Instructions for use of Catalog


As part of the Data Modernization Initiative, jurisdictions received funding through the Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity (ELC) cooperative agreement to document and understand workforce, data and health information systems needs and opportunities. Grantees are required to complete an assessment in the first 90 days of award – The goal of this assessment is to support program planning through use of already available data. Many jurisdictions have completed or will complete assessments that cover program areas in this project – we encourage recipients to use existing assessment data for the 90-day assessment requirement.

These data can be compiled from information internal to the jurisdiction or other known sources. Since data available at the jurisdiction level may not address all relevant program domains, this catalog has been developed as a resource to complement those sources and assist the grantees and others in identifying relevant capabilities, needs, and opportunities related to the relevant programmatic domains.

What is in the catalog?

Resources were identified via traditional literature search, request to key informants within CDC, internet search for fugitive content, and additional sources provided to CSELS personnel. Each resource includes the name of the resource, owner, data modernization topics addressed, jurisdictions address, how data were collected, and instructions for access of the resource.

What is not in the catalog?

This catalog is not a complete inventory of all potential resources. Some resources may require additional effort to access the data, not all data can be disaggregated to the jurisdiction level, and data quality was not assessed in depth for each resource. The amount of data available varies across jurisdictions and the three program domains.

How to use

To use this catalog, we recommend first identifying information and data relevant to the data modernization domains that are available within the specific jurisdiction.

To complement these data, jurisdictions should identify the resources available in this catalog that are relevant to themselves – this information is available in the “Jurisdictions Included in the Resource” field. These resources include data collected and reported on from the listed jurisdictions. Additional jurisdiction level information may be available via follow up with the listed contact. In order to access the listed data or request additional data, please use the link and contact information listed in the “How can jurisdictions access this resource?” field.

Information on which domain topics and information is available in each resource is summarized in the three columns titled “What data modernization topics are addressed in this resource?”.

In addition to using the catalog for jurisdiction specific information, if a gap in one of the three domains is identified, jurisdictions are encouraged to look at resources that have information on that gap from relevant other jurisdictions (i.e. similar sized states or cities, neighboring regions, other territories, etc.).

For additional information, questions, or concerns, please contact: Elisabeth Krow-Lucal (