2013 General Activities on Department of Energy (DOE) Cases

DCAS will reconstruct radiation doses by evaluating all appropriate data relevant to which an individual worker or group of workers have been exposed, particularly when radiation monitoring data are unavailable, incomplete, or of poor quality. The data used for the dose reconstructions will be obtained through requests sent to DOE and data search and capture efforts.

DCAS along with Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU), the contractor hired to support NIOSH’s responsibilities under The Act, have been involved in data search and capture efforts. These efforts are being conducted at various DOE sites and federal and private records storage locations throughout the United States to retrieve radiation monitoring data needed to conduct dose reconstructions.

2013 Data Search and Capture

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Oak Ridge, TN

Sixty-one ORNL reports that were identified during an earlier effort were retrieved. Reports from selected authors and laboratory records were retrieved.

Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI)
Oak Ridge, TN

During this effort, 39 boxes of information were reviewed and 119 documents were retrieved.

The documents apply to the following DOE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Technical Manuscript Reports

Richland, WA

Sixteen documents were provided by the site in response to an earlier request.

The documents apply to the following DOE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Baker Brothers Documents relating to dose summary matrices and research diaries
Hanford Information on uranium hexafluoride

Sandia National Laboratories
Livermore, CA

During this data capture trip, staff reviewed site finding aids and procurement files, interviewed four current and three former personnel, reviewed examples of procedure document files, and reviewed documents from the Health Physics server.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Oak Ridge, TN

Forty-seven reports that were identified during an earlier effort were scanned.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Oak Ridge, TN

During this effort, 272 ORNL lab reports were reviewed and retrieved.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Oak Ridge, TN

Sixty-nine reports that were identified during an earlier effort were retrieved on ORNL.

Richland, WA

Four Hanford White Papers that were reviewed by the Hanford Classification Officer were retrieved.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Oak Ridge, TN

Sixty-nine reports that were identified during an earlier effort were retrieved on ORNL.

Battelle Laboratories (King Avenue)
Columbus, OH

During this data capture effort, 75 boxes of information and 15 microfilms were reviewed and 398 documents were retrieved.

The documents apply to the following DOE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Battelle Laboratory (King Avenue) NRC Inspection, radioactive material shipment records, license information, radiation work permits, environmental reports and data, radiological surveys radiological safety committee, radioactive material holdings, waste management plan, radiation safety audit, internal and external exposure data, personnel exposure information and some site population data, dosimetry reports, radiation exposure reports guidance, dose equalization for personnel, low level solid waste burial direction, reporting of occupational radiation information for 1991 and 1993

Radiological surveys, radioactive material holdings, radiological safety committee audit, final status surveys, license information, radiological incidents, personnel exposure information, nonconformance and occurrence reports, accumulative personal airborne data, direct and indirect surveys in subbasement of Building-A

Battelle Laboratory (West Jefferson) NRC Inspection, radioactive material shipment records, license information, radiation work permits, environmental reports and data, radiological surveys radiological safety committee, radioactive material holdings, waste management plan, radiation safety audit, internal and external exposure data, personnel exposure information and some site population data, dosimetry reports, radiation exposure reports guidance, dose equalization for personnel, low level solid waste burial direction, reporting of occupational radiation information for 1991 and 1993

Air emissions annual report 1991, air monitoring station locations, environmental monitoring record book, potential problem report (filter labeling issue), rescanning procedures pyrophoric plutonium scarp, radiological surveys, annual audits, radiological incidents, operations procedures, personnel exposure information, environmental survey data, routine audit of explosive joining of thorium

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Oak Ridge, TN

Six reports that were identified during an earlier effort were retrieved on ORNL.

Richland, WA

Eighteen documents were provided by the site in response to an earlier request. Search results were retrieved that included a list of names of former Hanford workers who oversaw the rolling of uranium at Joslyn Manufacturing and Supply Co.

Y-12 Plant
Oak Ridge, TN

During this data capture effort, 36 boxes of information were reviewed and 108 documents were retrieved. A review of Y-12’s Building 9212 Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) neutron/photon survey data was retrieved. Documents are currently going through a classification review.

Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI)
Oak Ridge, TN

Fifteen documents were reviewed and 12 documents and 7 excerpts were retrieved. All documents and excerpts are going though a classification review.

