Share these infographics through social media channels, websites, and electronic newsletters. Printable posters are also available for display in highly visible areas—eye and healthcare provider offices and waiting rooms, college campus dorms and health centers, and schools—where contact lens wearers will see them and be reminded to practice healthy habits.

Message: Be prepared for anything! Keep your eyes healthy and safe through proper contact lens wear and care.
Audience: Designed for young adult contact lens wearers.
Web: Contact Lenses Are Like Underwear

Message: Follow these tips for healthy contact lens wear and care.
Audience: Designed for all contact lens wearers.
Web: You Only Have One Pair of Eyes
Poster: You Only Have One Pair of Eyes – All Messages [PDF – 217K] (11×17)
Visit the Posters page to download additional posters in this series in multiple sizes.