2012 General Activities on Department of Energy (DOE) Cases

DCAS will reconstruct radiation doses by evaluating all appropriate data relevant to which an individual worker or group of workers have been exposed, particularly when radiation monitoring data are unavailable, incomplete, or of poor quality. The data used for the dose reconstructions will be obtained through requests sent to DOE and data search and capture efforts.

DCAS along with Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU), the contractor hired to support NIOSH’s responsibilities under The Act, have been involved in data search and capture efforts. These efforts are being conducted at various DOE sites and federal and private records storage locations throughout the United States to retrieve radiation monitoring data needed to conduct dose reconstructions.

2012 Data Search and Capture

Battelle Laboratory (King Avenue)
Columbus, OH

During this data capture trip, 12 filing cabinets of information were reviewed and 290 documents were retrieved.

The documents apply to the following DOE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Sites Information Retrieved
Battelle Laboratories (King Avenue) Individual employee monitoring files, where the monitoring was initiated prior to 1956; incident reports
Battelle Laboratories (West Jefferson)

Richland, WA

Fifty-nine boxes of information were reviewed and numerous documents were selected and are undergoing classification review. Interviews were also conducted with three former Hanford workers.

Denver Federal Records Center
Denver, CO

During this data capture trip, 187 boxes of information were reviewed, and 172 documents were retrieved.

The documents apply to the following DOE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Pu urine samples with QC data, SM-102 ductwork and air system information, in-vivo measurements, laboratory operating procedures, radiological incidents, solid waste disposal records, personnel listing by building, annual air sampling review, organization chart, nuclear material report, radiological surveys and waste management evaluation

Savannah River Site (SRS)
Aiken, SC

Eighty-three documents for Savannah River Site were scanned from documents that were selected from previous data capture trips. In addition, 16 boxes were reviewed and several documents were marked for copying (these include 3 entire boxes).

Ohio Department of Health
Columbus, OH

During this data reconnaissance trip, information from various file cabinets was reviewed and finding aids were retrieved.

They apply to the following DOE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Sites
Battelle Laboratories (King Avenue)
Battelle Laboratories (West Jefferson)

Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI)
Oak Ridge, TN

During this data capture trip, 133 OSTI documents were copied and scanned. These documents were previously selected during a site visit on February 21, 2012.

The documents apply to the following DOE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Los Alamos, NM

Ninety-six boxes of information and 1 box of microfiche was reviewed and 74 documents were retrieved for LANL. The following information was retrieved: tritium contamination limits, urine sample requests, in vivo measurements, new hire dosimetry requirements, bioassay requirements for protective force, HP monthly reports, environmental samples, nasal swipes and air sample results, and personnel monitoring device correction factors.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Oak Ridge, TN

During this data reconnaissance trip, information was retrieved on how records are indexed and searched at the ORNL Library, ORNL Library Attic, and ORNL Lab Records Attic.

Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI)
Oak Ridge, TN

Twenty-three boxes of information and 226 documents were scanned. Additional documents were also selected to be scanned and copied.

The documents apply to the following DOE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Bioassay monitoring, contamination monitoring, incidents, air sampling data, analysis methodology, neutron data, routine hand and foot monitoring counts, air monitoring data, sample of dosimetry records (1954-1955, 1957-1958), fast neutron dose rates, instruments manual, 1952 HP reports, tritium monitor, thorium slug tests, monitoring techniques, calibration of film, uranium urinalysis, magenta areas on fire map, hood flow rates, film response, meeting minutes, survey results, urinalysis report, film order in film badge, source information, potential rad exposure, air flow information, special surveys, badge system, daily pocket or film badge records, and personnel dose records for 1949-1953 and 1955

Richland, WA

Documents identified from last month’s visit to Hanford were retrieved. Additional documents were also scanned. All 210 documents retrieved applied to Hanford except for 22 in vivo, bioassay, and urinalysis records that related to uranium milling.

