Sodium Reduction in Communities Program (SRCP)

This web page is only available for historical purposes. The Sodium Reduction in Communities Program (SRCP) is no longer funded.
The SRCP aimed to increase the availability of lower sodium foods while engaging the food sector to reduce sodium levels in packaged and restaurant foods.
The SRCP was administered by CDC’s Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention. Funding was awarded to communities to implement strategies to reduce sodium intake to no more than the recommended maximum amount in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans .
Funded recipients of the SRCP helped build the evidence base for strategies that support sodium reduction. Because the majority of the sodium consumed in the United States is already present in packaged or prepared foods before purchase, recipients worked with food service providers and food industry partners.
With their partners, recipients tested multiple approaches to sodium reduction, including identifying effective and feasible strategies to increase the availability and purchase of lower-sodium foods.
CDC strongly supports sodium reduction as an achievable and effective public health strategy to reduce high blood pressure and to reduce and prevent heart disease and strokes.