2015 General Activities on Department of Energy (DOE) Cases

DCAS will reconstruct radiation doses by evaluating all appropriate data relevant to which an individual worker or group of workers have been exposed, particularly when radiation monitoring data are unavailable, incomplete, or of poor quality. The data used for the dose reconstructions will be obtained through requests sent to DOE and data search and capture efforts.

DCAS along with Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU), the contractor hired to support NIOSH’s responsibilities under The Act, have been involved in data search and capture efforts. These efforts are being conducted at various DOE sites and federal and private records storage locations throughout the United States to retrieve radiation monitoring data needed to conduct dose reconstructions.

2015 Data Search and Capture

Department of Energy
Richland, Washington

Fifteen documents were retrieved during this effort.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Hanford 12 documents including: Kaiser letters, radiation forms for Kaiser, and JA Jones exposure timesheets
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 3 documents relating to decommission funding and database description

US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Public Document Room
Rockville, MD

During this trip, 1,071 documents on microfiche were reviewed and 250 documents were retrieved.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
West Valley Demonstration Project Safety evaluation, waste acceptance process, legal motion for stay, license related documentation, progress report, decommissioning criteria, facility operations transfer, environmental reports, trip reports, weekly activity reports, site historical overview, contamination soil consolidation proposal, high level waste storage, and emergency response information
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory safeguards research, health physics review, quality assurance for gamma knives, underground criticality report, Yucca Mountain audit, radioactive material audit, and Atomic Vapor Laser Isotope Separation (AVLIS) meeting

Seattle National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Seattle, WA

Seventy-seven boxes of information were reviewed and 249 documents were retrieved.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Idaho National Laboratory Procedures, radioactive shipment records, disposal records, safe work permits, thorium slugs, environmental air samples, incident reports, monthly health physics reports, Idaho Chemical Processing Plant (ICCP) surveys, ICCP health physics logbooks, routine plutonium monitoring station results, waste disposal requests, and radiological waste reports

Department of Energy
Richland, WA

During this data capture effort, 28 boxes of information were reviewed and 12 documents were retrieved.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Hanford Interviews were conducted with current and former Hanford employees and boxes of information were reviewed

Idaho National Laboratory (INL)
Idaho Falls, ID

During this effort, 79 boxes of information were reviewed and 6 DVDs were retrieved for INL. Staff retrieved the following information: Radioactive material shipment records, Central Facilities Area (CFA) health physics logs, urine sample results, Special Power Excursion Reactor Test (SPERT) health physics logs, Idaho Chemical Processing Plant (ICCP) safe work permits, radioactive and non-radioactive laundry shipments, Center for Advanced Modeling and Simulation (CAMS) filter counts, incident reports for reactor, thyroid counts, film reports, health physics survey sheets, fallout log sheets, daily station reports, SPERT film badge reports, safe work permits, Materials Testing Reactor (MTR) safe work permits, MTR radiation survey data, personnel monitoring practices, MTR gamma facility, SPERT health physics monthly reports, eye exams for neutron damage, Engineering Test Reactor (ETR) water samples, ETR smear surveys, Chemical Processing Plant (CPP) air samples, CPP and MTR health physics logbooks, burial ground photographs. radioactive shipment incidents, contamination incidents, and thyroid counts for 1958

Department of Energy
Richland, WA

Staff reviewed 2 boxes of information and retrieved 20 documents.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Hanford Meeting minutes of the Hanford Personnel Dosimetry Advisory Committee from 1988 through September, 2014

Department of Energy
Richland, WA

This trip was in response to NIOSH SEC Petition 57. Seventeen boxes were reviewed. No documents were selected.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Hanford 60 pages of handwritten notes were taken regarding the Material and Control and Accountability Program and are going through classification review

Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI)
Oak Ridge, TN

Thirteen documents were reviewed and 11 documents were retrieved during this effort.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Argonne National Laboratory – West Materials Testing Reactor-Engineering Test Reactor Technical Branches Quarterly Reports

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
Livermore, CA

During this trip, 8 boxes and various bins of records were reviewed for LLNL. Approximately 403 documents were retrieved. Staff conducted interviews with various Program leads. Personnel exposure and Environmental Safety and Health documents along with interview notes are going through classification review.

