Reported Tuberculosis in the United States, 2018

National Data
In 2018, the United States reported the lowest number of TB cases (9,025) and lowest incidence rate (2.8 cases per 100,000 persons) on record.
All tables in this section provide TB data at the national level.
- TB by Race/Ethnicity: 1993–2018
- TB by Race/Ethnicity and Origin of Birth: 1993–2018
- TB by Age Group: 1993–2018
- TB by Origin of Birth: 1993–2018
- TB Non-U.S.–Born Persons by the Top 30 Countries of Birth: 2014–2018
- TB Rates by the Top 10 Countries of Birth in the U.S.: 2014–2018
- TB Among Non-U.S.–Born Persons, by Top 30 Countries of Birth and Years in the U.S. before TB Diagnosis: 2018
- TB by Race/Ethnicity, Sex, and Age: 2018
- TB Among U.S.-Born Persons, by Race/Ethnicity, Sex, and Age: 2018
- TB Among Non-U.S.–Born Persons, by Race/Ethnicity, Sex, and Age: 2018
- TB Genotyping Surveillance Coverage: U.S. 2004–2018
- TB Genotyping Surveillance Coverage: U.S.-Affiliated Areas, 2004–2018
- Mycobacterium bovis by Origin of Birth: 2004–2018
- Characteristics of TB Cases in GENType Clusters, by Alert Levels: 2016–2018
- TB Clusters by Size: 2016–2018
- Most Frequently Reported GENTypes: U.S., 2016–2018
- Most Frequently Reported GENTypes: U.S.-Affiliated Areas, 2016–2018
- Figure 1. Estimated Cases Attributed to Recent Transmission of Tuberculosis, United States, 2017–2018
- Figure 2. Estimated Percentage of Extensive Recent Transmission of Tuberculosis in Counties with ≥10 Genotyped Cases, United States, 2017–2018
- Characteristics of TB Estimated to be Attributed to Recent Transmission: 2017–2018
- Estimates of Recent Transmission Narrative