to the Hanford Classification Officer for review.

Oak Ridge Associated University (ORAU)
Oak Ridge, TN

Twenty-two documents that were reviewed during a previous data capture trip were retrieved.

Information was retrieved on the following DOE site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Y-12 Plant Y-12 Calutron logs and production records

Richland, WA

Three documents were retrieved during this data capture trip. The following information was retrieved:

ending inventory figures in pounds, data on UO3 shipments, and combined operations involving Hanford and Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant (K-25).

The documents apply to the following DOE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Sites
Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant (K-25)

Y-12 Plant
Oak Ridge, TN

During this data capture trip, 3 boxes of information were reviewed and 22 documents were retrieved. Documents concerning the Y-12 owned and operated Mobile In Vivo Lab (MIVL) were retrieved.

The documents apply to the following DOE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Sites
Extrusion Plant (Reactive Metals Inc.)
Feed Materials Production Center (Fernald)
Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant
Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant
Weldon Spring Plant
Y-12 Plant

Richland, WA

Seventy-one documents from the Records Holding Task Group (RHTG) collection and one query result from the Hanford Radiological Exposure System (REX) were reviewed. Seventy-two documents were retrieved. In addition, a data query result on the REX system was collected.

Information was retrieved on the following DOE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Sites Information Retrieved
Ames Laboratory 1942 final report on a research and development program connected with the Atomic Bomb Plutonium Project
Feed Materials Production Center (Fernald) Fernald quarterly reports (7/1/71-09/30/71 and 10/1/71-12/30/71)
Hanford Accountability report, request for enriched uranium and depleted uranium, memos, information on recovered U-235 from P-10 operations, annual U3O8 in ore requirements, estimated consumption, feed stock requirement, budget for 1960, uranium balance for cost development
Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant (K-25) Accountability report, request for enriched uranium and depleted uranium, memos, information on recovered U-235 from P-10 operations
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (X-10) Annual U3O8 in ore requirements, estimated consumption, feed stock requirement
Savannah River Site Budget for 1960, uranium balance for cost development

Savannah River Site
Aiken, SC

A data reconnaissance trip was conducted to assist in a future data capture effort. No documents were retrieved.

Richland, WA

Fourteen documents were retrieved during this data capture trip on the following DOE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Sites Information Retrieved
Clinton Engineer Works (CEW) Project 58 SMX reports
Hanford Report on analysis of U-233 solution

Department of Energy Headquarters
Washington, D.C.

Several documents were reviewed and 3 documents were retrieved on the following DOE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Hanford Records, memos, and newspaper clippings relating to US Testing were retrieved (documents are in the process of classification review)

Richland, WA

During this data capture effort, 23 Records Holding Task Group (RHTG) documents were reviewed relating to Hanford. One document was retrieved and sent to classification review.

Department of Energy Legacy Management
Morgantown, WV

Sixteen boxes of information were reviewed during this data capture effort. Sixteen boxes and an additional 29 documents were retrieved.

Information was retrieved on the following DOE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Sites Information Retrieved
Feed Materials Production Center (Fernald) 16 boxes of information on recycled uranium
Grand Junction Operations Office 29 documents including progress reports, aerial photos, site maps, and building drawings from 1958 to 1975

Department of Energy (Germantown)
Germantown, MD

The purpose of this data capture effort was to review classified documents. No documents were selected because the documents cannot be declassified. Notes were taken and are currently being reviewed by the facility classification officer.

The documents reviewed apply to the following DOE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Sites
Pantex Plant

Grand Junction Operations Office
Grand Junction, CO

Nineteen boxes of information pulled by the facility staff were reviewed. A total of 82 documents were retrieved.

The documents apply to the following DOE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Sites Information Retrieved
Uranium Mill at Shiprock External exposure assessments of the tailings and flood plain, measurements of the soil concentrations of uranium, thorium, and radium, remediation contracts and work plans, the soil and tailings characteristics including particle size and moisture, plot of the sampling locations, the engineering assessment, the final radon barrier cover thickness, aerial progress photos, the borehole logs, the embankment radium content, and the site geologic characterization

Mesa State College
Grand Junction, CO

During this data capture trip, 18 documents were reviewed and retrieved.

