Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer (HBOC) Tools

Tools for Bidirectional Cancer Registry Reporting to Identify Individuals at Risk for Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer syndrome

The following materials were developed to support state programs using bidirectional cancer registry reporting to identify individuals at risk for Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer syndrome. State health departments are encouraged to customize the materials to meet their needs. Materials are categorized by those intended for patients and for healthcare providers, but materials may be suitable for multiple audiences. Please note that some materials will need to be filled out with state-specific information, as noted below.

Information for Patients
Information for Providers
Reporting Tools

CDC tools and information on HBOC Tier 1

CDC Medscape Expert Commentary on Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer: BRCA and Your Patient

CDC Medscape Expert Commentary on Genetics and BRCA in Primary Care

CDC Medscape Expert Commentary on a Tiered Approach to Integrating Genomics Into Your Practice

CDC Blog: What Gets Measured Gets Done: Genomics, Surveillance Indicators and Healthy People 2020

CDC Blog: From Genetic Counseling in Individuals to Cascade Screening in Populations: An Emerging Role for Public Health Practice

CDC Blog: New Strategies for Public Health Genomics Beyond Newborn Screening

CDC Blog: Evidence Matters in Genomic Medicine—Round 3: Integrating Family Health History into Clinical Preventive Services

CDC Blog: Peeling the Pyramid, Scaling the Onion—How to Implement Genomic Medicine

CDC Public Health Genomics implementation page

Video produced in partnership with CDC: Cascade Genetic Screening and Public Health Practice: An Idea Whose Time Has Come

CDC Classification of Genomic Applications by Levels of Evidence

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