NSSP Update – August 2022

NSSP Update

A Technical Newsletter for the NSSP Community of Practice | August 2022

The National Syndromic Surveillance Program issues NSSP Update monthly to share the latest Community of Practice activities, technical and program updates, and ways in which syndromic surveillance is improving public health.

Sharing Pieces to Make a Whole Image


Emergency Department Surveillance Initiatives and Other Updates

This month, the community discussed two emergency department surveillance initiatives: Firearm Injury Surveillance and Nonfatal Suicide-Related Outcomes.

Older business casual professionals hugging


CDC Funding Links Data to Suicide Prevention



Fall 2022 Software ReleasePublication Updates 

Updated user manuals for Access & Management Center and RStudio Workbench are now available.

hands raised with sun cupped in shadow


Get into a Syndromic Surveillance State of Mind

A new foundational syndromic surveillance training series is being designed. Learn foundational concepts and methodology. Conceptualize new ways to use syndromic data. Act confidently on analyses.

Jan 2022 ESSENCE Word Cloud

Monthly National-level Free-text ESSENCE Queries

Analysts can exercise a high level of customization by using free-text queries. They can quickly code free-text queries and rapidly respond to outbreaks, disasters, and health events that unfold. These word clouds capture free-text queries from a national perspective.

Jan 2022 ESSENCE Word Cloud

Developing Syndrome Definitions

NSSP works with health departments, CDC programs, and others to develop and improve syndrome definitions. Here is a list of the syndromes being worked on now.

Mark Your Calendar
Upcoming Events
September 2 Syndromic Surveillance and Public Health Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Recovery Subcommittee Call (Monthly) 2:00–2:45 PM ET
September 7 Syndrome Definition Subcommittee Call (Monthly) 1:00–2:00 PM ET
September 9 Data Quality Subcommittee Call (Monthly) 12:00–1:00 PM ET
September 13 NSSP R User Group 2:00–3:00 PM ET
September 20 NSSP Vendor Patches (Testing and Development) 12:00–8:00 AM ET
September 22 NSSP Vendor Patches (Onboarding and Production) 12:00–8:00 AM ET
September 22 NSSP ESSENCE User Group 3:00–4:00 PM ET
September 28 NSSP Community of Practice Call (Monthly) 12:00–1:30 PM ET

View more calendar details at the NSSP Community of Practice.