Organization of Work: Bureaucratic Job Structuring Scale
Bureaucratic Job Structuring Scale
No Web site known
ID = 115
Content Area(s)
- Centralization
- Organizational structure (or restructuring)
- Work rules
Instrument Type
Occupation and Sector Specificity
Occupation(s): Generic
Sector(s): Generic
Name and Size of Work Organization and/or Workplace Psychosocial Measures
Formalization (6 items)
Pervasiveness of rules (3 items)
Record keeping (3 items)
Routinization (3 items)
Other Content Areas Included in the Instrument
Developmental Status of the Instrument
Development completed; one or more evaluations completed.
Original: English
Other: unknown
Reliability and Validity Information (or Relevant Citation)
Reliability: Coefficient alpha: 0.70 to 0.85.
Validity: Related to role stress (negatively).
Selected Reference
Drach-Zahavy A, Somech A, Granot M, Spitzer A (2004) Can we win them all? Benefits and costs of structured and flexible innovation-implementations. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 25: 217-234.
Accessibility of the Instrument
Public Domain
User Fees
Where to Obtain a Copy of the Instrument
Bacharach SB, Bamberger P, Conley SC (1990) Work processes, role conflict, and role overload: The case of nurses and engineers in the public sector. Work and Occupation, 17: 199-228.