Key Publications from PE Fellows
- Ahweyevu JO, Chukwudebe NP, Buchanan BM, Yin J, Adhikari BB, Zhou X, Tse ZTH, Chowell G, Meltzer MI, Fung ICH, Using Twitter to Track Unplanned School Closures: Georgia Public Schools, 2015-17, Disaster Medicine Public Health, 14, 2020
- Ali FR, Neff L, Wang X, Hu SS, Schecter A, Mahoney M, Melstrom PC, Tobacco-Free Pharmacies and US Adult Smoking Behavior: Evidence from CVS Health’s Removal of Tobacco Sales, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 58(1), 2020
- Ali FR, Dave DM, Colman GJ, Wang X, Saffer H, Marynak KL, Dench D, Grossman M, Association of E‐cigarette Advertising with E‐cigarette and Cigarette Use Among US Adults, Addiction, 116(5), 2020
- Almli LM, Ely DM, Ailes EC, Grosse SD, et al., Infant Mortality Attributable to Birth Defects – United States, 2003-2017, MMWR Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 69(2), 2020
- Anderson K, Gong X, Hong K, Zhang X, The Impacts of Transition to Middle School on Student Cognitive, Non-cognitive and Perceptual Developments: Evidence from China, Education Economics, 28(4), 2020
- Aslam M, Owusu-Edusei K, Nesheim SR, Gray KM, Lampe MA, Dietz PM, Trends in Women with HIV Diagnoses at Delivery Hospitalization in the United States, 2006 – 2014, Public Health Reports, 135(4), 2020
- Aye SKK, Mar SL, Lwin NN, Hnin ZL, Hlaing LM, Washington ML, Harris JR, Stunting: An Overlooked Problem in Myanmar. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 20, 2020
- Barajas M, Tangka FL, Schultz J, Tantod K, Kempster YM, Omelu N, Hoover S, Thomas M, Richmond-Reese V, Subramanian S, Examining the Effectiveness of Provider Incentives to Increase CRC Screening Uptake in Neighborhood Healthcare: A California Federally Qualified Health Center, Health Promotion Practice, 21(6), 2020
- Barbosa C, McKnight-Eily LR, Grosse SD, Bray J, Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention in Emergency Departments: Review of the Impact on Healthcare Costs and Utilization, Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 117, 2020
- Beeler Asay GR, Lam CK, Stewart B, Mangan JM, Romo L, Marks SM, Morris SB, Gummo CL, Keh CE, Hill AN, Thomas A, Cost of Tuberculosis Therapy Directly Observed on Video for Health Departments and Patients in New York City; San Francisco, California; and Rhode Island (2017–2018), American Journal of Public Health, 110(11), 2020
- Board A, Guy G, Jones C, Hoots B, Trends in Stimulant Dispensing by Age, Sex, State of Residence, and Prescriber Specialty — United States, 2014–2019, Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 217, 2020
- Boehmer TK, DeVies J, Caruso E, van Santen KL, Tang S, Black CL, Gundlapalli AV, Changing Age Distribution of the COVID-19 Pandemic—United States, May–August 2020, MMWR Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 69(39), 2020
- Bull-Otterson L, Huang YA, Zhu W, King H, Edlin BR, Hoover KW, Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Hepatitis C Virus Infection Testing Among Commercially Insured Persons Who Inject Drugs, United States, 2010-2017, Journal of Infectious Diseases, 222(6), 2020
- Carias C, Hills SL, Kahn EB; Adhikari BB, Fischer M, Meltzer MI, Comparative Economic Analysis of Strategies for Japanese Encephalitis Vaccination of U.S. Travelers, Vaccine, 38, 2020
- Chan JCN, Lim LL, Wareham NJ, Shaw JE, Orchard TJ, Zhang P, Lau ESH, Eliasson B, Kong APS, Ezzati M, Aguilar-Salinas CA, McGill M, Levitt NS, Ning G, So WY, Adams J, Bracco P, Forouhi NG, Gregory GA, Guo J, Hua X, Klatman EL, Magliano DJ, Ng BP, Ogilvie D, Panter J, Pavkov M, Shao H, Unwin N, White M, Wou C, Ma RCW, Schmidt MI, Ramachandran A, Seino Y, Bennett PH, Oldenburg B, Gagliardino JJ, Luk AOY, Clarke PM, Ogle GD, Davies MJ, Holman RR, Gregg EW, The Lancet Commission on Diabetes: Using Data to Transform Diabetes Care and Patient Lives, Lancet, 396(10267), 2020
- Chan SS, Chappel AR, Joynt Maddox KE, Hoover KW, Huang YA, Zhu W, Cohen SM, Klein PW, De Lew N, Preexposure Prophylaxis for Preventing Acquisition of HIV: Patients, Prescribers, Uptake, and Spending 2015-2016, PLoS Medicine, 2020
- Chao AM, Wadden TA, Berkowitz RI, Blackburn G, Bolin P, Clark JM, Coday M, Curtis JM, Delahanty LM, Dutton GR, Evans M, Ewing LJ, Foreyt JP, Gay LJ, Gregg EW, Hazuda HP, Hill JO, Horton ES, Houston DK, Jakicic JM, Jeffery RW, Johnson KC, Kahn SE, Knowler WC, Kure A, Michalski KL, Montez MG, Neiberg RH, Patricio J, Peters A, Pi-Sunyer X, Pownall H, Reboussin D, Redmon B, Rejeski WJ, Steinburg H, Walker M, Williamson DA, Wing RR, Wyatt H, Yanovski SZ, Zhang P, Weight Change 2 Years After Termination of the Intensive Lifestyle Intervention in the Look AHEAD Study, Obesity, 28(5), 2020
- Chen Y, Rolka D, Xie H, Saydah S, Imputed State-Level Prevalence of Achieving Goals to Prevent Complications of Diabetes in Adults with Self-Reported Diabetes — United States, 2017–2018, MMWR Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 69, 2020