US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Public Document Room
Rockville, MD

Reels of microfiche were reviewed and 87 documents were retrieved. In addition to site-specific information listed below, the following information was retrieved: low level waste management, White Mesa mill uranium-bearing material, radiation study, Remington Arms Co. licensing, measuring tritium in soil by liquid scintillation, and waste definition.

The site-specific documents apply to the following DOE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Hanford Hanford health effects, licensing high level waste repository, seismic information, tanks was remediation, enforcement action
Uranium Mill at Moab Proposal for on-site reclamation of uranium mill tailings, modeling and analysis

Savannah River Site (SRS)
Aiken, SC

Five boxes of information were reviewed. During this data capture trip, 248 documents were scanned that were selected from previous data capture trips. Copies were completed and are now undergoing classification review.

Ohio Department of Health
Columbus, OH

Two documents were reviewed and retrieved during this data capture trip. The documents apply to the following DOE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Battelle Laboratory (King Avenue) 1979 and 2004 Battelle environmental reports

US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Public Document Room
Rockville, MD

Reels of microfiche were reviewed and 56 documents were retrieved. In addition to the site-specific information listed below, the following information was also retrieved: long-term surveillance and maintenance plan for the Green River Utah Disposal Site, safety evaluation supporting license renewal for Union Carbide Corporation Gas Hills Uranium Mill, Union Carbide Corporation reports of four releases of tailings at project and remedial actions, and alternatives tailing management study for the Uravan Mill.

The site-specific documents apply to the following DOE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Hanford Status of ongoing tritium in vegetation investigation at US Ecology, Tank 241-AN-106 characterization results
Moab Hill ALARA Report, NRC actions taken regarding allegation concerning problem of blowing dust from tailings at mill, environmental monitoring report, fire at site, gaseous effluent from site, bioassay program, radon analysis, information on yellow cake processing air cleaning devices, general site description, decommissioning plan, water balance study

Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI)
Oak Ridge, TN

Two boxes of information were reviewed and retrieved during this data capture effort.

The documents apply to the following DOE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Air monitoring results

Richland, WA

The purpose of this trip was to complete an unclassified write-up discussing historical operations at Hanford, with the materials of concern for the post-1972 83.14 SEC petition.

Savannah River Site (SRS)
Aiken, SC

Twenty-thousand pages were reviewed on microfiche and 200 documents were retrieved, including hand-written notes. Material accountability data from 10/1975 – 09/1998 to identify inventory details of thorium and two other radionuclides were retrieved.

New York State Archives
Albany, NY

During this data capture trip, 32 boxes of information were reviewed and 56 documents were retrieved.

The documents apply to the following DOE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Linde Ceramics Plant Memos regarding how to handle spills, special test badges at Linde, uranium transfers, accountability reports, health and safety at site, breath radon results, information on contracts, progress report, data of the Dracco reclamation system, counter-tubes installed, ore processing flowsheets, and discharge of effluent into wells

Rocky Flats Legacy Management (Mountain View)
Denver, CO

Eighty-six boxes of information were reviewed and 193 documents were retrieved for the Rocky Flats Plant during this data capture effort. Tritium related documents were retrieved.

Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI)
Oak Ridge, TN

During this data capture trip, 214 documents were retrieved. Staff continued to copy and scan documents that were selected during a site visit on February 21, 2012.

The documents apply to the following DOE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Neutron film with number of tracks per field, personnel dose information, personnel without film badges, film badge calibration and sensitivity, progress reports, survey summaries, ORNL history, x-ray sources, personnel contamination, radiation safety procedures, plutonium storage, various job descriptions, instrumentation recommendations, tritium bioassay methods, uranium-thorium castings, radiation incidents, canning of sources, background survey, analysis of fall-out activity, and nuclear science abstracts

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Oak Ridge, TN

Staff searched the ORNL vault to retrieve external dosimetry information. However, no material was located.

The trip was conducted to retrieve information on the following DOE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Sites
Ventron Corporation

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Oak Ridge, TN

Materials were indexed that apply to the following DOE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site
Information Reviewed
Monsanto Research Corp. (Mound) 461 documents indexed
Oak Ridge National Laboratory 1,225 documents indexed

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Oak Ridge, TN

During this data capture trip, preselected documents were scanned.