Department of Energy (DOE)
Richland, WA

Staff took notes for ten interviews that occurred during previous data capture trips to the site. The Hanford Classification Officer cleared the notes.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Public Document Room
Rockville, MD

Staff reviewed data on microfiche and retrieved 50 documents.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Uranium Mill in Riverton License information
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL/X-10) Radionuclide Solubility Evaluation Progress Report

Department of Energy (DOE)
Richland, WA

Staff retrieved six documents during this data capture trip.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Hanford February 1988 monthly report describing Kaiser establishing a routine bioassay monitoring program for their workers, Protocol for Combined Analysis of Cancer Mortality Among Nuclear Industry, Hanford personnel dosimetry, monthly reports (July 1984 and May 1988), and monthly performance report (July 1984)

Idaho National Laboratory
Idaho Falls, ID

Ninety-one boxes of information were reviewed and 489 documents were retrieved during this effort.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Argonne National Laboratory – West Controlled entry procedure, shipping incidents and related contamination, hazards analysis, photographic history of the Argonaut Multiplication Experiment, locating and identifying the source of the 5/24/67 fission product release in EBR-II, air sample data, radiological surveys, sampling and smear data, external dose reports, emergency preparedness memos, inspection reports, gas cooler reactor experiment information, pending whole body count data to be cross-checked against existing data sets, repair of central superheater assemblies, contamination of EBR-II, EBR-II reports, safety procedures, actinide fuel fabrication, health physics logbook, and EBR-II run reports

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Livermore, CA

During this effort, 15 boxes and various bins of records were reviewed for Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Buildings 439 (Archives,) 253 (Health and Safety), and in the Material Control and Accountability building. Approximately 416 documents were retrieved.

Kansas City Plant
Kansas City, MO

During this trip, 81 boxes of information were reviewed and 35 documents were retrieved on the Kansas City Plant. Information on the following was retrieved: unusual occurrences, security procedure, personnel access lists, department assignments, radiological surveys, visitor dosimetry, neutron dosimeter information, environmental survey, rad waste stream information, site treatment plan, and building floor plans.

Idaho National Laboratory
Idaho Falls, ID

Forty-eight boxes of documents were reviewed and 652 documents were retrieved during this effort.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Argonne National Laboratory – West Air sampling data, radiation surveys, daily log books, air monitoring, radiation reports, routine survey reports, smear data, technical specifications, radiation safety log books, personnel skin contamination, and health physics log books
Idaho National Laboratory Air samples, alpha contamination surveys, neutron surveys, safety analysis reports, early waste retrieval, offsite incoming radioactive material shipment records, and health physics log books

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Livermore, CA

During this trip, 32 boxes and various bins of documents were reviewed on Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Approximately 179 documents and 1.5 cubic feet of archive records were retrieved. The effort included interviews, reconnaissance, and a review of material located in the site archives and within ES&H holdings in Building 253. The selected material is awaiting review and release by the site.

Idaho National Laboratory
Idaho Falls, ID

During this effort, 107 boxes of documents were reviewed and 318 documents were retrieved.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Argonne National Laboratory – West Visitor cards, individual worker’s medical files, incidents, film badge reports, air and smear reports, temporary badge reports, radiological surveys, quarterly exposure summaries, bioassay results, contamination surveys, safety training records, health physics weekly reports, urine sample results, personnel exposure questionnaires, appraisal documents, and skin contamination results

San Bruno Federal Records Center
San Bruno, CA

Thirty-seven boxes of documents were reviewed and 81 documents were retrieved.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory DOE appraisal of site, radiological surveys, film badge processing, airborne activity Napkin ring IV run, data for film badge processing, stack sample data, filter paper alpha counting efficiency, personnel assignments, air and water sampling experience (1978-1985), Nuclear Material & Accountability actions, radiological incidents, criteria for workplace air sampler placement, environmental air sampler data, neutron/Photon survey data, shipment/drums contents report, radiological procedures, and atmospheric sample data

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Berkeley, CA

File holdings for RWA 1020, RWA 5083, RWA 5027 were reviewed and 8 documents were retrieved. Information on maintenance in B88 vault with air sample data was retrieved.

