2016 General Activities on Department of Energy (DOE) Cases

DCAS will reconstruct radiation doses by evaluating all appropriate data relevant to which an individual worker or group of workers have been exposed, particularly when radiation monitoring data are unavailable, incomplete, or of poor quality. The data used for the dose reconstructions will be obtained through requests sent to DOE and data search and capture efforts.

DCAS along with Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU), the contractor hired to support NIOSH’s responsibilities under The Act, have been involved in data search and capture efforts. These efforts are being conducted at various DOE sites and federal and private records storage locations throughout the United States to retrieve radiation monitoring data needed to conduct dose reconstructions.

2016 Data Search and Capture

Ames Laboratory
Ames, Iowa

During this data capture trip, 71 filing boxes of information were reviewed and 125 documents were retrieved.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Ames Laboratory Committee notes, corrective actions, radiological surveys, historical progress reports (1940’s-1950’s), electron beam control, annual Ames director presentation, Alpha operations facility renovation, health & safety assessment, radiological control manual, personnel rosters and exposure information, technical papers on various topics
Argonne National Laboratory-East Reactor information
Fernald General information booklet
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Environmental related study
Paducah Plant operations procedure
Weldon Spring Standard operating procedures for uranium division

Idaho National Laboratory
Scoville, Idaho

During this data capture trip, 6 filing boxes of information were reviewed and 244 documents were retrieved. The following documents were retrieved: completion of scanning of temporary badge reports and visitor cards that were selected from previous site visit. Also, interviews were conducted with former site workers.

Department of Energy, Legacy Management
Morgantown, WV

During this effort, 72 filing boxes of information were reviewed and 227 documents and 2 boxes were retrieved.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Mound Plant Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program activities which include bioassay and air sample data, radiological surveys, procedures, and environmental data

Kansas City Plant
Kansas City, Missouri

During this data capture trip, 99 filing boxes of information were reviewed and 747 documents were retrieved. The following documents were retrieved: dosimetry results and reports, incident reports, radiological surveys, procedures, health physics control point logbooks, radioactive material logbooks, bioassay data, whole body log sheets, calibration data, radiation protection training information, and planning reports.

Idaho National Laboratory
Scoville, Idaho

During this data capture trip, 48 filing boxes of information were reviewed and 52 documents were retrieved. The following documents were retrieved: temporary badge reports and visitor cards.

Seattle National Archives Regional Archives (NARA)
Seattle, WA

During this effort, 53 boxes were reviewed and 77 documents were retrieved.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Idaho National Laboratory Shipment records, waste disposal requests, Health Physics meetings, Building 886 records, exposures 1959-1962, Health Physics monthly and yearly summary reports

Kansas City Federal Records Center
Lee’s Summit, MO

During this effort, 68 boxes were reviewed and 1,875 documents were retrieved.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
West Valley Demonstration Project Dosimetry results and reports, incident reports, radiological surveys, procedures, health physics control point logbooks, radioactive material logbooks, bioassay data, whole body log sheets, calibration data, radiation protection training information, and planning reports

Idaho National Laboratory
Idaho Falls, ID

Eight boxes of information were reviewed and 843 documents were retrieved. Six boxes of complete internal dosimetry records and two boxes of complete external dosimetry records were captured for Idaho National Laboratory.

Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos, NM

During this effort, 32 boxes of information were reviewed and 140 documents were retrieved.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Rocky Flats Plant Rocky Flats Criticality Safety Experimental records

Kansas City Federal Records Center
Lee’s Summit, MO

During this effort, 132 boxes of information were reviewed and 859 documents were retrieved.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
West Valley Demonstration Project Dosimetry results and reports, incident reports, radiological surveys, procedures, health physics control point logbooks, radioactive material logbooks, bioassay data, whole body log sheets, calibration data, radiation protection training information, and planning reports.

