More People Walk to Better Health infographic

More People Walk to Better Health infographic

Vital Signs

Updated Aug. 6, 2013
The Guide to Community Preventive Services recommends

The Guide to Community Preventive Services recommends:

  • Creating more places for physical activity with information and outreach that
    lets people know where these are.
  • Considering walkability in community design .
  • Using community-wide campaigns to provide health education and social
    support for physical activity. See the full recommendations.

Graphic showing the relationship between the percentages of people who walk to a destination vs. the distance to that destination.Percentage of adults who walk: This chart shows the increase in the percentage of adults who walk by race, age, and whether they need help walking. All groups increased from 2005-2010.

Percentage of adults who walk: This chart shows the increase in the percentage of adults who walk by race, age, and whether they need help walking. All groups increased from 2005-2010.

This diagram shows that when destinations such as work (35%), school or church (46%), shopping (40%), fun (60%) that are within 1 mile, many more people walk than when these destinations are within 3-4 miles. Then the percent walking drops to 1%, unless they are walking for fun (5%).

This diagram shows that when destinations such as work (35%), school or church (46%), shopping (40%), fun (60%) that are within 1 mile, many more people walk than when these destinations are within 3-4 miles. Then the percent walking drops to 1%, unless they are walking for fun (5%).