Number of persons using assistive technology devices

These resources from past NHIS years are available for use by researchers, analysts, and others. For more recent study years, visit the NHIS website: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nhis/

Table 1a. Number of persons using assistive technology devices by age of person and anatomical device: United States, 1994
44 years and under 45-64 years 65 years and over
Anatomical devices Number in thousands
Any anatomical device** 4,565 2,491 1,325 748
Back brace 1,688 795 614 279
Neck brace 168 76 78 *13
Hand brace 332 171 119 42
Arm brace 320 209 86 *25
Leg brace 596 266 138 192
Foot brace 282 191 59 31
Knee brace 989 694 199 96
Other brace 399 239 104 56
Any artificial limb 199 69 59 70
Artificial leg or foot 173 58 50 65
Artificial arm or hand *21 *9 *6 *6

Table 1b. Number of persons using assistive technology devices by age of person and mobility device: United States, 1994
44 years and under 45-64 years 65 years and over
Mobility devices Number in thousands
Any mobility device** 7,394 1,151 1,699 4,544
Crutch 575 227 188 160
Cane 4,762 434 1,116 3,212
Walker 1,799 109 295 1,395
Medical shoes 677 248 226 203
Wheelchair 1,564 335 365 863
Scooter 140 12 53 75

Table 1c. Number of persons using assistive technology devices by age of person and hearing device: United States, 1994
44 years and under 45-64 years 65 years and over
Hearing devices Number in thousands
Any hearing device** 4,484 439 969 3,076
Hearing aid 4,156 370 849 2,938
Amplified telephone 675 73 175 427
TDD/TTY 104 58 *25 *21
Closed caption television 141 66 *32 43
Listening device 106 *26 *22 58
Signaling device 95 *37 *23 35
Interpreter 57 *27 *21 *9
Other hearing technology 93 *28 *24 41

Table 1d. Number of persons using assistive technology devices by age of person and type of device: United States, 1994
44 years and under 45-64 years 65 years and over
Vision devices Number in thousands
Any vision device** 527 123 135 268
Telescopic lenses 158 40 49 70
Braille 59 *28 *23 *8
Readers 68 *15 *14 39
White cane 130 *35 48 47
Computer equipment *34 *19 *8 *7
Other vision technology 277 51 76 151

* Figure does not meet standard of reliability or precision.

** Numbers do not add to these totals because categories are not mutually exclusive; a person could be counted more than once for any device type.