The documents apply to the following DOE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Sites Information Retrieved
Grand Junction Pilot Plant Documents comprising the Pilot Plant progress from 1953-1959
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (X-10) Report on the decontamination of the ORNL Thorex Pilot Plant
Uranium Mill at Shiprock Phase II Title I Engineering Assessment and Summary, and the Assessment of the Impact of the Tailings at Shiprock

Richland, WA

Nine documents were retrieved during this data capture effort.

The documents apply to the following DOE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Sites Information Retrieved
Hanford Waste classification sampling plan, processing summary report, strategic planning for hot cell closure, and documents relating to the 324 building
Pinellas Plant July 1995 summary report occurrence reporting and processing system, treatability studies sample exclusion, air quality area designations and classifications for Department of Energy facilities

Battelle Laboratories
Columbus, OH

Documents were reviewed in various rooms and holding areas at Battelle Laboratories and 243 documents were retrieved.

The documents apply to the following DOE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Sites Information Retrieved
Battelle Laboratories (King Avenue) Summary of technical reports, neutron flux readings, Nuclear Regulatory Commission inspection report, procedures including: accounting and processing enriched uranium, thorium metal procurement, product inventory (normal uranium , enriched uranium, deplete thorium), monthly/quarterly progress reports, quarterly inspection of criticality units, radiological incidents, radiological surveys including: air, water, external, and smear surveys neutron/gamma dose rates fluorimetric air and dust sample analysis, reactor subcommittee reviews, shielding calculations, studies of fission-gas release, thorium rod rolling, and x-ray generating devices
Battelle Laboratories (West Jefferson)

Department of Energy Legacy Management
Morgantown, WV

Thirty-five boxes of information were reviewed and 66 documents were retrieved.

The documents apply to the following DOE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Sites Information Retrieved
Feed Materials Production Center–FMPC (Fernald) Documents concerning recycled uranium at Fernald

Grand Junction Operations Office
Morgantown, WV

Twenty-six boxes of information were reviewed and 344 documents were retrieved during this data capture effort for Grand Junction Operations Office. The following information was retrieved: thermoluminescent dosimeter result printouts, working level month printouts, thermoluminescent dosimeter issue logs, radworker training rosters, radiation work permits with sign-in sheets, individual employee exposure records, and source accountability records including neutron logging sources.

US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Public Document Room
Rockville, MD

Reels of microfiche were reviewed and 141 documents were retrieved.

The documents retrieved apply to the following DOE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Reviewed
Battelle Laboratories (King Avenue and West Jefferson) License authorization, safety evaluation report, amendments to licenses
General Electric Company (Ohio) Source material licenses, amendments to licenses, stack sampling, radiation contamination
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) License information, certificate of disposition of materials, plutonium contamination received from Exxon Nuclear Company, audit reports
Savannah River Site Draft environmental statement, safety summary report, state observation of audit, environmental documents from audits

Department of Energy (Germantown)
Germantown, MD

One hundred documents were reviewed during this data capture effort. No documents were selected because the classified documents can not be declassified.

Notes taken by reviewers will be reviewed by the classification officer.

The documents reviewed apply to the following DOE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Reviewed
Pantex Plant Processes and exposure measurements associated with Pantex operations

Richland, WA

Classified interviews were conducted with current and former Hanford workers. Classified documents were reviewed but they can not be declassified. Notes taken from reviewers are going through classification review. Interviews and document reviews primarily covered Building 324, Plutonium Finishing Plant, the WR vault, Building 306, and the 179 Laboratory.

US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Public Document Room
Rockville, MD

Reels of microfiche were reviewed and 88 documents were retrieved during this data capture effort.

The documents apply to the following DOE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Battelle Laboratories (King Avenue & West Jefferson) License amendments, annual environmental reports
Feed Materials Production Center–FMPC (Fernald) License information
General Atomics Semi-annual effluent report
General Electric Company (Ohio) License amendments, confirmatory radiological survey of Building C-West
Mallinckrodt Chemical Company License revision, tailings analysis
Savannah River Site Shipment information, inspection report, comparison of SRS and West Valley wastes, environmental impact statement
Uranium Mill at Shiprock Radiological and engineering assessment
Weldon Spring Plant Plant status in 1980, decontamination and disposition plan, health physics survey

Department of Energy Legacy Management
Morgantown, WV

Twenty boxes of information were reviewed and 93 documents were retrieved during this data capture effort.