Department of Energy
Richland, Washington

35 boxes were retrieved and 126 documents were reviewed.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Hanford Air sample data, radiation safety summary reports, skin contamination information, radiation protection appraisals, safety manual, Westinghouse safety and health appraisals

Idaho National Laboratory
Idaho Falls, ID

During this effort, 44 documents were reviewed.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Idaho National Laboratory Captured documents that were selected during NIOSH’s site visit in March

Kansas City Federal Records Center
Lee’s Summit, MO

169 boxes were retrieved and 811 documents were reviewed.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
West Valley Demonstration Project Air sample data, bioassay data, environmental data, EPA environmental results, gross alpha/beta raw data, low level waste records, personnel exposure data, Radiation Work Permits, radiological incidents, radiological

US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Public Document Room
Rockville, MD

During this trip, 437 documents on microfiche were reviewed and 104 documents were retrieved.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Various Sites ALARA reports, license documentation, environmental reports, radioactive waste shipping and litigation transcripts

Kansas City Federal Records Center
Lee’s Summit, MO

106 boxes were retrieved and 1,214 documents were reviewed.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
West Valley Demonstration Project Air sample data, bioassay data, environmental data, EPA environmental results, gross alpha/beta raw data, low level waste records, personnel exposure data, Radiation Work Permits, radiological incidents, radiological surveys, shipping manifests, soil/groundwater samples, waste characterization information, weekly decommissioning/decontamination operations activity reports and whole body count data

Department of Energy
Richland, Washington

During this effort, 126 documents were reviewed.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Hanford Captured documents that were selected during NIOSH’s site visit in April

Department of Energy
Richland, Washington

During this effort, 41 boxes were retrieved.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Hanford Completion of the review of Material Control & Accountability/Solid Waste Information and Tracking System boxes

Idaho National Laboratory
Idaho Falls, ID

During this effort, 35 boxes were retrieved and 214 documents were reviewed.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Idaho National Laboratory Visit was to focus on Health Services Laboratory/Radiological and Environmental Sciences Laboratory procedures and documents in support of the INL in-vitro coworker model

URS Corporation
Boise, ID

During this effort, 143 boxes were retrieved and 130 documents were reviewed.

Work site and information retrieved
Information Retrieved
Cooperative agreements, employee listing (payroll info), engineering and radiological calculations, engineering assessment, final completion reports, groundwater contamination data, Health & Safety audit reports, Health Physics monitoring plan, NRC evaluations/comments/responses, radiological characterization, radon data, oil contamination data, subcontract documents, third party site observation reports, thorium excavation, and weekly safety meeting notes

Kansas City Federal Records Center
Lee’s Summit, MO

113 boxes were retrieved and 630 documents were reviewed.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
West Valley Demonstration Project Air sample data, bioassay data, environmental data, EPA environmental results, gross alpha/beta raw data, low level waste records, personnel exposure data, Radiation Work Permits, radiological incidents, radiological surveys, shipping manifests, soil/groundwater samples, waste characterization information, weekly decommissioning/decontamination operations activity reports and whole body count data

Department of Energy
Richland, Washington

During this effort, 43 boxes were retrieved.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Hanford Continuation of the review of Material Control & Accountability/Solid Waste Information and Tracking System boxes

Savannah River Site (SRS)
Aiken, SC

During this effort, 17 boxes were retrieved and 151 documents were reviewed.

Work site and information retrieved
Information Retrieved
Work plans and radiological surveys for building 773-A from the 1980’s

Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, TN

During this effort, 10 Linear Feet of Records and 12 documents were retrieved.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Reviewed clinic notes for 47 selected Oak Ridge National Laboratory employees to ascertain if thyroid count data are present in their medical records and to record those data in a table.

Kansas City Federal Records Center
Lee’s Summit, MO

During this effort, 208 documents were retrieved.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
West Valley Demonstration Project Continuation of scanning of documents that were selected during previous site visits. Documents scanned were mostly whole boxes of Radiation Work Permits.

