Care Coordination

Care coordination in schools involves school nurses organizing the care of students by sharing information and maintaining communication among those concerned with the needs and care of students with chronic health conditions (e.g., asthma, diabetes, epilepsy). This integrated approach may include:1
- Families.
- Health care providers.
- Teachers.
- Out-of-school time staff.
- Other school staff (e.g., administration).
Care coordination can provide students with chronic health conditions with the following benefits:
- Improve medical management.
- Provide more detailed follow-up and linkages to other services.
- Reveal the need for additional resources (e.g., eligibility and enrollment assistance for health insurance).
Some students may have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), or an Individualized Health Plan (IHP) that helps them to learn in an environment that can support their needs. Typically the school nurse plays an important role in establishing these plans.