Organization of Work: Perceived Union Support
Perceived Union Support
No Web site known
ID = 103
Content Area(s)
- Labor relations
- Resources (e.g.; infrastructure)
- Social supports / relations
- Union leadership
Instrument Type
Occupation and Sector Specificity
Occupation(s): Generic
Sector(s): Generic
Name and Size of Work Organization and/or Workplace Psychosocial Measures
Union support (15 items)
Other Content Areas Included in the Instrument
Developmental Status of the Instrument
Original: English
Other: unknown
Reliability and Validity Information (or Relevant Citation)
Reliability: Coefficient alpha: 0.96.
Validity: Discriminant validity evidence when compared to union commitment and union instrumentality.
Selected Reference
Shore LM, Tetrick LE, Sinclair RR, Newton LA (1994) Validation of a measure of perceived union support. Journal of Applied Psychology, 79: 971-977.
Accessibility of the Instrument
Public Domain
User Fees
Where to Obtain a Copy of the Instrument
Shore LM, Tetrick LE, Sinclair RR, Newton LA (1994) Validation of a measure of perceived union support. Journal of Applied Psychology, 79: 971-977.