Vital Signs: Illnesses on the rise

Vital Signs: Illnesses on the rise

From mosquito, tick, and flea bites

Updated May 1, 2018

Graphic: Disease cases from infected mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas have tripled in 13 years


Disease cases from infected mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas have tripled in 13 years.

Disease cases in the US

The number of disease cases from infected mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas has increased from 27,388 in 2004 to 96,075 in 2016.

Disease cases in the US
Year Total Vector-Borne Diseases
2004 27,388
2005 33,882
2006 30,501
2007 41,408
2008 43,806
2009 47,663
2010 49,397
2011 45,178
2012 54,114
2013 61,146
2014 56,384
2015 55,660
2016 96,075

Source: CDC Vital Signs, May, 2018

Graphic: Disease cases from mosquitoes (2004-2016, reported)

Disease cases from mosquitoes (2004-2016, reported)

Disease counts include both locally transmitted and travel-associated cases.

Top 20% (more than 1,678)*
2nd 20% (1,138-1,678)
3rd 20% (545-1,137)
4th 20% (313-544)
Bottom 20% of states (87-312)

*All states and territories in this quintile fell between 1,678 and 9,254, with the exception of Puerto Rico, which had 80,534 cases.

Disease cases from mosquitoes (2004-2016, reported).
Reporting Area Mosquito-borne Disease Cases (No.)
Alabama 408
Alaska 87
Arizona 2,186
Arkansas 364
California 9,254
Colorado 2,818
Connecticut 544
Delaware 124
District of Columbia 304
Florida 3,822
Georgia 1,420
Hawaii 414
Idaho 1,393
Illinois 2,582
Indiana 673
Iowa 531
Kansas 659
Kentucky 265
Louisiana 1,465
Maine 121
Maryland 1,925
Massachusetts 1,209
Michigan 1,059
Minnesota 1,458
Mississippi 1,137
Missouri 659
Montana 395
Nebraska 1,678
Nevada 442
New Hampshire 173
New Jersey 1,904
New Mexico 430
New York 7,167
North Carolina 968
North Dakota 1,057
Ohio 1,359
Oklahoma 853
Oregon 438
Pennsylvania 1,395
Rhode Island 294
South Carolina 312
South Dakota 1,337
Tennessee 699
Texas 6,648
Utah 498
Vermont 93
Virginia 1,319
Washington 781
West Virginia 238
Wisconsin 640
Wyoming 383
American Samoa 171
Puerto Rico 80,534
U.S. Virgin Islands 1,755

Maps show case counts, not disease risk


Graphic: Disease cases from ticks (2004-2016, reported)

Disease cases from ticks (2004-2016, reported)

There were 5 categories for the results:

Top 20% (more than 12,856)

2nd  20% (2,141-12,856)

3rd 20% (1,099-2,140)

4th 20% (183-1,098)

Bottom 20% of states (117-182)

None: 0

Disease cases from ticks (2004-2016, reported) 
Reporting Area Tickborne Disease Cases (No.)
Alabama 2,451
Alaska 117
Arizona 546
Arkansas 7,094
California 1,408
Colorado 167
Connecticut 36,727
Delaware 8,486
District of Columbia 720
Florida 1,848
Georgia 1,427
Hawaii 0
Idaho 186
Illinois 3,685
Indiana 1,560
Iowa 2,046
Kansas 1,164
Kentucky 1,098
Louisiana 170
Maine 12,856
Maryland 22,166
Massachusetts 50,234
Michigan 1,493
Minnesota 26,886
Mississippi 539
Missouri 6,537
Montana 182
Nebraska 481
Nevada 131
New Hampshire 13,710
New Jersey 51,578
New Mexico 128
New York 69,313
North Carolina 9,075
North Dakota 319
Ohio 1,358
Oklahoma 4,670
Oregon 505
Pennsylvania 73,610
Rhode Island 7,095
South Carolina 1,143
South Dakota 200
Tennessee 5,950
Texas 2,140
Utah 198
Vermont 6,161
Virginia 16,454
Washington 300
West Virginia 1,964
Wisconsin 33,255
Wyoming 140
American Samoa  0
Puerto Rico  0
U.S. Virgin Islands  0

Maps show case counts, not disease risk.


SOURCE: Rosenberg R, et al. Trends in Reported Vector-Borne Disease Cases—United States and U.S. Territories, 2004-2016.  MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. Vol. 67, 2018.