Time To Scale Back Infographic

Time to scale back infographic. Shows that in 1955 the averaage hamburger portion size was 3.9 ounces also the average weight of a man was 166.3 pounds. This is compared to the year 2006, where an average hamburger portion size was 12 ounces and the average weight of a man was 194.7.

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About Time To Scale Back

Eating healthy at restaurants can be difficult. Portion sizes have steadily increased over the past few decades. Hamburgers are three times bigger! As portion sizes have gotten bigger so have men’s waistlines. The average American man now weighs 28 pounds more than in the 1960s.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and its partners have tips on how we can make healthier food available in our communities so the whole family can eat better. Large portion sizes at restaurants have become the norm and it’s time to scale back.


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