New Frontiers in Workplace Health
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Work-related injuries and stress are increasing!
Each year, more than 4,500 deaths occur from work-related injuries and 10%–20% of all cardiovascular diseases among working-age people are work-related. Work-related stress is the leading workplace health problem and a major occupational health risk, ranking above physical inactivity and obesity.
What can be done to protect worker health and stem rising healthcare costs?
Many employers and employees understand workplace health and safety programs are opportunities to address these issues, but they lack resources to implement and improve them. As a one-stop website for reliable and easy to use resources, CDC is launching a “Workplace Health Resource Center,” with over 200 resources for employers and employees.
Learn more about how to make workplace health programs work!
Workplace health and safety programs could potentially reach more than 159 million workers across the United States. Join us for this session of Public Health Grand Rounds as experts discuss comprehensive integrated approaches, best practices, and the role state health departments have in the support of workplace health and safety.
Discover opportunities and new tailored programs for small employers. Learn about the new tools and resources CDC offers, and hear about the policy recommendations from the Partnership and Bipartisan Policy Center.
Dr. Phoebe Thorpe and Dr. Ron Goetzel discuss how workplace health promotion can protect the health and safety of workers for workplaces of all sizes. Tune in to hear about CDC’s newest resource, the CDC Workplace Health Resource Center, that helps both small and large workplaces protect their employees.
What resources are going to be put in place to evaluate and help States implement an infrastructure to provide adequate support to businesses? Money is one start, but states need to multiply their efforts through local public health, chambers, anywhere that has a good relationship with business?
CDC is looking for ways using the CDC Worksite Health ScoreCard and Work@Health training program as examples to leverage, augment, and enhance existing state-based programs for chronic disease prevention and health promotion. These programs may have a focus on reducing obesity or preventing diabetes, but can amplify their impact by working through employers and leveraging worksites to reach adults. Additionally, many of the same community-based public health strategies are easily translated to worksites so practitioners in states from the local public health or non-profits already have skill with their design and implementation It also provide the opportunity to reinforce programs and health messages that are being implemented in other parts of the community such as schools creating additional synergies. The effects of work and health and its relationship to the broader community is a current research focus for several organizations including CDC, NIOSH, RWJ, and HERO among others. Having a better understanding of the levers and impacts will make scaling up effective interventions easier and more sustainable in the coming years. Community partnerships as you mention are so important. It is rare for any group to be able to do this on their own.
How involved are the managers in health promotion – the tool you have in the portal help to change behavior?
Middle managers are crucial to get involved in worksite health promotion programs. They often are the gatekeepers to allow employees to participate and engage in programs or not. Educating middle managers, showing them how the wellness program goals and objectives align with their division or department’s goals, and how wellness programs can enhance the health, productivity, and resilience of their direct reports are important steps to getting middle managers to buy in and support the program. The WHRC provides a number of tools and resources to discuss these business case items as well as educational trainings and webinars which can be used to educate management. Gaining middle managers as champions for the program will increase the program’s chances for success and long term sustainability.
- L. Casey Chosewood, MD, MPH
- Director, Office for Total Worker Health
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, CDC
"Work, Health and Well-being: Exploring the Health and Safety Consequences of Modern Work"
- Ron Z. Goetzel, PhD
- Senior Scientist, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health;
Vice President, IBM Watson Health - Truven Health;
President and CEO, The Health Project
"The Business Case for Investing in Workers’ Health and Well-Being"
- Laura Linnan, ScD
- Senior Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs
Professor, Department of Health Behavior,
Gillings School of Global Public Health
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"National Survey of State Health Departments on Occupational Safety and Health and Workplace Health Promotion"
- Jason E. Lang, MPH, MS
- Team Lead, Workplace Health Programs, Division of Population Health
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, CDC
"Introducing the New CDC Workplace Health Resource Center"
- John Iskander, MD, MPH
- Scientific Director
- Phoebe Thorpe, MD, MPH
- Deputy Scientific Director
- Susan Laird, MSN, RN
- Communications Director
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CPE UAN: 0387-0000-17-022-H04-P
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