Fact Sheets
Use these fact sheets to learn more about harmful algal blooms and the illnesses they cause in people and animals. To order FREE printed copies, visit CDC-INFO On Demand. Select “Harmful Algal Blooms” from the Programs drop-down menu and click “Apply.”
Message: Tips to protect your pets and livestock from harmful cyanobacterial (also called blue-green algae) blooms
Audience: Pet and livestock owners
Download: English [PDF – 2 pages] | Spanish [PDF – 2 pages]
Message: Harmful algal blooms threaten our health, environment, and economy. CDC works with partners to understand harmful algal blooms and prevent illnesses.
Audience: Policymakers, public
Download: English [PDF – 8 pages]
Message: Information about cyanobacterial blooms for poison center professionals
Audience: Poison center professionals
Download: English [PDF – 4 pages] I Spanish [PDF – 5 pages]
Message: Information about marine harmful algal blooms for poison center professionals
Audience: Poison center professionals
Download: English [PDF – 7 pages] I Spanish [PDF – 7 pages]
Message: What we know about exposure to cyanobacterial blooms and possible health effects
Audience: Healthcare providers
Download: English [PDF – 2 pages] | Spanish [PDF – 2 pages]
Message: What we know about exposure to cyanobacterial blooms and possible health effects in animals
Audience: Veterinarians
Download: English [PDF – 2 pages] | Spanish [PDF – 2 pages]