- Chesson HW, Meites E, Ekwueme DU, Saraiya M, Markowitz LE, Cost-effectiveness of HPV Vaccination for Adults Through Age 45 Years in the United States: Estimates from a Simplified Transmission Model, Vaccine, 38(50), 2020
- Cho, BH, Acosta AM, Leidner AJ, Faulkner AE, Zhou FJ, Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Ccellular Pertussis (Tdap) Vaccine for Prevention of Pertussis Among Adults Aged 19 Years and Older in the United States: A Cost-effectiveness Analysis. Preventive Medicine, 134, 2020
- Conn ME, Kennedy-Rea S, Subramanian S, Baus A, Hoover S, Cunningham C, Tangka FL, Cost and Effectiveness of Reminders to Promote Colorectal Cancer Screening Uptake in Rural Federally Qualified Health Centers in West Virginia, Health Promotion Practice, 21(6), 2020
- Cook AC, Leung G, Smith RA, Marijuana Decriminalization, Medical Marijuana Laws, and Fatal Traffic Crashes in US Cities, 2010–2017, American Journal of Public Health, 110(3), 2020
- Crews J, Chou C-F, Naavaal S, Griffin SO, Saaddine JB, Self-Reported Oral Health Status among Adults Age 40+ Years with and without Vision Impairment: National Health Interview Survey, 2008, American Journal of Ophthalmology, 210, 2020
- Cuffe KM, Gift TL, Kelley K, Leichliter JS, Assessing Partner Services Provided by State and Local Health Departments, 2018, Sexually Transmitted Disease, 2020
- Dasgupta S, Bowen VB, Leidner A, Fletcher K, Musial T, Rose C, Cha A, Kang GJ, Dirlikov E, Pevzner E, Rose D, Association Between Social Vulnerability and a County’s Risk for Becoming a COVID-19 Hotspot—United States, June 1–July 25, 2020, MMWR Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 69(42), 2020
- Date K, Shimpi R, Luby S, Ramaswamy N, Haldar P, Katkar A, Wannemuehler K, Mogasale V, Pallas SW, Song D, Kunwar A, Loharikar A, Yewale V, Ahmed D, Horng L, Wilhelm E, Bahl S, Harvey P, Dutta S, Bhatnagar P, Decision-making and Implementation of the First Public Sector Introduction of Typhoid Conjugate Vaccine–Navi Mumbai, India, 2018, Clinical Infectious Diseases, 71(S2), 2020
- Datta BK, Husain MJ, Fazlul I, Tobacco Control and Household Tobacco Consumption: A Tale of Two Educational Groups, Health Economics, 29(10), 2020
- Datta BK, Husain MJ, Spousal Alcohol Consumption and Female Hypertension Status: Evidence from Nepal, Public Health, 185, 2020
- Datta BK, Husain MJ, Carbonating the Household Diet: A Pakistani Tale, Public Health Nutrition, 23(9), 2020
- Datta BK, Husain MJ, Fatehin S, The Crowding Out Effect of Out-of-pocket Medication Expenses of Two Major Non-communicable Diseases in Pakistan, International Health, 12(1), 2020
- Dehmer SP, Cogswell ME, Ritchey MD, Hong Y, Maciosek MV, LaFrance AB, Roy K,Health and Budgetary Impact of Achieving 10-Year U.S. Sodium Reduction Targets, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 59(2), 2020
- Deng X, Gaffney M, Grosse SD, Early Hearing Detection and Intervention in the United States: Achievements and Challenges in the 21st Century, China CDC Wkly, 2(21), 2020
- DePadilla L, Miller GF, Everett Jones S, An Examination of Four Questions Assessing Self-Reported Concussion among High School Students Participating in Team Sports, Journal of Public Health Management & Practice 26(2), 2020
- DePadilla L, Miller GF, Everett-Jones S, Characteristics of Schools with Youth Sports Concussion-Related Educational Policies and Practices, Journal of School Health, 90(7), 2020
- Do T, Chung W, Grosse SD, Private Insurance Reimbursements for Newborn Hearing Screening in the United States, 2013-2014, Journal of Early Hearing Detection and Intervention, 5(1), 2020
- Drammeh B, Medley A, Dale H, De AK, Diekman S, Yee R, Aholou T, Lasry A, et al., Sex Differences in HIV Testing — 20 PEPFAR-Supported Sub-Saharan African Countries, 2019, MMWR Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 69, 2020
- Earnest R, Rönn MM, Bellerose M, Gift TL, Berruti AA, Hsu KK, Testa C, Zhu L, Malyuta Y, Menzies NA, Salomon JA, Population-level Benefits of Extragenital Gonorrhea Screening Among Men Who Have Sex With Men: An Exploratory Modeling Analysis, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 47(7), 2020
- Edwards P, Buenconsejo-Lum LE, Tangka FL, Jeong Y, MIM J, Pordell P, Saraiya M, Subramanian S, Costs and Resources Used by Population-based Cancer Registries in the US-Affiliated Pacific Islands, Hawai’i Journal of Health & Social Welfare, 79(6), 2020
- England L, Bennett C, Denny C, Honein M, Gilboa S, Kin S, Guy G, Tran E, Rose C, Bohm M, Boyle C, Alcohol Use and Co-Use of Other Substances Among Pregnant Females Aged 12–44 Years — United States, 2015–2018. MMWR Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 69, 2020
- Fleming E, Afful J, Griffin SO, Prevalence of Tooth Loss Among Older Adults: United States, 2015–2018, NCHS Data Brief, 368, Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics, 2020.
