Data Brief: Healthcare Utilization for Vaso-occlusive Episodes by People with Sickle Cell Disease in California and Georgia, 2015

Many people with sickle cell disease (SCD) had a hospitalization or an emergency department (ED) visit with a vaso-occlusive episode (VOE), or pain crisis, diagnosis code.

Map of California
Percent of people with SCD in California with at least one hospital admission or ED visit with a VOE code
Map of Georgia
Percent of people with SCD in Georgia with at least one hospital admission or ED visit with a VOE code
Percentage of people with SCD with at least one hospital admission or ED visit with a VOE code
Age Group (years) California Georgia
< 20 yrs 23% 33%
20-49 yrs 47% 54%
50+ yrs 33% 37%
Key Terms
  • Emergency department (ED) visits: ED visits that resulted in a release after treatment
  • Hospital admissions: Direct hospital admissions, as well as hospital admissions that began in the ED
People with SCD:
Hospital icon

Go to the hospital more than once a year, with an average stay of 5 days per hospitalization.

Ambulance icon

Go to the ED an average of 2–3 times a year.

pain spot icon

Go to the ED and hospital most commonly for VOEs.

A large number of hospitalizations and ED visits for people with SCD had a VOE diagnosis code.

Bar chart showing ED visits vs hospital admissions, see details below

Percentage of hospitalizations and ED visits with a VOE code, California
Age Group (years) ED visits Hospital Admissions
<10 28% 55%
10–19 42% 76%
20–29 46% 81%
30–39 45% 80%
40–49 33% 61%
50–59 32% 59%
60+ 15% 36%
Percentage of hospitalizations and ED visits with a VOE code, Georgia
Age Group (years) ED visits Hospital Admissions
<10 25% 51%
10–19 44% 75%
20–29 54% 84%
30–39 50% 81%
40–49 48% 76%
50–59 44% 60%
60+ 23% 46%

More than 4 in 10 (41%) ED visits and more than 7 in 10 (73%) hospital admissions for people with SCD in California had a VOE diagnosis code.


Nearly 1 in 2 (48%) ED visits and 3 in 4 (75%) hospital admissions for people with SCD in Georgia had a VOE diagnosis code.

CDC’s Sickle Cell Data Collection (SCDC)

This program collects and analyzes data to better understand how people with sickle cell disease (SCD) are accessing and using health care. These data are used to target and develop strategies to improve access to the healthcare system and, ultimately, to improve the health of people living with SCD.

Stay Informed

Learn about the health trends of people living with SCD.