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Preventing Suicidal Behavior in American Indian and Alaska Native Communities: A Health Equity Issue

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The March session of Grand Rounds, “Preventing Suicidal Behavior in American Indian and Alaska Native Communities: A Health Equity Issue, was viewed in 6 foreign countries, 42 states, and the District of Columbia.

Suicide is a leading cause of death in the U.S. and suicide rates have increased more than 30 percent since 2000. Among American Indian and Alaska Native (AI and AN) communities, suicide rates are even higher than among the general population, and they are highest among youth and young adults, ages 15–34. Focusing on subgroups at risk, including youth among AI and AN communities, and implementing evidence-based prevention strategies is a key approach to reducing suicidal behaviors and may help reduce this health inequity.

Join us for this session of Public Health Grand Rounds to learn about prevention approaches, such as screening during healthcare visits and targeting risk and protective factors at community, relationship, and individual levels. This Grand Rounds also will examine successful school-based life-skill programs and the role employment and job quality can play in health.

Beyond the Data - Preventing Suicidal Behavior in American Indian and Alaska Native Communities

Among American Indian and Alaska Native communities suicide rates are higher than among the general population, and they are highest among youth and young adults, ages 15–34. Dr. Phoebe Thorpe and Dr. Spero Manson discuss initiatives that use evidence-based methods to detect and prevent suicides within these communities.

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Beyond the Data podcast

Suicide is among the leading causes of death in the United States. Dolly Moorhead, senior advisor in the Office of the US Surgeon General, discusses her professional and lived experience with suicide and its prevention with CDC's John Iskander and how the Office of the Surgeon General is drawing on suicide prevention experts across the nation to prevent suicide.

Presented By
Alex Crosby, MD, MPH, CDR, USPHS
Division of Violence Prevention
National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, CDC
"Understanding Suicide in American Indian and Alaska Native Youths"
Teresa LaFromboise, PhD
Professor, Developmental and Psychological Sciences Stanford Graduate School of Education
Chair, Native American Studies

Center for the Comparative Study of Race and Ethnicity
Stanford University
"Suicide Prevention in Educational Settings with American Indian Youth"
Spero M. Manson, PhD
Distinguished Professor of Public Health and Psychiatry
Director, Centers for American Indian and Alaska Native Health
Colorado Chair in American Indian Health

University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Campus
"Detection and Management of Suicide in Primary Care: Translating an Evidence-based Practice in Native Health Settings"
Michael Flynn, MA
Coordinator, Occupational Health Equity Program
Training, Research, and Evaluation Branch
Education and Information Division

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, CDC
"An Occupational Health Perspective on Suicide among American Indian and Alaska Native Youths"
Facilitated By
John Iskander, MD, MPH
Scientific Director
Phoebe Thorpe, MD, MPH
Deputy Scientific Director
Susan Laird, DNP, MSN, RN
Communications Director
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