- Furukawa NW, Schneider JA, Coleman ME, Wiener JB, Shrestha RK, Smith DK, Out-of-pocket Costs and HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Persistence in a US Multicity Demonstration Project, Health Services Research, 55(4), 2020
- Furukawa NW, Smith DK, Gonzalesz CJ, Huang YA, Hanna DB, Felsen UR, Zhu W, Arnsten JH, Patel VV, Evaluation of Algorithms Used for PrEP Surveillance Using a Reference Population from New York City, July 2016-June 2018, Public Health Reports, 135(2), 2020
- Furukawa NW, Zhu W, Huang YA, Shrestha RK, Hoover KW, National Trends in Drug Payments for HIV Preexposure Prophylaxis in the United States, 2014 to 2018, Annals of Internal Medicine, 173(10), 2020.
- Griffin SO, Griffin PM, Li C-H, Reply to Changes in Institutionalized Older People’s Dentition Status in Helsinki 2003—2017, Journal of the American Geriatric Society, 68(1), 2020
- Grosse SD, Green NS, Reeves SL, Administrative Data Identify Sickle Cell Disease: A Critical Review of Approaches in U.S. Health Services Research, Pediatric Blood and Cancer, 67(12), 2020
- Grosse SD, Van Vliet G, Challenges in Assessing the Cost-Effectiveness of Newborn Screening: The Example of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia, International Journal of Neonatal Screening, 6(4), 2020
- Gammino VM, Diaz MR, Pallas SW, Greenleaf AR, Kurnit MR, Health Services Uptake Among Nomadic Pastoralist Populations in Africa: A Systematic Review of the Literature, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 14(7), 2020
- Goodreau S, Pollock ED, Wang LY, Barrios LC, Dunville RL, Aslam MV, Katz DA, Hart-Malloy R, Rosenthal EM, Trigg M, Fields M, Hamilton DT, Rosenberg ES, Predicting the Impact of Sexual Behavior Change on Adolescent STI in the US and New York State: A Case Study of the Teen-SPARC Tool, Annals of Epidemiology, 2020
- Gordon F, Rodriguez-Acevedo A, Koster B, Guy G, Sinclair C, Van Deventer E, Green A, Association of Indoor Tanning Regulations With Health and Economic Outcomes in North America and Europe, JAMA Dermatology, 156(4), 2020
- Guy G, Zhang K, Effect of Florida’s Prescription Drug Monitoring Program and Pain Clinic Laws on Nonfatal Opioid-Related Overdoses, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 58(5), 2020
- Harasymiw LA, Grosse SD, Sarafoglou K, Attention-deficit/hyperactivity Disorder Among US Children and Adolescents with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia, Journal of the Endocrine Society, 2020
- Hardin V, Tangka FL, Wood T, Boisseau B, Hoover S, DeGroff A, Boehm J, Subramanian S, The Effectiveness and Cost to Improve Colorectal Cancer Screening in a Federally Qualified Homeless Clinic in Eastern Kentucky, Health Promotion Practice, 21(6), 2020
- Hart LC, Grosse SD, Danielson ML, Baum RA, Kemper AR, Changes in Provider Type and Prescription Refills Among Privately Insured Children and Youth With ADHD, Journal of Attention Disorders, 2020
- Haston J, Miller GF, Berendes D, Andujar A, Marshall B, Cope J, Hunter C, Robinson B, Hill V, Garcia-Williams A, Characteristics Associated with Adults Remembering to Wash Hands in Multiple Situations Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic — United States, October 2019 and June 2020, MMWR Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 69(40), 2020
- Henny KD, Huang YA, Hoover KW, Low HIV Screening Rates and No HIV Preexposure Prophylaxis Among Women Diagnosed with a Sexually Transmitted Infection, 2017-2018, Obstetrics & Gynecology, 136(6), 2020
- Ho YA, Allen K, Tao G, Patel CG, Arno JN, Broyles AA, Dixon BE, Provider Adherence to Syphilis Testing Guidelines Among Stillbirth Cases, Sexually Transmitted Disease, 47(10), 2020
- Ho YA, Rahurkar S, Tao G, Patel CG, Arno JN, Wang J, Broyles AA, Dixon BE, Validation of International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification Codes for Identifying Cases of Chlamydia and Gonorrhea, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 48(5), 2020
- Hofmeister MG, Yin S, Aslam MV, Teshale EH, Spradling PR, Hepatitis A Hospitalization Costs, United States, 2017, Emerging Infectious Diseases, 26(5), 2020
- Hong K, Savelyev PA, Tan K, Understanding the Mechanisms Linking College Education with Longevity, Journal of Human Capital, 14(3), 2020
- Hoover KW, Huang YA, Tanner ML, Zhu W, Gathua NW, Pitasi MA, DiNenno EA, Nair S, Delaney K, HIV Testing Trends at Visits to Physician Offices, Community Health Centers, and Emergency Departments – United States, 2009-2017, MMWR Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 69(25), 2020
- Huang YA, Tao GT, Smith DK, Hoover KW, Persistence with HIV Preexposure Prophylaxis in the United States, 2012-2017, Clinical Infectious Disease, 72(3), 2020
- Hubbard SC, Meltzer MI, Kim S, Malambo W, Thornton AT, Shankar MB, Adhikari BB, Jeon S, Bampoe V, Cunningham L, Murphy JL, Ayers T, Derado G, Mintz E, Mwale F, Chizema E, Brunkard JM, Household Illness and the Associated Water and Sanitation Factors in Peri-urban Lusaka, Zambia, 2016-2017, NPJ (Nature) Clean Water, 3(26), 2020
- Hung MC, Lu PJ, Srivastav A, Cheng YJ, Williams WW, Influenza Vaccination Coverage Among Adults with Diabetes, United States, 2007–08 Through 2017–18 Seasons, Vaccine, 38(42), 2020
- Husain MJ, Allaire BT, Hutchinson B, Ketgudee L, Srisuthisak S, Yueayai K, Pisitpayat N, Nugent R, Datta BK, Joseph KT, Kostova D, Assessing Costs of a Hypertension Management Program: An Application of the HEARTS Costing Tool in a Program Planning Workshop in Thailand, The Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 22(1), 2020