The documents apply to the following DOE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Feed Materials Production Center–FMPC (Fernald) Pre-1986 bioassay data

Richland, WA

During this data search for formally top secret documents, 8 documents were retrieved for the Hanford facility. The following was retrieved: list of drawings for 231-Z building, WR vault and Plutonium Finishing Plant, 241-WR vault documents and photos, and 324 building documents.

Pantex Plant
Amarillo, TX

Twenty-five boxes of information were reviewed and 75 documents and one CD were retrieved for the Pantex Plant. Bioassay and air sample data and early procedures were retrieved. The documents are going through classification review.

Richland, WA

Four documents were retrieved for the Hanford facility. Anomalies of nuclear criticality and lessons learned for Purex and UO3 facilities deactivation were retrieved.

US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Public Document Room
Rockville, MD

Reels of microfiche were reviewed and 107 documents were retrieved during this data capture trip.

The documents retrieved apply to the following DOE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Reviewed
Battelle Laboratories (King Avenue and West Jefferson) License documents, annual environmental reports
Feed Materials Production Center-FMPC (Fernald) Radiological control plan, license amendments, U235 concentration, health and safety plan
General Electric Company (Ohio) License amendment
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Audit report of civilian waste management, license document for export of H3 to Sweden, laboratory audit, use of Pu-Be sources, review of laboratory research
Mallinckrodt Chemical Company Decontamination and decommissioning plan, nuclear material license, characterization plan, corporate entity name change
Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant Technical safety requirements, radioactive waste management program, criticality alarm testing
Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant Shipment of UF6 from Russia
Savannah River Site Environmental report, safety analysis report

Richland, WA

Two documents were reviewed and retrieved. Information on mobile surface contamination was retrieved for the following DOE site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Sites
Uranium Mill at Shiprock

Richland, WA

Classified documents were reviewed for the Hanford facility, along with facility photos and 11 boxes of information (4 of them were classified). Several documents were selected and are going through classification review. Documents reviewed related to Purex, PFP, and 306 Building. Classified reviews were conducted with current and former Hanford workers.

US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Public Document Room
Rockville, MD

Reels of microfiche were reviewed and 83 documents were retrieved.

Information was retrieved for the following DOE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Reviewed
Brookhaven National Laboratory Iodine absorption, chemical composition of high level radioactive waste
Grand Junction Operations Office Radiological and engineering assessment
Hanford License information, trip reports, low level waste disposal facility closure plan, geological information, compliance inspection, Skagit/Hanford nuclear project information, basalt waste isolation project information, plutonium contaminated glove bags, canister material study
Idaho National Laboratory Criteria for packaging transuranic waste, long term management of transuranic waste, liquid metal fast breeder reactor information, source term measurement
Ore Buying Station at Moab Trip report, environmental monitoring review, survey information
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (X-10) Stability of cesium iodine notes

Richland, WA

Boxes of classified documents and documents that were requested from Hanford were reviewed. Several documents were selected and are going through classification review.

Richland, WA

Eighty-six documents that had been previously selected were reviewed and retrieved. The following information was retrieved: Uranium oxide source data, Plutonium Finishing Plant (PFP) analytical report, technical services section, occurrence report, radiation survey report, engineering specifications, dose rate from handling depleted uranium rods, 308 building incident investigations, Building 306-W documents, Z-Plant weekly reports, Atlantic Richfield Hanford Company production reports, Rockwell Hanford Operations weekly production reports, and ending inventory figures in pounds.

US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Public Document Room
Rockville, MD

Reels of microfiche were reviewed and 186 documents were retrieved during this data capture effort.

Information was retrieved for the following DOE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Reviewed
Battelle Laboratories (King Avenue and West Jefferson) License material, material balance report, radiological status
General Electric Company (Ohio) License material
Grand Junction Operations Office AEC license to transfer source material
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Audit report
Mallinckrodt Chemical Company Fuel pin shipments, environmental measurements, health physics procedure, inspection report and violations
Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant Radioactive shipment contents, transfer of control to USEC, plant certification, compliance report
Weldon Spring Plant Material/equipment responsibility, contract termination

Richland, WA

Twenty-four documents that had been previously selected were reviewed and retrieved. The following information was retrieved: Radiological control records, Atlantic Richfield Hanford Company monthly reports, Purex projects lists, 231-Z floor plans, safety analysis report, and Purex safety documents.

