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Organization of Work: Operational Police Stress Questionnaire

Workers putting puzzle pieces together

Operational Police Stress Questionnaire (PSQ-Op)

ID = 120

Content Area(s)

  • Job demands (or expectations)
  • Work schedules (work hours)
  • Supervisor support / relations
  • Role strain (or uncertainty)
  • Work-family [im]balance

Instrument Type


Occupation and Sector Specificity

Occupation(s): Police

Sector(s): Policing

Name and Size of Work Organization and/or Workplace Psychosocial Measures

PSQ-Op (20 items)

Other Content Areas Included in the Instrument


Developmental Status of the Instrument

Development completed; one or more evaluations completed.


Original: English

Other: unknown

Reliability and Validity Information (or Relevant Citation)

Details available in a report available from the developer McCreary DR & Thompson MM (2004). The development of a reliable and valid measure of stressors in policing: A summary of findings from WSIB Development Grant 02-051. Final report submitted to the Research Advisory Council of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board of Ontario.

Selected Reference

McCreary DR and Thompson MM (2006) Development of two reliable and valid measures of stressors in policing: The Operational and Organizational Police Stress Questionnaires. International Journal of Stress Management, 13:494-518.

Accessibility of the Instrument

Public Domain

User Fees

The measure can be used freely for academic research, as well as by Police Departments. For all other purposes, contact the principal investigator.

Where to Obtain a Copy of the Instrument

Instrument can be downloaded from the web site listed at the top of this record or contact the developer, Don McCreary, Ph.D., by phone at 416-635-2008 or e-mail at