Monitoring and Evaluation to Document SMGL’s Progress

Saving Mothers, Giving Life (SMGL) was a complex initiative with numerous partners carrying out different activities. Some partners worked in Uganda, others in Zambia, and some in both. CDC led Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) activities in both Uganda and Zambia.

CDC used various M&E approaches in the SMGL countries, as indicated in the tables below.  These tools are available from CDC upon request at

Community-Based Data Collection
Uganda Zambia
Uganda and Zambia facility-based data collection
Verbal autopsies Verbal autopsies
Reproductive Age Mortality Study (RAMOS) Mini-Census
Prospective tracking of maternal deaths Prospective tracking of maternal deaths
Facility-Based Data Collection
Uganda Zambia
Uganda and Zambia facility-based data collection
Health Facility Assessment (baseline and endline) Health Facility Assessment (baseline and endline)
Rapid Ascertainment Process for Institutional Deaths (RAPID) Tallies of health events
Prospective tracking of health outcomes Prospective tracking of health outcomes
Pregnancy outcome monitoring

For more details on the theory and structure of the SMGL M&E processes, please read the Phase 1 Monitoring and Evaluation Overview [2 MB].