- Husain MJ, Datta BK, Kostova D, Joseph KT, Asma S, Richter P, Kishore SP, Access to Cardiovascular Disease and Hypertension Medicines in Developing Countries: An Analysis of Essential Medicine Lists, Price, Availability, and Affordability, Journal of the American Heart Association, 9(9), 2020
- Husain MJ, Datta BK, Nargis N, Iglesias R, Perucic AM, Ahluwalia LB, Tripp A, Fatehin S, Husain MM, Kostova D, Richter P, Revisiting the Association Between Worldwide Implementation of the MPOWER Package and Smoking Prevalence, 2008–2017, Tobacco Control, 2020
- Imoisili O, Dooyema C, Kompaniyets L, Lundeen EA, Park S, Goodman AB, Blanck HM, Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity Among Children Enrolled in Head Start, 2012–2018, American Journal of Health Promotion, 2020
- Ingels JB, Thapa K, Shrestha SS, Rajbhandari-Thapa J, Cigarette and Electronic Vapor Product Use among High School Students in Georgia, 2015-2018, Preventive Medicine Reports, 19, 2020
- Jo Y, Shrestha S, Gomes I, Marks S, Hill A, Asay G, Dowdy D, Model-Based Cost-Effectiveness of State-level Latent Tuberculosis Interventions in California, Florida, New York and Texas, Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2020
- Kao SYZ, Enns EA, Follow the Sex: Influence of Network Structure on the Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Partner Management Strategies for Sexually Transmitted Infection Control, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 47(2), 2020
- Kaufman HW, Gift TL, Kreisek L, Niles JK, Alagia DP, Chlamydia and Gonorrhea: Shifting Age-based Positivity Among Young Females, 2010-2017, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 59(5), 2020
- Kemper AR, Grosse SD, Baker M, Pollock AJ, Hinton CF, Shapira SK, Treatment Discontinuation Within 3 years of Levothyroxine Initiation Among Children Diagnosed with Congenital Hypothyroidism, Journal of Pediatrics, 223, 2020
- Khavjou OA, Anderson W, Honeycutt AA, Bates LG, Razzaghi H, Hollis ND, Grosse SD, National Health Care Expenditures Associated With Disability, Medical Care, 58(9), 2020
- Khushalani JS, Ekwueme DU, Richards TB, Sabatino SA, Guy GP, Zhang Y, Tangka FL, Utilization and Cost of Mammography Screening Among Commercially Insured Women 50 to 64 Years of Age in the United States, 2012-2016, Journal of Women’s Health, 29(3), 2020
- Khushalani JS, Qin J, Ekwueme DU, White A, Awareness of Breast Cancer Risk Related to a Positive Family History and Alcohol Consumption Among Women Aged 15–44 Years in United States, Preventive Medicine Reports, 17, 2020
- Kim KE, Tangka FL, Jayaprakash M, Randal FT, Lam H, Freedman D, Carrier LA, Sargant C, Maene C, Hoover S, Joseph D, French C, Subramanian S, Effectiveness and Cost of Implementing Evidence-Based Interventions to Increase Colorectal Cancer Screening Among an Underserved Population in Chicago, Health Promotion Practice, 21(6), 2020
- King H, Bull-Otterson L, Hoover KW, Huang YA, Zhu W, Thompson W, Factors Associated with Testing for Hepatitis C Infections Among a Commercially Insured Population of Persons with HIV, United States 2008-2016, Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 7(6), 2020
- Kingbo MH, Isaakidis P, Lasry A, et al., Partner Notification Approaches for Sex Partners and Children of HIV Index Cases in Côte d’Ivoire, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 47(7), 2020
- Ko JY, D’Angelo DV, Haight SC, Morrow B, Cox S, von Essen BS, Strahan AE, Harrison L, Tevendale HD, Warner L, Kroelinger CD, Vital Signs: Prescription Opioid Pain Reliever Use During Pregnancy—34 US Jurisdictions, 2019, MMWR Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 69(28), 2020
- Kompaniyets L, Lundeen EA, Belay B, Goodman AB, Tangka F, Blanck HM, Hospital Length of Stay, Charges, and Costs Associated with a Diagnosis of Obesity in US Children and Youth, 2006-2016, Medical Care, 58(8), 2020
- Kostova D, Nugent R, RichterP, Noncommunicable Disease Outcomes and the Effects of Vertical and Horizontal Health Aid, Economics and Human Biology, 41, 2020
- Kostova D, Ochieng W, Cherukupalli R, Redd J, US Trade Indicators and Epidemics: Lessons from the 2003 SARS Outbreak. Economics Bulletin, 40(4), 2020
- Kostova D, Spencer G, Moran AE, Cobb LK, Husain MJ, Datta BK, Matsushita K, Nugent R, The cost-effectiveness of Hypertension Management in Low-Income and Middle-Income Countries: A Review, BMJ Global Health, 5(9), 2020
- Kumar S, Patel C, Tao G, Frequency of Sexually Transmitted Infection/HIV Testing Among Commercially Insured Patients with International Classification of Disease Tenth Revision Specified Sex Partners, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 47(5), 2020
- Lagisetty P, Zhang K, Haffajee RL, Lin LA, Goldstick J, Brownlee R, Bohnert A, Larochelle MR, Opioid Prescribing History Prior to Heroin Overdose Among Commercially Insured Adults, Drug and Alcohol Dependance, 212, 2020
- Laprise JF, Chesson HW, Markowitz LE, Drolet M, Martin D, Bénard É, Brisson M, Effectiveness and Cost-effectiveness of Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Through Age 45 years in the United States, Annals of Internal Medicine, 172(1), 2020
- Lavery AM, Preston LE, Ko JY, Chevinsky JR, DeSisto CL, Pennington AF, Kompaniyets L, Datta SD, Click ES, Golden T, Goodman AB, Characteristics of Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients Discharged and Experiencing Same-Hospital Readmission. United States, March-August 2020, MMWR Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 69(45), 2020
- Lasry A, Horth R, Models for Mortality Require Tailoring in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic, The Lancet, 396, 2020