The documents apply to the following DOE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Battelle Laboratories (King Avenue) Eight documents and excerpts of four documents that were selected due to technical content
Rocky Flats Plant Excerpts of documents that were selected to make pertinent information available
Ventron Corporation Four documents selected

Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant
Piketon, OH

Staff reviewed 293 documents and retrieved 11 documents on the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant. The following information was retrieved during this effort: work packages with pre-job briefings for measurements, filter removal, accountable material confirmatory inventory and housekeeping, improper correction factor used for dosimetry calculation, and instrument calibration were retrieved during this effort.

Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI)
Oak Ridge, TN

One hundred and twenty-six documents were retrieved during this data capture trip. The documents apply to the following DOE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) ORNL Technical Manuscripts that were reviewed at an earlier February data capture effort

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Oak Ridge, TN

During this effort, 140 documents were retrieved for ORNL. Selected reports that are located in the ORNL attic library were retrieved and scanned.

Environmental Management Consolidated Business Center (EMCBC)
Denver, CO

Twelve documents and one interview were retrieved. Selected documents will be reviewed for classification.

The documents apply to the following DOE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Sites
Rocky Flats Plant

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Oak Ridge, TN

During this effort, 100 documents were scanned that are located in the ORNL attic library.

Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI)
Oak Ridge, TN

During this data capture trip, 116 boxes of information were reviewed and 210 documents were retrieved.

The documents apply to the following DOE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) ORNL Technical Manuscripts were reviewed and selected

Rocky Flats Legacy Management
Westminster, CO

Staff reviewed 137 boxes of information and two films of microfilm. Seventy-three documents and 66 photos were retrieved.

The documents apply to the following DOE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Rocky Flats Plant Tritium operations, tritium air sampling, tritium corrective actions and correspondence, sample preparation for tritium, qualitative reporting of individual job-specific bioassay results, special tritium bioassay, curium-244 analysis history

Richland, WA

Ninety documents were scanned for the Hanford facility.

These documents were selected during an earlier March data capture effort.

Y-12 Plant
Oak Ridge, TN

Surveys with paired neutron/photon readings and periodic Health Physics reports were retrieved for the Y-12 Plant. Thirty-two boxes of information were reviewed and 42 documents were retrieved.

Richland, WA

During this data capture trip, 77 boxes of information were reviewed, interviews were conducted, and the Card Catalog was reviewed. Numerous unclassified and classified documents were retrieved.

The documents apply to the following DOE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Hanford Radioisotope production technology development (1989), Multiple Isotope Production (MIP) testing, MIP test assembly and dose rates before irradiation, security plan for metal fuel fabrication in the 308 Building, minutes of meeting on dimensional stability of uranium, U-233 source in 308 Building Annex, analysis of Purex UO3 Environmental Impact Statement for neptunium in Q-Cell, tritium research and development progress reports, advanced tritium extraction program review, and methods and models of Hanford internal dosimetry program
Joslyn Manufacturing and Supply Co. Security at the Joslyn Manufacturing and Supply Co.

Albany Research Center
Albany, OR

Fifty-three boxes and 80 file cabinet drawers of information were reviewed and 265 documents were retrieved.

The documents apply to the following DOE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Albany Research Center Recovery/extraction of uranium, notes related to thorium, Co 60 facility license information, radioisotope laboratory procedure, soil washing, Albany site bulletins
Ames Laboratory Metallurgical progress reports, separation of metals including thorium, uranium-manganese-copper alloy systems, thorium/titanium/vanadium/zinc alloy systems, production and separation of U233
Argonne National Laboratory – East Uranium/thorium/beryllium meeting, radiation safety about plutonium, isolation and chemistry of americium, oxides of transuranium elements, summary of nuclear chemistry work
Battelle Laboratories (King Avenue & West Jefferson) Ceramic coated fuel pellets, properties of magnesium-thorium alloys, uranium and thorium metallurgy, studies of metal clad uranium, large batch melting of uranium, metallurgy and properties of thoria strengthened nickel, thorium-carbide alloys, U.S. research reactors
Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory (Peek Street Facility) Electrolytic reduction of oxides, radiation effects on properties of metals, counter current extraction of radioactive solutions
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory New element berkelium, chemical properties of californium, studies with colloids containing radioisotopes of yttrium/zirconium/columbium/lanthanum
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Production and chemical isolation of Curium242, underground nuclear detonations, Health Physics operating instructions
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Titration of uranium with ferric sulfate, progress report, medical aspects of incidents, relative biological hazards

Atlanta Federal Records Center
Morrow, GA

During this effort, 95 boxes of information were reviewed and 96 documents were retrieved.

