April 2022
April 19, 2022, 3:00–4:00 PM ET: eSHARE webinar: “Data, Data Everywhere: Jurisdiction Views on Data Quality and Cleaning.”
June 19–23, 2022: Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) Annual Conference, Louisville, Kentucky. Learn more
CDC assessing start date for 2021 NNDSS annual reconciliation
The CDC NNDSS team is currently reviewing the timeline for starting annual reconciliation of 2021 NNDSS data.
In the March 2022 issue of Case Surveillance News, CDC announced plans to start annual reconciliation of 2021 data in June 2022; however, this date will likely be delayed. The NNDSS team needs more time to make sure new reconciliation functionality in the Message Validation, Processing, and Provisioning System (MVPS) is ready.
Although we aren’t ready to announce a new date for beginning 2021 reconciliation right now, CDC will provide more information as it’s available.
COVID-19 data will not go through a reconciliation process. Instead, aggregate 2021 NNDSS COVID-19 data will be collected using an Epi Info™ web form similar to the one used for the 2020 COVID-19 data.
CDC reminds jurisdictions to:
- begin clean-up of your 2021 data, if you haven’t already started;
- work with CDC programs to finalize your case counts;
- use the MVPS portal to review your 2021 data for low-incidence conditions that require special verification;
- send case notification updates to correct data as appropriate.
Stay tuned for more information about 2021 annual reconciliation coming soon.
The next eSHARE webinar, “Data, Data Everywhere: Jurisdiction Views on Data Quality and Cleaning,” is scheduled for April 19, 2022, 3:00–4:00 PM ET.
To join an eSHARE webinar, please see your calendar invitation or contact the CDC Electronic Data Exchange mailbox at edx@cdc.gov for login information with the subject line “eSHARE invitation.”
You can find important updates for the NNDSS Weekly Tables on the CDC WONDER website.
Bookmark the Notice to Data Users webpage and check it regularly for the latest information.
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning MMG
CDC launched the Carbon Monoxide Poisoning MMG piloting cohort in January 2022. The pilot is currently completing gap analysis activities, with functionality testing on track to begin this month. CDC expects to finalize the guide in Summer 2022.
Version 12 of the PHIN Vocabulary Access and Distribution System (VADS) COVID-19 Case Notification View is now available for COVID-19 MMG version 1.0 and version 1.1. The changes include:
- three additional values for Lab Test Type (COVID-19),
- one additional value for Vaccine Type (NND), and
- three additional values and changes to preferred concept names for Lab Test Interpretation (VPD).
STD and Congenital Syphilis (CS) MMGs
CDC posted updated STD (v1.2, v1.0.4) and CS (v1.1.2, v1.0.3) MMGs along with the associated implementation spreadsheets and PHIN VADS Case Notification Views to the NNDSS website. The STD v1.2 MMG now contains a value set for the Type of Complications Indicator (INV920) that aligns with the updated case definition for identifying lymphogranuloma venereum. Tests have been added to Lab Test Type_STD and Lab Test Type_CS value sets for use in all versions of their respective guides. Additionally, the guides include formatting updates being applied across all MMGs, including:
- updated MMG column description definition for “May Repeat” to provide additional information on “Y/#,”
- value set links changed from IDs of static versions of the value set at the time the MMG was finalized to object identifiers that bring the user to the current revision of the value set, and
- incorporation of GenV2.0.1 and updated test data into the test case scenario worksheet.
If you are interested in joining a cohort or onboarding an MMG, please email the CDC Electronic Data Exchange mailbox at edx@cdc.gov.
Congratulations to the following jurisdictions in production as of April 1, 2022!
- Michigan for Tuberculosis
- Georgia, Illinois, and Massachusetts for COVID Lite
- Guam for Hepatitis
How to Find the Latest Event Codes and Other Surveillance Resources
The National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS) Event Codes and Other Surveillance Resources webpage provides important information about NNDSS event codes, policies, updates, and supporting documents for case notifications.
Bookmark this page and check it periodically for the latest updates.
What is an NNDSS event code?
Each disease or condition reported to NNDSS is assigned an event code. Event codes are used by local, state, and federal surveillance information systems to help simplify storage and retrieval of case data for nationally notifiable or state-reportable diseases or conditions.
How do I learn more about event codes?
The 2022 NNDSS Event Code List provides a full list of NNDSS event codes along with each event code’s verification and publication criteria. It also provides information about each event code’s preferred type of HL7 message and an alternative type of message for submitting case notifications to NNDSS.
The “Notes” column in the 2022 Event Code List provides additional information about event code revisions for nationally notifiable diseases and conditions, which may impact how a reporting jurisdiction submits case notifications to CDC.
What other kinds of surveillance resources are available on the Surveillance Resources webpage?
In addition to links to event codes and vocabulary standards, the Event Codes and Other Surveillance Resources webpage also has:
- Revised Guidelines for Determining Residency
- CSTE Case Notification Request (CNR) Statement
- CSTE Position Statement: Policy and Procedure for Timeliness of Case Notifications
- Guidance for using SAMS to load NETSS files
- Reporting Exceptions for National Notifiable Diseases (NND)
National notifiable diseases that are not reportable by law or regulation in reporting jurisdictions for the specified year are considered reporting exceptions. - MMWR Weeks Fact Sheet
- Current and Past Notifiable Conditions
- FAQs about implementing the “Country of Usual Residence” data element
This document includes guidance for implementing the “Country of Usual Residence” data element in HL7 case notifications. - 2022 MMWR Weeks Calendar
- 2022 Notification Requirements
- 2022 Letter to State and Territorial Epidemiologists
Some of these resources are “non-expiring,” which means they do not change with each new calendar year. CDC updates these non-expiring resources when new information is available. Other resources have a new version each calendar year. Remember to check these resources periodically for the latest updates.