- Lasry A, Kidder D, Hast M, et al., Timing of Community Mitigation and Changes in Reported COVID-19 and Community Mobility ― Four U.S. Metropolitan Areas, February 26–April 1, 2020, MMWR, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 69, 2020
- Laxy M, Zhang P, Ng BP, Shao H, Ali MK, Albright A, Gregg EW, Implementing Lifestyle Change Interventions to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes in US Medicaid Programs: Cost Effectiveness, and Cost, Health, and Health Equity Impact, Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, 18(5), 2020
- Leichliter JS, Haderxhanaj LT, Gift TL, Dittus PJ, Sexually Transmissible Infection Testing Among Pregnant Women in the US, 2011-15, Sexual Health, 17(1), 2020
- Leichliter JS, O’Donnell K, Kelley K, Cuffe KM, Weiss G, Gift TL, Availability of Safety-net Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinical Services in the US, 2018, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 58(4), 2020
- Leidner AJ, Barry V, Bowen VB, Silver R, Musial T, Kang GJ, Ritchey MD, Fletcher K, Barrios L, Pevzner E, Opening of Large Institutions of Higher Education and County-level COVID-19 Incidence—United States, July 6–September 17, 2020, MMWR Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 70(1), 2020
- Leidner AJ, Chesson HW, Talih M, HPV Vaccine Status and Sexual Behavior Among Young Sexually-Active Women in the US: Evidence from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2007-2014, Health Economics Policy Law, 15(4), 2020
- Leidner AJ, Lee CE, Tippins A, Messonnier ML, Stevenson JM, Evaluation of Non-continuous temperature Monitoring Practices for Vaccine Storage Units: A Monte Carlo Simulation Study, Journal of Public Health, 2020
- Leidner AJ, Fisun H, Trimble S, Lucas P, Noblit C, Stevenson JM, Evaluation of Temperature Stability Among Different Types and Grades of Vaccine Storage Units: Data from Continuous Temperature Monitoring Devices, Vaccine, 38(14), 2020
- Leidner AJ, Maughan ED, Bjork A, Black C, Mazyck D, Underwood JM, Vaccination-related Activities at Schools with Kindergartners: Evidence from a School Nurse Survey, Journal of School Nursing, 36(6), 2020
- Lewis MA, Harshbarger C, Bann C, Burrus O, Peinado S, Garner BR, Khavjou O, Shrestha RK, Karns S, Borkowf CB, Zulkiewicz BA, Ortiz A, Galindo CA, DallaPiazza M, Holm P, Marconi VC, Somboonwit C, Swaminathan S, Positive Health Check Evaluation: A Type 1 Hybrid Design Randomized Trial to Decrease HIV Viral Loads in Patients Seen in HIV Primary Care, Contemporary Clinical Trials, 96, 2020
- Lines LM, Tangka F, Hoover S, Subramanian S, People with Colorectal Cancer in SEER-Medicare: Part D Uptake, Costs, and Outcomes, RTI Press, May 2020
- Lu PJ, Hung MC, Srivastav A, Williams WW, Dooling KL, Shingles Vaccination of U.S. Adults Aged 50-59 Years and ≥60 Years Before Recommendations for Use of Recombinant Zoster Vaccine, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, S0749-3797(20), 2020
- Maciosek MV, Armour BS, Babb SD, Dehmer SP, Grossman ES, Homa DM, LaFrance AB, Rodes R, Wang X, Xu Z, Yang Z, Roy K, Budgetary Impact from Multiple Perspectives of Sustained Antitobacco National Media Campaigns to Reduce the Harms of Cigarette Smoking, Tobacco Control, 2020
- Mahalingam M, Peterson C, Bergen G, Systematic Review of Unintentional Injury Prevention Economic Evaluations 2010–2019 and Comparison to 1998–2009, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 146, 2020
- McCree DH, Chesson H, Bradley ELP, Lima A, Fugerson AG, US Regional Changes in Racial/Ethnic Disparities in HIV Diagnoses Among Women in the United States, 2012 and 2017, AIDS Behavior, 24(4), 2020
- McCree DH, Chesson H, Bradley ELP, Williams A, Gant Z, Geter A, Exploring Changes in Racial/Ethnic Disparities of HIV Diagnosis Rates Under the “Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for America” Initiative, Public Health Reports, 135(5), 2020
- McCree DH, Chesson HW, Eppink ST, Beer L, Henny KD, Changes in Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Estimated Diagnosis Rates of Heterosexually Acquired HIV Infection Among Heterosexual Males in the United States, 2014-2018, Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, 85(5), 2020
- McGee F, Carter A, Lafon E, Chesson H, Implementing Insurance Billing in Local Health Department Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinics in Virginia, 2017, Sexually Transmitted Disease, 47(8), 2020
- Mejia N, Pallas SW, Saha S, Udin J, Sayeed I, Garrett D, Date K, Abimbola T, Typhoid and Paratyphoid Cost of Illness in Bangladesh: Patient and Health Facility Costs from the Surveillance for Enteric Fever in Asia Project (SEAP) II, Clinical Infectious Diseases, 71(S3), 2020
- Mejia N, Abimbola T, Andrews J, Vaidya K, Tamrakar D, Pradhan S, Shakya R, Garrett D, Date K, Pallas SW, Typhoid and Paratyphoid Cost of Illness in Nepal: Patient and Health Facility Costs from the Surveillance for Enteric Fever in Asia Project II, Clinical Infectious Diseases, 71(S3), 2020
- Mejia N, Saha S, Yousafzai MT, Raza J, Garrett D, Date K, Abimbola T, Pallas SW, Typhoid and Paratyphoid Cost of Illness in Pakistan: Patient and Health Facility Costs from the Surveillance for Enteric Fever in Asia Project (SEAP) II, Clinical Infectious Diseases, 71(S3), 2020
- Mejia N, Ramani E, Pallas SW, Song D, Abimbola T, Mogasale V, Methodological Considerations for Cost of Illness Studies of Enteric Fever, Clinical Infectious Diseases, 71(S2), 2020