The documents apply to the following DOE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Monsanto Research Corp. (Mound Plant) 152 documents scanned
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) 5 documents scanned

Massachusetts Department of Health
Charlestown, MA

Fifteen boxes and 6 feet of loose documents were reviewed and 112 documents were retrieved.

The documents apply to the following DOE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Ventron Corp. Radiation dose characterization and risk, engineering evaluation, post remedial action report, health study, fact sheet, review of site characterization report, response to Beverly Citizen newspaper questions, data Gap summary for Building A & A1, license information
Winchester Engineering Analytical Center Employee interview, airborne information

Idaho National Laboratory
Idaho Falls, ID

A site tour was conducted at Idaho National Laboratory. Twenty-nine boxes were reviewed and 200 documents that applied to the facility were scanned and are awaiting classification review.

Environmental Management Consolidated Business Center (EMCBC)
Denver, CO

Two classified preselected documents were reviewed. Interviews were also conducted with three individuals.

The documents apply to the following DOE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Sites
Rocky Flats Plant

US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Public Document Room
Rockville, MD

Reels of microfiche were reviewed and 146 documents were captured during this effort.

The documents apply to the following DOE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Monthly highlights report, ORNL programs for the NRC Office of Nuclear Reg Research

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Oak Ridge, TN

During this data capture effort, 736 documents were retrieved for ORNL. Neutron and bioassay reports and other miscellaneous documents from the ORNL Central Files index were reviewed and scanned.

Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant
Piketon, OH

During this data reconnaissance trip to Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant, notes were taken from the trip. Database search results were also obtained along with an operations report, correspondence relating to the shutdown of HEU Cascade, and procedures for performing gamma surveys on cascade equipment and quantitative neutron measurements.

Idaho National Laboratory
Idaho Falls, ID

Seventy-one boxes of information were reviewed and 302 documents were retrieved for the Idaho National Laboratory. The following information was retrieved: neutron documents, visitor dosimetry reports, airborne release summaries, air sample data, environmental air monitoring data, personnel contamination, quarterly environmental reports, environmental monitoring program reports, positive whole body count data, contamination control, particle information, health physics logbook, and dosimetry procedures for film dosimetry.

Richland, WA

Meetings were held with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) Dosimetry staff. The Card Catalog was also reviewed during this data capture trip.

Pantex Plant
Amarillo, TX

Seventy-eight boxes of information were reviewed and 30 documents were retrieved. Ten boxes contained classified data.

The documents apply to the following DOE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Clarksville Modification Center Information indicating that personnel x-rays were performed off-site; limited amount of personnel exposure data

Idaho National Laboratory
Idaho Falls, ID

During this data capture trip, 165 boxes of records and one box of microfiche were reviewed and 1,176 documents were retrieved for Idaho National Laboratory. The following information was retrieved: air sample data, incident reports, personnel dosimetry files, health physics procedures, radiation exposure reports, dosimetry data, monthly health physics reports, and air monitoring data.

Oak Ridge National Laboratories (ORNL)
Oak Ridge, TN

Documents for ORNL were retrieved during this data capture effort. Approximately 112 Monsanto Research Corp. reports and dosimetry records for 16 workers were reviewed and 327 documents were retrieved. Bioassay and neutron documents and bioassay logbooks continue to be scanned.

San Bruno Federal Records Center
San Bruno, CA

During this data capture effort, 595 documents were retrieved.

The documents apply to the following DOE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Air sample data, bioassay exposure data and procedures, chemical procedures, laboratory procedures, occupational exposure reports, personal experimental logbooks, project descriptions, radiological incidents and surveys, routine daily logs, technical reports, termination reports, and various internal dosimetry notes and procedures

Department of Energy Germantown
Germantown, MD

Forty-seven documents were reviewed and 3 documents were retrieved. Most of the documents did not have any relevance to the kind of data needed. The documents that were selected are going through classification review.