The documents apply to the following DOE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Pinellas Plant Air sample data, bioassay results, CF252 source information and associated surveys, contamination surveys, decontamination and decommissioning plan, dosimetry questions/answers with personnel exposure information with badge numbers, environmental monitoring procedures, annual assessments, measurements and reports, general and source term documentation related to tritium, radiological and laboratory procedures,

low-level waste certification program document manual, oxidation of hydrogen isotopes by a palladium sponge catalyst, personnel exposure summary data, quarterly progress reports, radionuclide air emissions report, removal of tritium project information, safety review of Tritium Recovery System, solidified waste oil sampling, tritium bed inventory, tritium monitoring report, and tritium task force documentation

Atlanta National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Morrow, GA

Ten boxes and 21 reels of microfilm were reviewed and 14 documents were retrieved.

The documents apply to the following DOE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Pinellas Plant Waste management site plan, plutonium laboratory procedure, and 1989 radioactive waste implementation plan; samples from thousands of microfilm images included bioassay information, film badge data, in-plant surveys, raw environmental data, and contamination surveys

Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI)
Oak Ridge, TN

During this data capture trip, 20 preselected documents were reviewed and one document was retrieved.

The document applies to the following DOE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Rocky Flats Plant Preparation of Neptunium 237 metal

Pantex Plant
Amarillo, TX

The purpose of this effort was to primarily interview several site individuals. Forty boxes were reviewed but no documents were selected. Notes were taken and are being reviewed before being released.

Department of Energy (DOE) Legacy Management
Morgantown, WV

During this data capture trip, 172 boxes of information were retrieved.

The information applies to the following DOE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Weldon Spring Plant Employee doses, bioassay and industrial hygiene data

Richland, WA

Seven documents were retrieved during this data capture effort.

The documents apply to the following DOE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Hanford Approval of the site utilization and management plan, information required to support site utilization, problematic control of a parcel of Hanford site, record survey, land reassignment; tritium production at the Hanford Fast Flux Test Facility
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) Approval of the site utilization and management plan, information required to support site utilization, problematic control of a parcel of Hanford site, record survey, land reassignment

Richland, WA

Documents were reviewed and selected from an earlier March data capture visit to the Hanford site. Three documents were retrieved: Tritium Production in Flux Test Facility, B-Plant Fiscal Year 1984-1985 Operating Plan, and Recovery and Encapsulation of Cesium and Strontium at Hanford from 1967-1985.

Oak Ridge Operations Office – Records Holding Area
Oak Ridge, TN

Twenty-eight boxes of information were retrieved during this effort.

The document applies to the following DOE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant (K-25) British Nuclear Fuels Limited employee exposure data

Richland, WA

Eighteen documents were reviewed and retrieved:

The documents apply to the following DOE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Ames Laboratory Trip reports
Feeds Materials Production Center (FMPC) Trip reports
Hanford Trip reports, assistance to Rocky Flats, button shipments, investigation of plutonium nitrate, Rocky Flat measurements, test reduction of Rocky Flats plutonium oxide, radiological characterization activities, radiological characterization of 233-S facility and 224-B hot cells, characterization guidance, and disposal of contaminated tank farm equipment
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Trip reports
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Trip reports
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (X-10) Trip reports
Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant Trip reports
Rocky Flats Plant Trip reports, assistance to Rocky Flats, button shipments, investigation of plutonium nitrate, Rocky Flat measurements, test reduction of Rocky Flats plutonium oxide
Savannah River Site Trip reports
Separations Process Research Unit Trip reports
Y-12 Plant Trip reports

Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI)
Oak Ridge, TN

During this effort, 32 documents were reviewed and 30 documents were retrieved.

The documents apply to the following DOE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Battelle Laboratories
(King Avenue)
Battelle Memorial Institute (BMI) reports

East Tennessee Technology Park Records Center
Oak Ridge, TN

Twenty-seven boxes of information were reviewed and 112 documents were retrieved.

The documents apply to the following DOE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant (K-25) Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant Non-Destructive Assay (ORGDP NDA) characterization records from Bechtel Jacobs (1988-1989)

Environmental Management Consolidated Business Center (EMCBC)
Cincinnati, OH

Fifteen boxes of information were reviewed and 78 documents were retrieved during this effort.