- Menzies NA, Parriott A, Shrestha S, Dowdy DW, Cohen T, Salomon JA, Marks SM, Hill AN, Winston CA, Asay GR, Barry P, Comparative Modeling of Tuberculosis Epidemiology and Policy Outcomes in California, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 201(3), 2020
- Mikosz CA, Zhang K, Haegerich T, Xu L, Losby JL, Greenspan A, Baldwin G, Dowell D, Indication-Specific Opioid Prescribing for US Patients with Medicaid or Private Insurance, 2017, JAMA Network Open, 3(5), 2020
- Miller GF, DePadilla L, Everett-Jones S, Bartholow BN, Sarmiento K, and Breiding MJ, The Association Between Sports- or Physical Activity-Related Concussions and Suicidality Among U.S. High School Students, 2017, Sports Health, 13(2), 2020
- Miller GF, Kegler SR, Stone DM, Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Deaths Due to Firearm Suicide, United States, 2008 – 2017, American Journal of Public Health, 110(6), 2020
- Moore JT, Ricaldi JN, Rose CE, Fuld J, Parise M, Kang GJ, Driscoll AK, Norris T, Wilson N, Rainisch G, Valverde E, Disparities in Incidence of COVID-19 Among Underrepresented Racial/ethnic Groups in Counties Identified as Hotspots During June 5–18, 2020—22 states, February-June 2020, MMWR Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 69(33), 2020
- Mühlenbruch K, Zhuo X, Bardenheier B, Shao H, Laxy M, Icks A, Zhang P, Gregg EW, Schulze MB, Selecting the Optimal Risk Threshold of Diabetes Risk Scores to Identify High-Risk Individuals for Diabetes Prevention: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis, Acta Diabetol, 57(4), 2020
- Naavaal S, Griffin SO, Jones J, Impact of Making Dental Care Affordable on Quality of Life in Adults Age 45 years and Older, Journal of Aging and Health, 32(7-8), 2020
- Neuwahl SJ, Zhang P, Chen H, Shao H, Laxy M, Anderson AM, Craven TE, Hoerger TJ, Look AHEAD Research Group. Patient Health Utility Equations for a Type 2 Diabetes Model, Diabetes Care, 44(2), 2020
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- Kemper KE, Glaze BL, Eastman CL, Waldron RC, Hoover S, Flagg T, Tangka FKL, Subramanian S, Effectiveness and Cost of Multilayered Colorectal Cancer Screening Promotion Interventions at Federally Qualified Health Centers in Washington State, Cancer, 124(21), 2018
- Kent E, Davidoff A, deMoor J, McNeel T, Virgo K, Coughlan D, Han X, Ekwueme D, Guy G, Banegas M, Alfano C, Dowling E, Yabroff KR, Impact of Sociodemographic Characteristics on Underemployment in a Longitudinal, Nationally Representative Study of Cancer Survivors: Evidence for the Importance of Gender and Marital Status, Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 36(3), 2018
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- Kim KE, Randal F, Johnson M, Quinn M, Maene C, Hoover S, Richmond-Reese V, Tangka FKL, Joseph DA, Subramanian S, Economic Assessment of Patient Navigation to Colonoscopy-based Colorectal Cancer Screening in the Real-World Setting at the University of Chicago Medical Center, Cancer, 124(21), 2018
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- Grant LA, Dunne EF, Chesson H, Markowitz LE, Considerations for Human Papillomavirus Vaccination (HPV) of Mid-adult Women in the United States, Vaccine, 29, 2011
- Grosse, SD,, A Public Health Framework for Rare Blood Disorders, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 41(6), Supplement 4, 2011
- Grosse SD, Odame I, Atrash HK, Amendah D, Piel FB, Williams TN, Sickle Cell Disease in Africa: a Neglected Cause of Early Child Mortality, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 41(6S4), 2011
- Grosse, SD and Krueger, KV, The Income-Based Human Capital Valuation Methods in Public Health Economics Used by Forensic Economics, Journal of Forensic Economics, 22(1), 2011
- Grosse SD and Van Vliet G, Prevention of Intellectual Disability Through Screening for Congenital Hypothyroidism: How Much and at What Level?, Archives of Disease in Childhood, 96(4), 2011
- Guy G and Ekwueme D, Years of Potential Life Lost and Indirect Costs of Melanoma and Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer: A Systematic Review of the Literature, Pharmacoeconomics, 29/10, 2011
- Harris JR, Marston BJ, Sangrujee N, et al., Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Diagnostic Options for Pneumocystis Pneumonia (PCP), PLoS One, 6(8), 2011
- Hinton CF, Grant AM, Grosse SD, The Ethical and Practical Implications of Ethnically-targeted Screening for Genetic Disorders: The Case of Hemoglobinopathy Screening, Ethnicity & Health, 16(4-5), 2011
- Hoerger TJ, Ekwueme DU, Miller JW, Uzunangelov V, Hall IJ, Segel J, Royalty J, Gardner JG, Smith JL, Li C, Estimated Effects of the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program on Breast Cancer Mortality, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 40, 2011
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- Hoover KW, Tao G, Kent CK, Aral SO, Epidemiologic Research Using Administrative Databases: Garbage in, Garbage out, Obstetrics and Gynecology, 117(3), 2011
- Hulihan MM, Sayers CA, Grosse SD, Garrison C, Grant AM, Iron overload: What is the Role of Public Health?, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, (41(6S4), 2011
- Kahende JW, Malarcher AM, Teplinskaya A, and Asman KJ, Quit Attempt Correlates Among Smokers by Race/Ethnicity, International Journal of Environmental Research in Public Health, 8(10), 2011
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- Kemper AR, Mahle WT, Martin GR, Cooley WC, Kumar P, Morrow WR, Kelm J, Pearson GD, Glidewell J, Grosse SD, Lloyd-Puryear M, Howell RR, Strategies for Implementing Screening for Critical Congenital Heart Disease, Pediatrics, 128(5), 2011;