The documents apply to the following DOE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Sites
Clarksville Modification Center
Medina Modification Center

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Oak Ridge, TN

During this data capture trip, 258 boxes of records were retrieved for Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). Scanning of bioassay and neutron documents and bioassay logbooks continues.

Sandia National Laboratories
Albuquerque, NM

Interviews were conducted with three site personnel. Meetings were also held with Record Center personnel, Dosimetry Laboratory personnel, and the Site Historian.

Environmental Management Consolidated Business Center (EMCBC)
Denver, CO

Seventy-two preselected documents were reviewed and 6 documents were retrieved.

The documents apply to the following DOE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Rocky Flats Plant Tritium documents; interview with a former Rocky Flats worker

Rocky Flats Legacy Management
Westminster, CO

During this data capture trip, 156 boxes of information were reviewed and 21 documents were retrieved. Exposure histories including tritium bioassay data, tritium stack releases, and airborne effluent data were retrieved for the Rocky Flats Plant.

Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI)
Oak Ridge, TN

During this data capture trip, 554 documents were reviewed. No documents were chosen due to the unlikelihood of declassification.

The documents apply to the following DOE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Reviewed
Rocky Flats Plant Awaiting the release of report titles and review notes

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Oak Ridge, TN

ORNL documents were indexed to assist in a future data capture effort.

Richland, WA

During this data capture trip, white papers were reviewed and a meeting with Hanford personnel occurred.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Oak Ridge, TN

Fifteen boxes of information were reviewed and 89 documents and 31 sets of author cards were reviewed. The following documents were retrieved: pocket meters monthly summaries, area monitoring, calibration charts, and calibration film. Keyword searches for topics in support of the Calutron and Cyclotron effort were also requested.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Oak Ridge, TN

ORNL documents were indexed during this data capture trip.

US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Public Document Room
Rockville, MD

Reels of microfiche were reviewed and 168 documents were retrieved.

The documents apply to the following DOE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Climax Uranium Mill in Grand Junction Proposed southwest tailing disposal area, report of an investigation of an incident resulting in the loss of mill waste to the Colorado river, license amendment, status report on uranium mill tailings and Hite situation
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Progress reports, H3 contamination, packaging data, survey plan, nuclear accident dosimetry, QA program description
UMETCO Minerals Corp. (Electro Metallurgical) License related material, environmental assessment
Uranium Mill in Maybell, CO Radon barrier material, license information, accidental discharge of solids tailings material, remedial action plan, discharge liquids in excess of limits
Uranium Mill in Rifle, CO Response to upgrading facility, material transfer to Rifle, building disposition

Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant
Piketon, OH

Seven classified documents were reviewed. The documents could not be declassified so notes were taken. The notes were cleared from the site classification officer.

Sandia National Laboratories – Livermore
Livermore, CA

No documents were reviewed during the trip. Meetings were held to discuss data issues with site personnel.

Albany Research Center
Albany, OR

During this data capture trip, 24 boxes and 8 file cabinet drawers of information were reviewed and 168 documents were retrieved for the Albany Research Center. The following documents were retrieved: personnel exposure reports (1987-2012), pre 1987 exposure information, radioactive material license information, health and safety program, air sample and radiation survey data, site maps and building floor plans, shipping information, radioactive material characterization, hot cell information, radioactive material inventory, radon study, hazardous assessment, and site history.

Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos, NM

During this effort, 344 preselected documents and 19 boxes of information were reviewed. Thirty-nine documents were retrieved.

The documents apply to the following DOE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Rocky Flats Plant Classified documents are being reviewed by the site classification officer

US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Public Document Room
Rockville, MD

Various microfiche documents were reviewed and 140 documents were retrieved.