The documents apply to the following DOE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant (K-25) Radiological procedures, outdoor radiological characterization, exposure investigation, continuous air monitor location evaluation, radiological surveys, annual report, Technical Basis Documents, radiological control manual, radiological control document titles and dates, historical radiological release information, health physics report for first quarter of 1994

Richland, WA

The following was retrieved on the Hanford work site: facility status change forms, 324 building baseline radiological characterization, polonium procedure, monthly report index (1964-1966), action codes, U.S. nuclear materials management and safeguards listing, task VIII improvements universal gage, and process design basis for additional plutonium storage facilities 234-5. Eleven documents were reviewed and retrieved.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory – Research Library
Oak Ridge, TN

Four trays of microfiche and 30 linear feet of records were reviewed. Twenty-nine documents were retrieved.

The documents apply to the following DOE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Battelle Laboratories
(King Avenue)
Development of thorium-U233 irradiation specimens, thorium and thorium-uranium compounds as potential thermal breeder fuels, fast-neutron and gamma spectrum and dose in beryllium oxide, radiation specimens of a fuel element for the supercritical water reactor, recovery of thorium and uranium from monazite sands, jacking of uranium for high-temperature service, fabrication of uranium-bearing graphite and topical report
Battelle Laboratories
(West Jefferson)

Oak Ridge Operations Office – Records Holding Area
Oak Ridge, TN

During this effort, 12.5 boxes of information were retrieved.

The document applies to the following DOE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant (K-25) Completion of the scanning of 40.5 boxes of British Nuclear Fuels Limited (BNFL) employee exposure data

Rocky Flats Legacy Management
Westminster, CO

Thirty-one boxes of information were reviewed and 114 documents were retrieved.

The documents apply to the following DOE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Rocky Flats Plant Air sample results, incident reports, internal dosimetry performance indicators, internal dosimetry technical assessments, wrist and hand doses, radioactive intakes by name, Americium doses external, body counter intercalibration study, procedures, neutron dosimetry, air filter county system calibration, bioassay data and sample handling, air monitoring program plan, bioassay monitoring, internal dosimetry tracking and trending, whole body dosimetry, and wound counts.

Richland, WA

During this effort, 7 documents were retrieved.

The documents apply to the following DOE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Hanford Wrong containers of special nuclear material shipped to Rocky Flats; Plutonium Recycle Critical Facility experiments with H2O moderator; centerless grinding; 100 – 300 Area program meeting June 17, 1947; and centerless grinding of uranium rods
Rocky Flats Plant Wrong containers of special nuclear material shipped to Rocky Flats

Department of Energy
Richland, WA

During this effort, 237 documents were reviewed and retrieved.

The documents apply to the following DOE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Hanford Douglas United Nuclear neptunium exchange
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Building descriptions, As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) reports, site pictures, environmental reports, air emission reports, and air monitoring dosimeter programs

Savannah River Site (SRS)
Aiken, SC

Approximately 100 documents were retrieved for SRS during this effort. Interviews with former workers were conducted and documents were reviewed.

Rocky Flats Legacy Management
Westminster, CO

Thirty boxes of information were reviewed and 8 documents were retrieved.

The documents apply to the following DOE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Rocky Flats Plant Information relating to the 1989 FBI raid at Rocky Flats

Environmental Management Consolidated Business Center (EMCBC)
Denver, CO

During this data capture effort, 15 boxes of information were reviewed and 17 documents were retrieved.

The documents apply to the following DOE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Rocky Flats Plant Information relating to the 1989 FBI raid at Rocky Flats

Department of Energy
Richland, WA

Two documents were retrieved during this data capture effort.

