Getting Blood Pressure Under Control infographic text
Vital Signs
Graphic 1
The three graphics on page one describe the overall problem of uncontrolled high blood pressure. 1st graphic – Nearly 1 in 3 adults (67 million) has high blood pressure. 2nd graphic : About 36 million don’t have it under control. 3rd graphic: 1,000 deaths per day are attributed to high blood pressure.
Graphic 2
The bar graph show the total number of people with high blood pressure (67 million), the 53 million that are aware they have high blood pressure but it isn’t under control, the 47 million that are taking prescribed medicine, but their condition is still out of control and the 31 million who have their high blood pressure under control.
Graphic 3
Tracking Success in Blood Pressure Control
Uncontrolled High Blood Pressure
- Too many people have it.
- The risks are serious.
- A team-based care approach can help.
Health care systems
High blood pressure control throughout health care systems improves by using electronic health records (EHRs) and patient registries to:
- Include quality measures for performance
- Identify and follow-up with patients who have high blood pressure
- Notify doctors about patients with high blood pressure readings
Blood pressure control improves when patients take action.
- Take medicines as prescribed
- Learn to measure blood pressure on your own Lower your risk by:
- Eating a healthy, low sodium diet.
- Exercising
- Maintaining a healthy weight.
- Limiting alcohol use.
- Not smoking.
Doctors, nurses and others who treat patients
High blood pressure control improves when it’s a priority:
- Focus on blood pressure and track your performance
- Use a team-based care approach
- Checking and addressing blood pressure at every visit
- Simplify treatment:
- Once-a-day doses of medicine when possible
- Fewer pills
Source: Wofford MR, Minor DS. Hypertension: issues in control and resistance.
Curr Hypertens Rep 2009;11:323-8.