CDC Country Offices Support COVID-19 Vaccine Roll-out

CDC Nigeria

  • Built upon polio eradication relationships with MoH to identify technical areas where CDC SMEs could support vaccine roll-out and provide a leadership role in the response.

CDC Georgia

  • Facilitated HQ SME support to increase demand and establish surveillance for C19 vaccine breakthrough cases.

CDC Caribbean Regional Office

  • Participated in a series of forums to promote vaccine confidence.
  • Assisted regional partnership to develop vaccine deployment plans.

CDC Thailand

  • Identified and expanded existing flu research platforms to evaluate vaccine effectiveness for COVID-19.

CDC Central America Regional Office

  • Identified key requirements for ancillary supplies to ensure USG vaccine donations are administered.
  • Utilized CO’s communication capacity, to work with MoH and partners to strengthen communication plans to generate demand in rural settings and reaching out to community leaders.

CDC Uganda

  • To date, Uganda has vaccinated > 2 million eligible people with ~5 million doses in the pipeline in the next 6 weeks.
  • CDC-Uganda leveraged five regional partners to support COVID-19 vaccination of priority groups, strengthen vaccine data management and pharmacovigilance.

CDC Haiti

  • Immunization SMEs developed plans to rapidly scale up vaccination activities, leveraging existing NGO partner relationships.

CDC Namibia

  • Engaged with MoH to provide support, as well as linking with HQ SMEs, to develop a comprehensive plan to increase demand for vaccination.
  • Joined several MoH working groups for vaccine roll-out planning and implementation.

CDC Zambia

  • Piloting New Model in PEPFAR-supported clinics to expand COVID-19 vaccination.
  • Utilized FETP program to rapidly establish a vaccine effectiveness study.