Archived Perinatal Quality Collaboratives Webinar 2015-2016 Series

The Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health – a National Collaborative to Reduce Maternal Mortality and Severe Morbidity

June 2 , 2016

This presentation provided an overview of maternal mortality in the United States, causes of severe morbidity and maternal mortality, and both California state and national multisector and multidisciplinary activities to address maternal morbidity and mortality. Speakers also discussed the development, collaborative nature, and national scope of the Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health, including resources, measures, data center, sample data files, and staff.


Using Administrative Data for Perinatal Quality Improvement Initiatives

March 24, 2016

This presentation highlighted the value of administrative data in perinatal quality improvement initiatives. The presenters discussed its strengths and weaknesses and how it can help focus limited quality improvement resources. An example of a multi-hospital improvement initiative was shared as well as sample maternal and neonatal analyses that can be used to monitor quality metrics or post-initiative sustainment.

NIH’s New Educational Initiatives in Maternal and Child Health: “Full-Term” Pregnancy and Perinatal Mental Health

January 13, 2016

This Webcast presented a discussion of NIH’s New Educational Initiatives in Maternal and Child Health: “Full-Term” Pregnancy and Perinatal Mental Health.


Selecting, Orienting and Engaging Patient and Family Advisors

August 27, 2015

This Webcast presented a discussion of quality improvement initiatives addressing selecting, orienting and engaging patient and family advisors. This is part three in a three-part series on patient and family engagement.


Training and Supporting Providers for Successful Patient and Family Engagement

July 30, 2015

This Webcast presented a discussion of quality improvement initiatives addressing training and supporting providers for successful patient and family engagement. This is part two in a three-part series on patient and family engagement.


Partnering with Patients and Family Members for Improved Outcomes

May 21, 2015

This Webcast presented a discussion of quality improvement initiatives addressing engagement of patients and families to enhance the collaboration to improve perinatal outcomes. This is part one in a three-part series on patient and family engagement.