Presentation of Estimations
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NCHS bases publication of estimates for the NHHCS on the RSE of the estimate and the number of sample records on which the estimate is based (referred to as the sample size). Estimates are not presented in NCHS reports unless a reasonable assumption regarding the probability distribution of the sampling error is possible.
Because of the complex sample design of the NHHCS, the following guidelines are used by NCHS and are recommended for presenting the estimates:
- If the sample size is less than 30, the value of the estimate is not reported. This is indicated by an asterisk (*) in NCHS reports.
- If the sample size is 30-59, or if the sample is 60 or more and the RSE is 30 percent or more, the estimate is reported but should not be assumed reliable. This is indicated by an asterisk (*) preceding the figure in the tables in NCHS reports.
- If the sample size is 60 or more and the RSE is less than 30 percent, the estimate is reported and is considered reliable.