Kansas City National Archives Regional Archives (NARA)
Kansas City, MO

During this effort, 18 boxes were reviewed and 44 documents were retrieved.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
West Valley Demonstration Project Characterization of high-level waste sludge, management of radioactive spills, decontamination and dismantling of processing plant, denomination of the Chemical Crane Room, decontamination and decommissioning of the Extraction Chemical Room and Cell, radioactive waste assay, radiation shielding analysis, estimation of residual radioactivity with a shutdown Fuel Processing Plant, and characterization of the Head-End Cells.

Kansas City Federal Records Center
Lee’s Summit, MO

During this effort, 76 documents were retrieved.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
West Valley Demonstration Project Continuation of scanning of documents that were selected during previous site visits. Documents scanned were mostly whole boxes of Radiation Work Permits

Idaho National Laboratory
Idaho Falls, ID

During this effort, 23 boxes were retrieved and 136 documents were reviewed.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Idaho National Laboratory Human Radiation Experiment (HRE) documents that are not available for download from the INL Public Reading Room (Idaho National Laboratory); photos of Argonne National Laboratory – West buildings (Argonne National Laboratory – West)
Argonne National Laboratory – West

Savannah River Site (SRS)
Aiken, SC

Work site and information retrieved
Information Retrieved
Site visit was to draft notes directly related to ORAUT-RPRT-0072 and to discuss the status of declassification of documents with the classification reviewer

Kansas City Federal Records Center
Lee’s Summit, MO

During this effort, 118 documents were retrieved.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
West Valley Demonstration Project Completion of scanning of documents that were selected during previous site visits. Documents scanned were mostly whole boxes of Radiation Work Permits

US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Public Document Room
Rockville, MD

During this effort, 650 microfiche were reviewed and 160 documents were retrieved.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Various Sites License information, waste characterization, effluent reports, Health Physics manual, contamination reports, and radiation protection reports

Department of Energy, Legacy Management
Morgantown, WV

During this effort, 24 medical files were reviewed and 24 documents were retrieved.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Fernald Scanned medical files of former workers.

Department of Energy, Legacy Management
Germantown, MD

During this effort, 9 classified documents were reviewed. 7 pages of notes were received. No documents were retrieved.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Idaho National Laboratory Review of classified documents in support of SEC-00219 relating to burial grounds at Idaho National Laboratory.

Department of Energy, Legacy Management
Richland, Washington

During this effort, 39 documents were retrieved.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Idaho National Laboratory Captured documents that were reviewed and selected during two site visits in June.

US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Public Document Room
Rockville, MD

During this effort, 556 microfiche were reviewed and 151 documents were retrieved.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Various Sites Environmental data, incident reports and licensing related documentation.

Y-12 Records Storage Facility
Oak Ridge, TN

During this effort, 73 boxes were reviewed and 161 documents and 3 oversized drawings were retrieved.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Y-12 Thorium work and thorium air sampling. Documents are currently going through classification review.

Savannah River Site
Aiken, SC

During this effort, various microfiche were reviewed and 113 documents were retrieved.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Savannah River Site Bioassay data from 101 of Construction Trade worker files was collected along with data for five additional workers who were selected based on range of employment. Documents are currently going through classification review.

Idaho National Laboratory
Idaho Falls, ID

During this effort, 14 boxes were reviewed and 12 documents were retrieved.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Argonne National Laboratory – West Photographs of rooms and buildings.

DOE – Richland
Richland, WA

During this effort, 1 document was retrieved.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Hanford Completed capturing of documents that were reviewed and selected during two site visits in June.

No data search and capture activities have been found for this month.

Memorandum of Understanding Between the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Department of Energy

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and DOE signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in Fiscal Year 2019. The MOU describes how the Agencies will work together to carry out their responsibilities under The Act and Executive Order 13179. Part of the agreement covers how HHS and DOE will coordinate data search and capture activities.