Logic Model

The Paul Coverdell National Acute Stroke Program Logic Model highlights key program activities and intended outcomes, and shows how they align with the CDC chronic disease prevention and health promotion domains. Download the Logic Model [PDF-247K].

The Coverdell strategies and activities are organized according to the four domains: Epidemiology, Surveillance and Evaluation; Environmental Approaches; Health Systems Interventions; and Community-clinical Linkages. The activities related to Epidemiology, Surveillance and Evaluation include data analysis, data quality assurance and the dissemination of data by CDC; and gathering and managing of stroke registry data by the state health department and the use of these data to inform and monitor programs and health outcomes. As an environmental approach, Coverdell programs may work to increase the public awareness of signs and symptoms, and/or the appropriate emergency response in the event of a CVD event. Program activities within the health systems intervention domain include the promotion of stroke protocols by EMS and transition of care (TOC) entities and the use of team-based acute stroke care; the use of registries and data to improve care, and use of quality measures and implementation of quality improvement activities. Coverdell programs may also Implement linkages between hospitals and rehabilitation, home and primary care provider or long-term care facilities; and promote utilization of community resources and support. The model shows the underlying logic of how programmatic efforts will lead to the short term outcomes. Short term outcomes include improved coordination of stroke systems of care, which can be further operationalized as collaboration, communication, and data linkages between hospitals, EMS and TOC systems; increased data usage and sharing to drive decision making and system changes; increased efficiencies and effectiveness of stroke care practices; and improved adherence to evidence-based care for stroke patients. Furthermore, short term outcomes in the pre-hospital setting include increased public awareness of signs and symptoms and appropriate emergency response. For post-hospital care, there may be improved receipt and understanding of ongoing post-stroke care, and improved adherence to secondary prevention in the transition of care. Moving across to the far right, the model describes the intermediate outcomes that will impact the stroke systems of care and health outcomes. One can anticipate that Coverdell activities will bring about an improvement in the quality of care across the stroke system, improved defect free care, and other positive changes. Long term outcomes of the Coverdell Program include reduced recurrent stroke, stroke death and disability, reduced disparities and costs related to stroke care. Noted contextual factors that may impact the program are national standards and guidelines, practice based evidence, trends in stroke burden, QI trends in the health care system, the funding environment and the state policy environment.