Washington State University Library Tri-Cities
Richland, WA

During this effort, books and reports were reviewed and two documents were retrieved.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Argonne National Laboratory – West EBR-ll Fuel Cycle Story, Modifications to HFEF/S for IFR Fuel Cycle Demonstration

Department of Energy
Richland, WA

Research results were reviewed and two documents were retrieved.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Extrusion Plant (Reactive Metals Inc.) Research results in response to DOE Richland’s searches on their databases

Department of Energy (DOE)
Richland, WA

During this trip, 5 boxes and 13 binders of information were reviewed and 180 documents were retrieved.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Hanford Internal dosimetry sections of monthly dosimetry reports from the Health Physics department

Argonne National Laboratory – East
Chicago, IL

During this data capture trip, 81 boxes of information were reviewed and 93 documents were retrieved for this facility. The following information was retrieved: radiation safety section monthly reports, air sample data, explosion report at EBR-II, technical specifications for EBR-II, health physic reports, bioassay reports, hazard summary report for EBR-II and addendum, occupational safety and health audit of EBR-II, Idaho reactor division personnel list, and a safety analysis of the EBR-II reprocessing facility, and tritium in EBR-II.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Livermore, CA

Staff reviewed 8 boxes and various bins of records in Buildings 439 (Archives) and 253 (Health and Safety) and records in the Material Control and Accountability building. Staff retrieved 210 documents and 1.5 cubic feet of archive records.

Chicago National Archives & Records Administration (NARA)
Chicago, IL

Sixty-nine boxes of information were reviewed and 93 document were retrieved during this trip.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Argonne National Laboratory – West Meeting summaries, health physics monthly reports, urine analyses, steering meeting reports, construction drawings, air sampling equipment, shipment of irradiated sample, bioassay specimens analyzed report, procuring Pu-Be sources, and &memo discussing transferring film dosimetry to Idaho

Ames Laboratory
Ames, IA

Ninety-five boxes of information were reviewed and 226 documents were retrieved for the Ames Laboratory. Staff retrieved the following: radiological work effort and environmental information related to the Ames Laboratory Research Reactor and several on-site buildings including Spedding and Wilhelm Halls.

Department of Energy (DOE)
Richland, WA

Previously selected documents were reviewed and 23 documents were retrieved during this effort.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Extrusion Plant Four documents relating to the Extrusion Plant were captured. Documents include: cesium capsule decontamination study, relocation of extrusion function, and transfer of depleted uranium extrusion.
Hanford Fifteen documents that were selected the week of June 29th were retrieved. Documents include: health physics monthly reports, plutonium and iodine 131 intakes, and In Viro reports. Four documents requested from DOE Richland were also retrieved. Documents include: Hanford contractual relationships, stand practices for radionuclide characterizations, and acceptable knowledge for Plutonium Finishing Plant.

Atlanta National Archives and Records Administration
Morrow, GA

Fifty-six boxes of information were reviewed and 44 documents were retrieved.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Ames Laboratory Urinalysis results, list of contractors, progress report, exposure information, responsibilities information, site codes, air sample data
Clinton Engineering Works Urinalysis results, uranium blister problem
Middlesex Sampling Plant Urinalysis program information, exposure data

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Livermore, CA

Staff reviewed reels of microfilm on Material Control and Accountability records. Because of the nature of the microfilm records, no documents were captured. Only notes were taken.

Y-12 Records Storage Facility
Oak Ridge, TN

During this data capture effort, staff reviewed 10 boxes of information. Staff did not retrieve any documents. Only notes were taken.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Y-12 Plant Whole body counter records were reviewed. Because of the nature of the records, no document were captured. Only notes were taken.