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- Korzeniewski SJ, Young WI, Hawkins HC, Cavanagh K, Nasr SZ, Langbo S, TenEyck KR, Grosse SD, Kleyn M, Grigorescu V, Variation in Immunoreactive Trypsinogen Concentrations Among Michigan Newborns and Implications for Cystic Fibrosis Newborn Screening, Pediatric Pulmonology, 46(2), 2011
- Lasry A, Sansom S, Hicks K, Uzunangelov V, A Model for Allocating CDC’s HIV Prevention Resources in the United States, Health Care Management Science, 14, 2011
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- Li Y, Crews JE, Elan-Evans LD, Fan AZ, Zhang X, Elliott AF, Balluz L. Visual Impairment and Health-Related Quality of Life among Elderly Adults with Age-related Eye Diseases, (Quality of Life Research, accepted)
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- Marchbanks T, Bhattarai A, Fagan R, Meltzer M, et al. & Pennsylvania Working Group, An Outbreak of 2009 Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) Virus in an Elementary School, Pennsylvania, 2009, Clinical Infectious Diseases, 52(S1), 2011
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- Ouyang L, Grosse SD, Fox MH, Bolen J, A National Profile of Health Care and Family Impacts of Children With Muscular Dystrophy and Special Health Care Needs in the United States, Journal of Child Neurology, September 27, 2011
- Owusu-Edusei K, Doshi SR, County-level Sexually Transmitted Disease Detection and Control in Texas: Do Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Family Planning Clinics Matter?, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 38(10), 2011
- Owusu-Edusei K, Gift TL, Ballard RC, Cost-effectiveness of a Dual Non-treponemal/treponemal Syphilis Point-of-care Test to Prevent Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa, Sexually Transmitted Disease, 38(11), 2011
- Owusu-Edusei K, Hoover K, Tao G, Estimating the Direct Outpatient Medical Cost per Episode of Primary and Secondary Syphilis in the United States: Insured Population Perspective, 2003-2007, Sexually Transmitted Disease, 38(3), 2011
- Owusu-Edusei K, Koski KA, Ballard RC, The Tale of Two Serologic Tests to Screen for Syphilis–Treponemal and Non-treponemal: Does the Order Matter?, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 38(5), 2011
- Owusu-Edusei K, Peterman TA, Ballard RC, Serologic Testing for Syphilis in the United States: A Cost-effectiveness Analysis of Two Screening Algorithms, Sexually Transmitted Disease, 38(1), 2011
- Payakachat N, Tilford JM, Brouwer W, Van Exel J, Grosse SD, Measuring Health and Well-being Effects in Family Caregivers of Children with Craniofacial Malformations, Quality of Life Research, 20(9), 2011
- Peacock G, Amendah D, Ouyang L, Grosse SD, Autism Spectrum Disorders and Health Care Expenditures: the Effects of Co-occurring Conditions, Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 2011
- Pollack LA, Li J, Berkowitz Z, Weir HK, Wu XC, Ajani UA, Ekwueme DU, Li C, Pollack BP, Melanoma Survival in the United States, 1992 to 2005, Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 65, 2011
- Prabhu VS, Farnham PG, et al., Cost-effectiveness of HIV Screening in STD clinics, Emergency Departments, and Inpatient Units: a Model-based Analysis, PLoS One, 6(5), 2011
- Prosser LA, Lavelle TA, Fiore AE, Bridges CB, Reed C, Jain S, Dunham KM, Meltzer MI, Cost-effectiveness of 2009 Pandemic Influenza A(H1N1) Vaccination in the United States, PLoS One, 6(7), 2011
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- Prosser LA, Meltzer MI, Fiore A, Epperson S, Bridges CB, Hinrichsen V, Lieu T, Effects of Adverse Events on the Projected Population Benefits and Cost-effectiveness of Using Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine in Children Aged 6 Months to 4 Years, Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, 165, 2011
- Ramsey SD, Zeliadt SB, Fedorenko CR, Blough DK, Moinpour CM, Hall IJ, Smith JL, Ekwueme DU, Fairweather ME, Thompson IM, et al., Patient Preferences and Urologist Recommendations Among Local-stage Prostate Cancer Patients Who Present for Initial Consultation and Second Opinions, World Journal of Urology, 29, 2011
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- Shrestha RK, Sansom SL, Farnham PG, Comparison of Methods for Estimating the Cost of HIV Counseling and Testing Interventions, Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 2011 (in press)
- Shrestha SS, Wallace GS, Meltzer MI, Response to Letter to Editor Responding to Article by Shrestha SS, Wallace GS, Meltzer MI. Modeling the National Pediatric Vaccine Stockpile: Supply Shortages, Health Impacts and Cost Consequences, Vaccine, 29(4), 2011
- Shrestha SS, Swerdlow D, Borse RH, Prabhu VS, Finelli L, Atkins CY, Owusu-Edusei K, Bell B, Mead PS, Biggerstaff M, Brammer L, Davidson H, Jernigan D, Jhung M, Kamimoto L, Merlin T, Nowell M, Redd S, Reed C, Schuchat A, and Meltzer MI, Estimating the Burden of 2009 Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) in the United States (April 2009 – January, 2010), Clinical Infectious Disease, 52(S1), 2011
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- Steenland K, Goodman M, Liff J, Diiorio C, Butler S, Roberts P, Smith JL, Ekwueme DU, Hall IJ, The Effect of Race and Rural Residence on Prostate Cancer Treatment Choice Among Men in Georgia, Urology, 77, 2011
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- Swanson ME, Grosse SD, Kulkarni R. Disability and Sickle Cell Disease: A Framework for Public Health Assessment, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 41(6S4), 2011
