COVID-19 Hospital Data Reporting

Updated April 29, 2024

Effective May 1, 2024, hospitals are no longer required to report Hospital Respiratory Pathogen, Bed Capacity, and Supply Data (i.e., ‘COVID-19 Hospital’ data) to HHS through NHSN.

The COVID-19-related data reporting is important in supporting surveillance of, and response to, COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses. Given the value of these data for patient safety and public health, CDC strongly encourages ongoing, voluntary reporting of the data through NHSN.

There are no changes to NHSN’s capability to receive COVID-19 data via the NHSN application webform, CSV upload, or API. Facility and Group-level users can view their own data within the NHSN platform.

Resources on this COVID-19 Hospital Data Reporting webpage will remain available and can continue to be used for voluntary reporting.

This information does not apply to Long-term Care Facilities, Dialysis Facilities, or Healthcare Personnel (HCP) COVID-19 Vaccination reporting.

COVID-19 Hospital Data Reporting Guidance

Reporting guidance for COVID-19 hospital data is available here. [PDF – 725 KB]

Upcoming Trainings

All trainings will be recorded. Information for accessing the recordings will be added as it becomes available. Click on the “Register” link for more details about each session.

CSV Data Import
CSV Upload Templates
  • Note: This is the primary template and will be used by most hospitals.
CSV Upload Templates – Reporting Context
  • Note: This template is for hospitals that have units that are reporting hospital COVID data separately from the rest of the facility (same CCN, same NHSN orgID). This is uncommon – only 57 facilities have been identified as using this reporting scenario.
  • Please see below facility-within-facility reporting details for additional information.
FAQs: COVID-19 Hospital Data Reporting

Need Help?
We are anticipating a large volume of inquiries. Please be sure to read the information on this page (updated frequently) before contacting the NHSN Help Desk with questions. If you still need assistance, please email with subject line “COVID-19 Hospital”.

Individual Facility Reporting

Description: This reporting scenario include facilities/hospitals reporting COVID-19 hospital data for their hospital/facility individually to HHS. The facilities/hospital do not have jurisdiction, hospital associations, healthcare systems, or third-party vendors submit data on their behalf.

Overview of Webform and .CSV Upload for Individual Facility Reporters

Detailed information on steps for individual facilities to prepare for reporting hospital COVID-19 data in NHSN.

Transition Overview and Data Submission – Individual Facility Reporters

Overview of the transition of COVID-19 hospital reporting to NHSN and examples of data submission in the NHSN application.

Bulk Uploading Reporting

Bulk upload reporting is jurisdictions, hospital associations, healthcare systems, and third-party vendors submit data on behalf of multiple hospitals. Review the COVID-19 Hospital Data Transition: Guidance for Bulk Uploaders document below for information on specific bulk upload scenarios.

COVID-19 Hospital Data Transition: Guidance for Bulk Uploaders

COVID-19 Hospital Data: Overview of Bulk Submission

Detailed information on steps for entities reporting on behalf of multiple facilities to prepare for reporting hospital COVID-19 data in NHSN.

Transition Overview and Data Submission – Bulk Uploaders

Overview of the transition of COVID-19 hospital reporting to NHSN and examples of data submission in the NHSN application.

Transition of COVID-19 Hospital Reporting to NHSN
  • The below information is related to the transition of hospital COVID-19 reporting to NHSN from TeleTracking in December of 2022:
    • Reporting capabilities for webform interface, CSV upload (for both individual facility and multiple facilities), and API are available in NHSN.
    • Historical data submitted via TeleTracking is not available within NHSN at this time but will be available in the future.
    • Please follow guidance from your jurisdiction to ensure your facility is meeting any state, tribal, local, or territorial requirements.
    • NHSN Transition Preparation [PDF – 900 KB]