Links to Other Childhood Agricultural Injury Prevention Resources
Relevant Links
Cultivate Safety: Work Guidelines
Safety in Agriculture for Youth (SAY Project)
NIOSH Program Portfolio: Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing
Childhood Agricultural Safety Network
National Children’s Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety
- Agricultural Youth Work Guidelines Help Kids Do the Job Safely
- 2017 Fact Sheet: Childhood Agricultural Injuries in the U.S.
- Model Policy: Youth Employment in Agriculture
- Safety Guidelines for Hired Adolescent Farm Workers (SaGHAF)
- Sustaining the SAY National Clearinghouse
- Blueprint for Protection Children in Agriculture: The 2012 National Action Plan
- 2014 Fact Sheet, Childhood Agricultural Injuries [PDF 207 KB]
- 2012 Fact Sheet, Childhood Agricultural Injuries [PDF 172 KB]
- 2011 Fact Sheet, Childhood Agricultural Injuries [PDF – 66 KB]
- Migrant and Seasonal Hired Adolescent Farm Workers: A Plan to Improve Working Conditions. Recommendations from the National Adolescent Farm Worker Occupational Health and Safety Advisory Committee [PDF – 44.73 MB]
- Creating Safe Play Areas on Farms [PDF – 906 KB]
- Children and Agriculture: Opportunities for Safety and Health, A National Action Plan [PDF – 2840 KB]
- 2001 Child Agricultural Injury Summit
Background Information Final Report [PDF – 793 KB]
Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs (AMCHP)
Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB)
Other Links of Interest
U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Service
(The following reports are from surveys funded by and collected for NIOSH by the National Agricultural Statistics Service. All demographic and injury estimates were calculated by NIOSH and provided to NASS for these releases.)
- Agricultural Safety: 2009 Injuries to Youth on Farms [PDF – 118 KB]
- Agricultural Safety: 2008 Injuries to Youth on Hispanic-Operated Farms [PDF – 92 KB]
- Agricultural Safety: 2008 Injuries to Youth on Racial Minority-Operated Farms [PDF – 105 KB]
Archival Information
Information on the development of the NIOSH Childhood Agricultural Injury Prevention Initiative, important events leading to the Initiative, and current information on the assessment of the Initiative.
HHS press release on Child Ag Initiatives
DHHS Press Release (April 21, 1997)
NIOSH Update: Announcing National Children’s Center for Agricultural Injury Prevention
NIOSH Update (September 29, 1997)
NIOSH FACTS: Health and Safety for Kids on the Farm
NIOSH FACTS (April, 1997)
A National Childhood Agricultural Injury Prevention Iinitiative
Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health: May, 1998 / 4(Special Issue 1): 183-191
Midcourse review of background, important events, progress and proposed future efforts, 1999