More People Walk to Better Health infographic
More People Walk to Better Health infographic
Vital Signs
The Guide to Community Preventive Services recommends:
- Creating more places for physical activity with information and outreach that
lets people know where these are. - Considering walkability in community design .
- Using community-wide campaigns to provide health education and social
support for physical activity. See the full recommendations.
Percentage of adults who walk: This chart shows the increase in the percentage of adults who walk by race, age, and whether they need help walking. All groups increased from 2005-2010.
This diagram shows that when destinations such as work (35%), school or church (46%), shopping (40%), fun (60%) that are within 1 mile, many more people walk than when these destinations are within 3-4 miles. Then the percent walking drops to 1%, unless they are walking for fun (5%).