Oak Ridge Operations Office – Records Holding Task Group
Oak Ridge, TN

Twelve boxes of information were reviewed and 188 documents were retrieved during this effort.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Lake Ontario Ordnance Works (LOOW) Employee lists, contamination controls, film badge results, urinalysis results, radon breath results, medical records, K-65 storage
Mallinckrodt Chemical Co. Organization charts, urinalysis results, the rad monitoring program, a dingot report, a dust removal project
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Organization charts, Clinton Lab employee lists, film badge data, internal monitoring summaries, the 1971 internal dosimetry manual, body fluid analyses, building lists, site rad coverage maps
University of Rochester The radiation program, recommendation for Rochester to perform urinalysis, material transfers, codes, card layout, and disposition of Rochester study records

Idaho National Laboratory
Idaho Falls, ID

Staff reviewed 59 boxes of information and retrieved 93 documents.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Argonne National Laboratory – West Air sample data, radiological data, whole body counts, urinalysis data, and personnel dosimetry data

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Livermore, CA

Staff reviewed reels of microfilm that contained material control and accountability records. Because of the nature of the microfilm records, no documents were captured. Only notes were taken. Staff also conducted worker outreach interviews.

Kansas City Federal Records Center
Lee’s Summit, MO

During this effort, staff reviewed 197 boxes of information and retrieved 727 documents.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
West Valley Demonstration Project Personnel dosimetry

Savannah River Site (SRS)
Aiken, SC

Staff reviewed 17 hard copy boxes and 29 electronic boxes of information during this effort. Fifty-four hard copy and 105 electronic documents were retrieved on air sampling data and surveys.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Livermore, CA

Staff reviewed reels of microfilm that contained Material Control and Accountability records. Because of the nature of the microfilm records, no documents were captured. Only notes were taken.

Idaho National Laboratory
Idaho Falls, ID

Fifty-seven boxes of information were reviewed. Staff scanned 206 hard copy and 71 electronic documents from the Electronic Data Management System. Health physics surveys, Idaho Chemical Processing Plant (ICPP) surveys, safe work permits, health physics logbooks, burial ground logs, alpha contamination at ICPP, and Shift Lab contamination reports were retrieved.

Goldberg, Persky & White P.C
Pittsburgh, PA

During this data reconnaissance trip to review Dr. Mancuso’s research, approximately 310 boxes were reviewed that pertained to various sites. Eighty-five boxes of information will be shipped to the Cincinnati Operations Center.

The focus of this trip was to capture anything related to EEOICP such as radiation, beryllium, or other EEOICP needs, including death certificates. Additionally, there was information related to individual employment information that may be helpful to the Department of Labor. A large portion of the boxes were related to non-EEOICP sites.

Argonne National Laboratory – East (ANL-E)
Chicago, IL

The purpose of this reconnaissance trip was to better understand the organization of the ANL-E dosimetry records collection and the procedure that ANL-E staff members follow when accessing the collection to respond to EEOICPA claims.

Kansas City Federal Records Center (Lee’s Summit)
Lee’s Summit, MO

During this trip, staff reviewed 118 boxes of information and retrieved 779 documents.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
West Valley Demonstration Project Personnel exposure information, radiation protection quarterly reports, radiation control manuals, ALARA summary, air sample data, radiological surveys, radiography surveys, radiation project logbooks, whole body count daily checks, safety analysis reports, surveys in non-radiological areas, review of internal and bioassay programs, radiation protection plan, radiation protection performance indicators, and respiratory protection program review

No data search and capture activities have been found for this month.

Kansas City Federal Records Center
Lee’s Summit, MO

Staff retrieved 25 boxes of information during this data capture effort.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
West Valley Demonstration Project Scanned boxes of personal dosimetery data that was selected during previous site visits

Y-12 Records Storage Facility
Oak Ridge, TN

During this effort, staff retrieved Y-12 Quarterly Reports from 1962-1993, whole body counter calibration and QC data for 1981 through 1985, and summary list of employees who received whole body counts from 1970-1979. Twelve boxes of information were reviewed and 132 documents were retrieved.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Livermore, CA

Visit was in support of writing a classified white paper on data captured in support of the SEC-00221.

Memorandum of Understanding Between the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Department of Energy

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and DOE signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in Fiscal Year 2019. The MOU describes how the Agencies will work together to carry out their responsibilities under The Act and Executive Order 13179. Part of the agreement covers how HHS and DOE will coordinate data search and capture activities.