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Organization of Work: Job Ambiguity

Workers putting puzzle pieces together

Job Ambiguity

No Web site known

ID = 053

Content Area(s)

  • Performance monitoring / incentives
  • Work rules
  • Role strain (or uncertainty)

Instrument Type


Occupation and Sector Specificity

Occupation(s): Generic

Sector(s): Generic

Name and Size of Work Organization and/or Workplace Psychosocial Measures

Performance criteria ambiguity (3 items)

Work method ambiguity (3 items)

Work scheduling ambiguity (3 items)

Other Content Areas Included in the Instrument


Developmental Status of the Instrument

Development completed; one or more evaluations completed.


Original: English

Other: unknown

Reliability and Validity Information (or Relevant Citation)

Reliability: Coefficient alpha: 0.89 (entire scale).

Validity: High ambiguity on all 3 scales correlated negatively with job satisfaction and supervisor satisfaction.

Selected Reference

Fortunato VJ, Jex SM, Heinish DA (1999) An examination of the discriminant validity of the strain-free negative affectivity scale. Journal of Occupational & Organizational Psychology, 72, 503-522.

Accessibility of the Instrument

Public Domain

User Fees


Where to Obtain a Copy of the Instrument

Breaugh JA & Colihan JP (1994). Measuring facets of job ambiguity: construct validity evidence. Journal of Applied Psychology, 79, 191-203.