Battelle Laboratories
Columbus, Ohio

Information located in various rooms and holing areas were reviewed and 45 documents were retrieved during this data capture effort. The following information was retrieved for the Battelle Laboratories sites (Kings Ave. and West Jefferson): hazard reports for different experiments, assigned personnel listings for different locations, radiological incidents, reactor irradiation requests, brief (non-technical) discussion of thorium precautions, radiological surveys with a couple paired neutron/photon readings, general bioassay program information, and special environmental survey around JN-1 building perimeter.

Department of Energy Legacy Management
Morgantown, WV

Seven boxes of information were reviewed and retrieved.

The documents retrieved apply to the following DOE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Reviewed
Grand Junction Operations Office Approximately 1,000 individual dosimetry files

Department of Energy
Germantown, MD

Several documents were selected and are undergoing classification review before the documents can be released.

The documents undergoing classification review apply to the following DOE site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Sites
Pantex Plant

Richland, WA

Classified and unclassified boxes and documents of information that apply to Hanford were reviewed. Several documents were selected and are undergoing classification review. Selected documents were sent to be reviewed by a classification officer and will be made available for duplication. This includes two boxes that are to be scanned in their entirety.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (X-10)
Oak Ridge, TN

During this data capture trip, several file cabinets of records were reviewed and 398 documents were retrieved. Oak Ridge National Laboratory incident reports were retrieved.

Savannah River Site
Aiken, SC

Nine boxes of information were reviewed and 525 documents were retrieved for Savannah River Site. Radiation exposure data, fission product bioassay data, and thorium work was retrieved.

University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN

During this data capture trip, 27 boxes of information were reviewed and 45 documents were retrieved.

Information was retrieved for the following DOE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Reviewed
Environmental Measurements Laboratory (EML) Environmental quarterly, appendix to environmental quarterly
Hanford Airborne particle releases at Hanford, HP records including redacted exposure records
Idaho National Laboratory (INL) Army Boiling Water Reactor quarterly progress report
Metallurgical Laboratory Metabolism of fission products, radiation hazards from X-metal
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Personnel monitoring operating techniques, HP and exposure records, area background checks 1951-1958, personnel monitoring weekly reports 1954-1956, HP research, internal exposure data
Y-12 Plant HP and exposure records, cauldrons after 30 years boon to medicine, personnel monitoring weekly exposure resume 1954, HP research at ORNL

Denver Federal Records Center
Denver, CO

During this data capture effort, 120 boxes of information were reviewed and 50 documents were retrieved.

Information was retrieved for the following DOE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Reviewed
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Americium sample safe handling procedure, Chemical & Metallurgy Research (CMR) interim technical safety requirements, CMR quarterly reports, CMR-Bldg 29 radiation work permits and surveys discharge to TA-53 lagoons, graphed radiation exposure for Los Alamos employees, notice of intent to discharge related to omega west reactor operation of KAMAN model A-711, sealed tube neutron generator, personnel time tracking and work codes, radiological incidents, radiological surveys, solid radioactive waste disposal permits, and waste management site plan

Sandia National Laboratories
Albuquerque, NM

Several boxes were reviewed. Numerous documents were retrieved and are undergoing classification review. Interviews were conducted with current and former site employees and tours of the site were given.

Richland, WA

Eight boxes of information and a document located in the classified area were reviewed. Numerous documents were retrieved and are undergoing classification review.

Atlanta National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Morrow, GA

Eighty-one boxes of information were reviewed and 17 documents were retrieved during this data capture effort. In addition to site-specific information, general information on an eyewitness account of the Hiroshima blast was retrieved.

The documents retrieved apply to the following DOE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Reviewed
Clinton Engineer Works (CEW) Personnel rosters
Hanford Organization chart
Pacific Proving Ground Personnel listing

Memorandum of Understanding Between the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Department of Energy

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and DOE signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in Fiscal Year 2019. The MOU describes how the Agencies will work together to carry out their responsibilities under The Act and Executive Order 13179. Part of the agreement covers how HHS and DOE will coordinate data search and capture activities.