- Thanner MH, Links JM, Meltzer MI, Scheulen JJ, Kelen GD, Understanding Estimated Worker Absenteeism Rates During an Influenza Pandemic, American Journal of Disaster Medicine, 6(2), 2011
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- Van Vliet G, Grosse SD, The Continuing Health Burden of Congenital Hypothyroidism in the Era of Neonatal Screening, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 96(6), 2011
- Wang G and Labarthe D, The Cost-effectiveness of Interventions Designed to Reduce Sodium Intake, Journal of Hypertension, 29, 2011
- Weir HK, Marrett LD, Cokkinides V, Barnholtz-Sloan J, Patel P, Tai E, Jemal A, Li J, Kim J, Ekwueme DU, Melanoma in Adolescents and Young Adults (ages 15-39 Years): United States, 1999-2006, Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 65, 2011
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- Xu X, Chaloupka FJ, The Effects of Price and Tax on Alcohol Abuse and its Consequences, Alcohol Research and Health, 34(2), 2011
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- Zeliadt SB, Penson DF, Moinpour CM, Blough DK, Fedorenko CR, Hall IJ, Smith JL, Ekwueme DU, Thompson IM, Keane TE, Ramsey SD, Provider and Partner Interactions in the Treatment Decision-making Process for Newly Diagnosed Localized Prostate Cancer, British Journal of Urology – International, 108, 2011
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- Amendah D, Mvundura M, Kavanagh P, Sprinz P, Grosse S, Sickle cell disease-attributable pediatric medical expenditures in the US, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 38(4S), 2010
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- Bochud M, Fellman F, Vader J-P, Grosse S, Paccaud F, Guessous I, Mucoviscidose: illustration de la complexité du dépistage génétique, Revue Médicale Suisse, 6(256), 2010
- Bohm M, Newman L, Satterwhite CL, Tao G, Weinstock HS, Pelvic inflammatory disease among privately insured women, US, 2001-2005, Sexually Transmitted Disease, 37(3), 2010
- Boulet S, Grosse S, Hooper W, Beckman M, Atrash H, Prevalence of venous thromboembolism among privately insured US adults, Archives of Internal Medicine, 170(19), 2010
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- Grosse S, Late-treated phenylketonuria and partial reversibility of intellectual impairment, Child Development, 81(1), 2010
- Grosse S, Sociodemographic characteristics of families of children with Down syndrome and the economic impacts on families of child disability. In: Health Issues in Persons with Down Syndrome, Vol. 39 of International Review of Research in Mental Retardation. Edited by Richard Urbano. Elsevier. 2010
- Grosse S, What is the value for money of prenatal carrier screening for spinal muscular atrophy? Too soon to say, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 202(3), 2010
- Heijne J, Tao G, Kent C, Low N, Uptake of regular chlamydia testing by US women: A longitudinal study, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 39(3), 2010
- Hoerger T, Zhang P, Segel J, Kahn H, Barker L, Couper S, Cost-effectiveness of bariatric surgery for severely obese adults with diabetes, Diabetes Care, 33(9), 2010
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- Hoover K, Tao G, Kent C, Trends in the diagnosis and treatment of ectopic pregnancy among commercially insured women in the US, Obstetrics & Gynecology, 115, 2010
- Hoover K, Butler M, Workowski K, Carpio F, Follansbee S, Gratzer B, Hare B, Johnston B, Theodore J, Wohlfeiler M, Tao G, Brooks J, Chorba T, Irwin K, Kent C, and the Evaluation Group for Adherence to STD and Hepatitis Screening, STD screening of HIV-infected MSM in HIV clinics, Sexually Transmitted Disease, 37(12), 2010
- Howard D, Ekwueme D, James G, Tangka F, Chunyu L, Miller J, The impact of a national program to provide free mammograms to low-income uninsured women on breast cancer mortality rates, Cancer, 116(19), 2010
- Hutchinson A, Patel P, Sansom S, Farnham P, Sullivan T, Bennett B, Kerndt P, Bolan R, Heffelfinger J, Prabhu V, Branson B, Cost-effectiveness of pooled nucleic acid amplification testing for acute HIV infection after third-generation HIV antibody screening and rapid testing in the US: A comparison of three public health settings, PLoS Med, 7(9), 2010
- Kemper A, Ouyang L, Grosse S, Discontinuation of thyroid hormone treatment for US children with congenital hypothyroidism: Findings from health insurance claims data, BMC Pediatrics, 10, 2010
- Leichliter J, Chesson H, Sternberg M, Aral S, The concentration of sexual behaviors in the US: A closer examination of sub-populations, Sexually Transmitted Infections, 86(Suppl 3), 2010
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- Mvundura M, Grosse S, Hampel H, Palomaki G, The cost-effectiveness of genetic testing strategies for Lynch syndrome among newly diagnosed colorectal cancer patients, Genetics in Medicine, 12(2), 2010
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- Ouyang L, Grosse S, Raspa M, Bailey D, Employment impact and financial burden for families of children with Fragile X syndrome: Findings from the National Fragile X Survey, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 54(10) 2010
- Ouyang L, Grosse S, Thibadeau J, Swanson M, Campbell VA, Outpatient medical conditions among children and adults with spina bifida in the US: Frequency and expenditures, Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine, 3(3), 2010
- Owusu-Edusei K, Gift T, Assessing the impact of state insurance policies on chlamydia screening: A panel data analysis, Health Policy, 96, 2010
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