The documents apply to the following DOE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Green Sludge Plant in Uravan License and environmental material, reclamation plan for heap leach, tailing pond overflow report
Latty Avenue Properties Decontamination of Building 2, radiation survey information, site remediation
Ore Buying Station at Grants Licensed material
Ore Buying Station at Riverton A-9 pit tailing disposal, air particulate samples, bioassay data environmental information, license material , monthly ALARA reports, monthly radiation reports, proposed heap leaching program, radiation safety program and environmental assessment information, radon gas samples, stack sampling, tailing water spill, unusual event
Uranium Mill at Maybell Inspection report, compliance documentation, effluent disposal
Uranium Mill at Moab Environmental sample, tailings pond data
Uranium Mill at Riverton A-9 pit tailing disposal, air particulate samples, bioassay data environmental information, license material , monthly ALARA reports, monthly radiation reports, proposed heap leaching program, radiation safety program and environmental assessment information, radon gas samples, stack sampling, tailing water spill, unusual event
Uranium Mill at Shiprock Radiation survey
Uranium Mill at Slick Rock (East and West) Completion report, request for thorium procedure information

Grand Junction Legacy Management
Grand Junction, CO

Forty-nine documents were retrieved relating to remediation issues and engineering assessments in uranium mills and one buying station.

The documents apply to the following DOE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site
Ore Buying Station at Edgemont
Uranium Mill in Abrosia Lake
Uranium Mill at Climax Mill
Uranium Mill in Falls City
Uranium Mill in Gunnison
Uranium Mill in Lowman
Uranium Mill in Maybell
Uranium Mill in Monument Valley
Uranium Mill in Naturita
Uranium Mill in Rifle
Uranium Mill in Riverton
Uranium Mill in Slick Rock (East and West)
Uranium Mill in Converse County (Spook Site)
Uranium Mill in Tuba City

Colorado Mesa University Library
Grand Junction, CO

During this data capture effort, various files were reviewed and 20 documents were retrieved.

The documents apply to the following DOE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Uranium Mill at Shiprock Radiation survey
Grand Junction Facilities WEAC Grand Junction-Winchester progress report binders covering 1951-1958
Idaho National Laboratory Inventory of ICPP calcined high-level waste, the removal of radionuclides from waste evaporator condensates, pilot plant operation of a geometrically safe denitrator
Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant Radiation emergency handbook, interpretation of neutron dosimetry results, a survey of available technology for measurement of U-235 in the cascades
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Tritium monitoring with proportional counters
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Proceedings from 1958 thorium – U-233 symposium
Y-12 Plant Report on separating uranium from urine, an evaluation of methods for detecting uranium particulates in the disposal stack

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Oak Ridge, TN

Two documents were scanned and indexed that were selected during a previous data capture visit.

Richland, WA

Thirty documents were retrieved during this data search and capture effort.

The documents apply to the following DOE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Baker Brothers Search results that Hanford conducted

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Oak Ridge, TN

During this data capture effort, 192 documents were reviewed and 137 documents were retrieved for ORNL. Fifty-four of the documents were not located at ORNL and may be at another location. Reports written by selected ORNL authors were pulled.

Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI)
Oak Ridge, TN

Twenty documents selected during the previous data capture visit to OSTI were copied.

The documents apply to the following DOE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Sites
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)

Richland, WA

Six documents were retrieved during this data capture effort.

The documents apply to the following DOE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Baker Brothers Search results that Hanford conducted

Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI)
Oak Ridge, TN

During this effort, 144 boxes of information were reviewed and 324 documents were retrieved. Boxes were selected from keyword searches conducted by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Documents are being reviewed by the site classification officer.

The documents apply to the following DOE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Isotope inventories and distribution, shipment information, costs, reports

Richland, WA

Hanford provided three documents on uranium hexafluoride in response to an earlier request. The documents apply to the Hanford site.

Richland, WA

During this effort, 62 search results that Hanford conducted were retrieved.

The documents apply to the following DOE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site
Baker Brothers

Kansas City Plant
Kansas City, MO

Seventy boxes of information were reviewed and several documents were selected on the Kansas City Plant. Historical records were retrieved and are going through classification review. Interviews were also conducted with current and former workers.

Memorandum of Understanding Between the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Department of Energy

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and DOE signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in Fiscal Year 2019. The MOU describes how the Agencies will work together to carry out their responsibilities under The Act and Executive Order 13179. Part of the agreement covers how HHS and DOE will coordinate data search and capture activities.