Evaluation of Genomic Applications in Practice and Prevention (EGAPP)
The EGAPP Working Group was established in 2005 to support the development of a systematic process for assessing the available evidence regarding the validity and utility of rapidly emerging genetic tests for clinical practice. This independent, multidisciplinary panel prioritizes and selects tests, reviews CDC-commissioned evidence reports and other contextual factors, highlights critical knowledge gaps, and provides guidance on appropriate use of genetic tests in specific clinical scenarios.
- Meeting:The EGAPP Working Group held a meeting on October 27-28, 2014
- Article:The EGAPP Working Group has published a new article entitled “The EGAPP Initiative: Lessons Learned”
- Meeting:The last EWG meeting was on August 19 and 20, 2013.
- Article [PDF 656 KB]:The EGAPP Working Group has published a new article entitled “Description and pilot results from a novel method for evaluating return of incidental findings from next-generation sequencing technologies” [PDF 656 KB] in collaboration with Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research.
EGAPP Recommendations
- Prostate Cancer:Does PCA3 Testing for the Diagnosis and Management of Prostate Cancer...
- Diabetes:Does genomic profiling to assess Type 2 Diabetes risk improve...
- Colorectal Cancer:Can testing of tumor tissue for mutations in EGFR pathway downstream effector genes...
- Cardiovascular Health:Outcomes of Genetic Testing in Adults with a History of Venous Thromboembolism
- Breast Cancer:Can tumor gene expression profiling improve outcomes…
- Cardiovascular Health:Genomic profiling to assess cardiovascular risk to improve cardiovascular health…
- Colorectal Cancer (Lynch syndrome):Genetic testing strategies in newly diagnosed individuals…
- Colorectal Cancer:Can UGT1A1 genotyping reduce morbidity and mortality…
- Depression:Testing for cytochrome P450 polymorphisms in adults…