The documents apply to the following DOE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Argonne National Laboratory U.S. Department of Energy radioisotope customers with summary of radioisotope shipments for fiscal year 1988
Brookhaven National Laboratory U.S. Department of Energy radioisotope customers with summary of radioisotope shipments for fiscal year 1988
Hanford Answers to questions regarding Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and radioisotope production from 1989 to 1992; U.S. Department of Energy radioisotope customers with summary of radioisotope shipments for fiscal year 1988
Idaho National Laboratory U.S. Department of Energy radioisotope customers with summary of radioisotope shipments for fiscal year 1988
Los Alamos National Laboratory U.S. Department of Energy radioisotope customers with summary of radioisotope shipments for fiscal year 1988
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (X-10) U.S. Department of Energy radioisotope customers with summary of radioisotope shipments for fiscal year 1988
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Answers to questions regarding Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and radioisotope production from 1989 to 1992; U.S. Department of Energy radioisotope customers with summary of radioisotope shipments for fiscal year 1988
Savannah River Site U.S. Department of Energy radioisotope customers with summary of radioisotope shipments for fiscal year 1988

Department of Energy
Richland, WA

During this effort, one box of information was reviewed.

The effort applies to the following DOE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Activity
Hanford Staff reviewed a box of Hanford records, but no documents were retrieved
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) Staff visited the PNNL site and had meetings with PNNL management; documents were retrieved and are currently being reviewed by the Classification Officer

College Park National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
College Park, MD

Sixteen boxes of information were reviewed and 38 documents were retrieved.

The documents apply to the following DOE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Argonne National Laboratory – East PU studies in humans
Fernald K-65 analysis
Grand Junction Operations Office Material accountability/progress report
Hanford Material accountability
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Physical and biological factors in radiotherapy with high-LET radiations
Mallinckrodt Chemical Works Material accountability
University of Rochester Cyclotron exposure
Vitro Manufacturing (Canonsburg) Trip report

Department of Energy
Richland, WA

During this effort, 16 documents of information were reviewed and retrieved.

The documents apply to the following DOE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Institution plans, laboratory agendas, site headcounts, historical facts, and square footage for a pump house

Atlanta National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Morrow, GA

Two boxes of information was reviewed and 8 documents were retrieved.

The documents apply to the following DOE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Battelle Laboratories (Jefferson Avenue) Material transfers, the medical examination program, the transfer of scrap, and a trip to inspect Cs-137 work
Battelle Laboratories (King Avenue)

Kansas City Plant
Kansas City, MO

Eighty-seven boxes of information were reviewed and 231 documents were retrieved for Kansas City Plant. The following information was retrieved: exposure information, site outdoor tank locations, general radiation safety awareness material, source shipment, radiation protection surveys, area access listing for departments, 1979 waste management plan, radioactive source locations at site by location, source handling information, personnel exposure reports for 1988-1992, radiation surveys of radiation generating equipment, sample radiological work authorization packages, tritium handling, Health Physics procedures, and annual reports of radionuclide emissions (1999-2003).

Kansas City Federal Records Center
Lenexa, KS

During this effort, 168 boxes of information were reviewed and 76 documents were retrieved.

The documents apply to the following DOE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Kansas City Plant Exposure incidents, film badge calibration records, dosimetry files, dosimetry manual, nuclear safety appraisal, radiological surveys and monitoring, handling and cleaning contaminated materials, dosimeter badge reports (1969-1986), various historical Health Physics procedures, As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) Reports, radiation waste inventories, and calibration records

Savannah River Site
Aiken, South Carolina

During this data search and capture effort, seven boxes of information were reviewed and 1 3/4 boxes of Savannah River Site Work Technical Reports for specific years were selected. Eighteen documents, including notebooks, were also selected. All documents are going through classification review before being released.

Savannah River Site
Aiken, South Carolina

Of four boxes and 24 packets of negatives reviewed, 109 documents and 239 pictures were retrieved for Savannah River Site. The following information was retrieved: general monthly reports, technical reports, separations incidents, manufacturing division monthly reports, special programs reports, air sampling/monitoring upgrades, walk through audit, and results due to changes in dosimetry calibrations.

Sandia National Laboratories – Livermore
Livermore, California

Many documents were reviewed, including special nuclear material balance sheets, bioassay data, and reports. Also, interviews were conducted with operations supervision.

Environmental Management Consolidated Business Center (EMCBC)
Denver, Colorado

Many documents were reviewed and six documents pertaining to Rocky Flats Plant were retrieved. Three interviews were also conducted.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Rocky Flats Plant Plutonium-neptunium separation and residue recovery. Also, three interviews were conducted.

Memorandum of Understanding Between the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Department of Energy

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and DOE signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in Fiscal Year 2019. The MOU describes how the Agencies will work together to carry out their responsibilities under The Act and Executive Order 13179. Part of the agreement covers how HHS and DOE will coordinate data search and capture activities.