National Nursing Home Survey

2004-2005 Nursing Assistant Tables

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The detailed Nursing Assistant Tables are from the 2004-05 National Nursing Assistant Survey (NNAS) and were prepared by the Division of Health Care Statistics, Long-Term Care Statistics Branch. Nursing assistants are tabulated by facility characteristics (beds, geographic region, location, ownership, and affiliation), demographics (age, sex, race, Hispanic or Latino origin, education, marital status, and family income), and other characteristics including job history, work experience, training, health insurance coverage, wages, raises, and other benefits, child/adult care requirements, public assistance, work place policies, practices, problems, and environment, supervisor relations and practices, job satisfaction, career motivations, commitment, and plans, work place injuries, and influenza vaccinations.

Demographics and career decisions

Work experience and training

Pay and benefits

Work environment

Home environment

Injuries and vaccinations