NSSP Update – February 2022

NSSP Update

A Technical Newsletter for the NSSP Community of Practice | February 2022

The National Syndromic Surveillance Program issues NSSP Update monthly to share the latest Community of Practice activities, technical and program updates, and ways in which syndromic surveillance is improving public health.

Sharing Pieces to Make a Whole Image


Community Welcomes New Members

To start 2022 right, we invited analysts, epidemiologists, and others to join our highly engaged NSSP Community of Practice.

Person typing on laptop


NSSP Updates RStudio Resources

Updates to How to Use RStudio with NSSP-ESSENCE Application Programming Interfaces have been posted. Now you can pull values of query fields (for example, ESSENCE syndrome definitions) and word alerts.

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Improving Surveillance Systems

CDC’s Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services promotes scalable, sustainable surveillance systems.

Jan 2022 ESSENCE Word Cloud

Monthly National-level Free-text ESSENCE Queries

Analysts can exercise a high level of customization by using free-text queries. They can quickly code free-text queries and rapidly respond to outbreaks, disasters, and health events that unfold. These word clouds capture free-text queries from a national perspective.

Mark Your Calendar
Upcoming Events
February 15 NSSP Vendor Patches (Testing and Development); 12:00–8:00 AM ET
February 17 NSSP Vendor Patches (Onboarding and Production); 12:00–8:00 AM ET
February 23 NSSP Community of Practice Call (Monthly); 12:00–1:30 PM ET NEW TIME
February 24 NSSP ESSENCE User Group; 3:00–4:00 PM ET
March 2 Syndromic Definition Subcommittee Call (Monthly); 1:00–2:00 PM ET
March 4 Syndromic Surveillance and Public Health Emergency Preparedness, Response and Recovery Subcommittee Call (Monthly); 2:00–2:45 PM ET
March 8 NSSP R User Group Call; 2:00–3:00 PM ET
March 11 Data Quality Subcommittee Call (Monthly); 12:00–1:00 PM ET
March 15 NSSP Vendor Patches (Testing and Development); 12:00–8:00 AM ET
March 17 NSSP Vendor Patches (Onboarding and Production); 12:00–8:00 AM ET
March 23 NSSP Community of Practice Call (Monthly); 12:00–1:30 PM ET NEW TIME
March 24 NSSP ESSENCE User Group; 3:00–4:00 PM ET
June 19-23 CSTE 2022 Annual Conference; Louisville, Kentucky

View more calendar details at the NSSP Community of Practice.