Strengthening Partnerships in the Fight Against AMR: TATFAR’s 2018 Meeting
Posted On: February 20, 2018

TATFAR members are gathering for an in-person meeting at CDC in March 2018
The Transatlantic Task Force on Antimicrobial Resistant (TATFAR) members are gathering in Atlanta, GA for a three-day meeting to promote action and discuss ongoing antimicrobial resistance (AMR) work. Guided by TATFAR’s three focus areas, the agenda covers:
- Improving antibiotic use in humans and animals,
- Preventing infections and their spread, and
- Strengthening the drug pipeline.
Representatives from Canada, the European Union (EU), Norway, and the United States (U.S.) will attend the meeting, along with several other key partners from academia, industry, non-government organizations. The discussions from this meeting will help frame the plan for the second half of TATFAR’s implementation period (2018-2020). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will host the meeting on March 7-9.
Collaborating to Support Global Action
TATFAR was created following a 2009 U.S.-EU presidential summit on combating AMR. Members share technical guidance, best practices, alerts of emerging trends, and scientific recommendations that can translate globally, increasing the impact of efforts to combat antimicrobial resistance exponentially. Collaboration across government agencies enhances synergy and communication, leading to strengthened domestic and global efforts.
TATFAR’s scientific and technical experts have collaborated to produce several notable outcomes. For example, the Task Force members:
- Created unique opportunities for scientific groups to discuss the development of new diagnostic tests and coordination of similar clinical trials;
- Reviewed antibiotic reduction goals in human medicine from TATFAR partner countries, and drafted a summary for publication in a peer-reviewed journal;
- Expanded AMR expertise to include Taskforce members from Canada and Norway; and
- Published papers summarizing economic incentives for antibacterial drug development.
TATFAR members’ working relationships will continue to facilitate progress for other mechanisms addressing AMR, including country action plans. In addition, the relationships and collaborations gained through TATFAR better allow its technical experts to support global action on AMR including the Global Health Security Agenda and the World Health Organization’s Global Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance.
Watch the Live Stream
View this video on YouTube [32:56]
The meeting’s opening session was streamed live, and included a welcome from TATFAR Co-Chairs and keynote speakers.
- Co-Chairs:
- Larry Kerr, Director of Pandemics and Emerging Threats Office, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
- John F. Ryan, Director for Public Health, Country Knowledge, Crisis Management, European Commission
- Speakers:
- Anne Schuchat, Acting Director for U.S. CDC, and Acting Administrator of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, U.S. CDC
- Xavier Prats-Monné, Director General for Health and Food Safety, European Commission
You can also follow along on social media with #TATFAR.
For more information about TATFAR, email
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