White House Forum on Antibiotic Stewardship

Opening session panelists included representatives from HCA Healthcare, Genesis HealthCare, Walmart, Elanco, and Tyson Foods.
Held June 2, 2015, in Washington, D.C.
The White House Forum on Antibiotic Stewardship created an opportunity for more than 150 leaders in government, healthcare, agriculture, and industry (e.g., pharmacy) to discuss ways to improve antibiotic use and slow the spread of antimicrobial-resistant germs. Antibiotic stewardship is the development, promotion, and implementation of activities to ensure the appropriate use of antibiotics. The Forum was held in response to the U.S. National Action Plan for Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria and is one of many CDC-led events to continue progress in fighting antimicrobial resistance.
The Forum’s participants agreed to implement changes over the next five years that will help slow the spread of resistant germs and prevent serious illness in people.
Highlights of the commitments include:
- Hospitals, Health Systems, Long-term Care, and Pharmacies: Improving antibiotic prescribing practices to protect patients from antimicrobial-resistant infections and continue to work with CDC
- Pharmaceutical, Diagnostics, Vaccine, Data Companies: Working towards developing better and faster tests so patients get the right medicine at the right time, and sharing information about antimicrobial-resistant germs at facility and state levels to help doctors and researchers know what antimicrobial-resistant germs are in their area
- Clinical Societies, Non-Profits, and Foundations: Identifying best practices and advocating for innovative changes in antibiotic prescribing
- Livestock and Poultry Farmers, Food Producers, and Retailers: Making significant contributions to reducing antimicrobial-resistant germs in food, such as committing to phase out the use of antibiotics that are medically important to human health and funding research to find drug-free alternatives
- Animal Pharmaceutical Companies, Veterinary and Animal Agriculture Associations, and Industry Organizations: Committing to work with veterinarians and feed producers to adopt federal guidance meant to remove use of antibiotics that are medically important to human health and require veterinary oversight for drug use, and investing in strategies to benefit animal health while reducing use of antibiotics (for example, best management practices)
- CDC and other U.S. Federal Agencies: Leading by example in establishing and expanding antibiotic stewardship programs across sectors to improve health outcomes and reduce the development of antimicrobial resistance, and continuing CDC work to establish and implement effective guidance and best practices to improve antibiotic use and expand national education efforts for doctors, veterinarians, and patients
More Information
- White House Fact Sheet: Statement [PDF – 10 pages]
- White House Fact Sheet: Formal Commitments Made by Private Sector Leaders [PDF – 10 pages]
- White House Blog Post: Forum on Combating Antibiotic Resistance
- White House Blog Post: Forum on Antibiotic Stewardship Convenes
- CDC’s Division of Bacterial Diseases (DBD) Summer 2015 News Bulletin on the White House Forum on Antibiotic Stewardship
- U.S. National Action Plan for Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria