A-Z Index of Water-Related Topics
Many illnesses, contaminants, and injuries can be water, sanitation, or hygiene-related. Learn more about these diseases and other water-related topics by viewing the indices below.
- Campylobacter (CDC, CDC-Water, WHO)
- Campylobacteriosis (CDC, CDC-Water, WHO)
- Cercarial Dermatitis (CDC)
- Chloramines (CDC, EPA)
- Chlamydia trachomatis * (CDC, WHO) (see also Trachoma)
- Chlorine (CDC, CDC-ATSDR)
- Cholera (CDC, WHO)
- Chromium (CDC, EPA)
- Coliform bacteria (EPA)
- Conjunctivitis (CDC)
- Copper (CDC-ATSDR, CDC-Water)
- Coxsackievirus (A16, B) (Enterovirus) (CDC)
- Cryptosporidiosis (CDC, CDC-Water)
- Cryptosporidium (CDC, CDC-Water)
- Cyanobacteria (CDC, WHO [PDF – 23 pages])
- Cyclospora (CDC)
- Cyclosporiasis (CDC)
- Injury, Water-related (CDC)
Keratitis (CDC)
- La Crosse Encephalitis ** (CDC)
- Lead (CDC-ATSDR, CDC-Water)
- Lead Poisoning (CDC-ATSDR, CDC-Water)
- Legionnaires’ Disease (CDC)
- Legionella (CDC)
- Legionellosis (CDC)
- Leptospira (CDC, WHO )
- Leptospirosis (CDC, WHO )
- Lice * (CDC)
- Lice, Body * (CDC, CDC-Water)
- Lice, Head * (CDC, CDC-Water)
- Lice, Pubic * (CDC, CDC-Water)
- Lymphatic filariasis * (CDC, CDC-Water, WHO)
- Perchloroethylene (see also Tetrachloroethylene)
- Pinworms * (CDC, CDC-Water)
- Plesiomonas shigelloides (FDA)
- Pontiac Fever (CDC)
- Pseudomonas (CDC-Water 1, CDC-Water 2)
- Pubic Lice * (CDC, CDC-Water)
No currently listed diseases.
- Salmonella (CDC, CDC-Water, WHO)
- Salmonella typhi (CDC, WHO )
- Salmonellosis (CDC, CDC-Water, WHO)
- Scabies * (CDC, CDC-Water, WHO)
- Schistosoma (CDC, WHO )
- Schistosomiasis (CDC, WHO )
- Shigella (CDC, CDC-Water, WHO)
- Shigellosis (CDC, CDC-Water, WHO )
- Soil transmitted helminths * (CDC, WHO, WHO-PPC)
- St. Louis Encephalitis ** (CDC)
- Staphylococcus aureus (CDC, FDA)
- Swimmer’s Ear * (CDC, CDC-Water ) (see also Otitis Externa)
- Swimmer’s Itch (CDC) (see also Cercarial Dermatitis)
- Tetrachloroethylene (PERC)(CDC-ATSDR, CDC-NIOSH, EPA)
- Tinea * (CDC, WHO, NIH) (see also Ringworm)
- Toxins, Marine (CDC, CDC-general)
- Toxoplasma gondii (CDC)
- Toxoplasmosis (CDC)
- Trachoma * (CDC, CDC-Water, WHO )
- Travelers’ Diarrhea (CDC)
- Trichuris trichiura (whipworm) * (CDC, WHO-general)
- Typhoid Fever (CDC, WHO-water, WHO)
No currently listed diseases.
- Wastewater
- West Nile Virus ** (CDC)
No currently listed diseases.
No currently listed diseases.
* indicates sanitation and hygiene-related diseases.
** indicates vector or insect-borne diseases associated with water.
For more information, please visit CDC’s Healthy Water website.