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Oil Spill Response Resources: Roster of Oil Response Workers

Oil spill cleanup workers filling out paperwork

Photo credit: Aaron Sussell, NIOSH

Voluntary Roster of Deepwater Horizon Response Workers

NIOSH developed a voluntary roster of response workers to create a record of those who participated in cleanup activities and a mechanism to contact them about possible work-related symptoms of illness or injury. The Unified Command and BP supported the roster and the goal of identifying all workers, including volunteers, involved in all response/cleanup activities. Workers had the opportunity to be rostered during training and at established staging areas (locations to which trained workers report for duty each day) in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida. NIOSH also rostered response workers online through a secure web site. NIOSH provided the secure link to multiple federal agencies and BP, and asked them to refer workers to the web site to complete the rostering form electronically.

The data collection for the roster is now closed. The number of workers that were rostered as of 10/14/10 was as follows:

Staging: 16,206
Training: 39,306
Total: 55,512