National Hospital Discharge Survey

Data Highlights – Selected Tables

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Number and rate of hospital discharges

Average length of stay and days of care

Number and rate of discharges by sex and age
Number and rate of discharges by first-listed diagnostic categories
Discharges by age and first-listed diagnosis
Discharges by sex and first-listed diagnosis

First-listed diagnoses by selected patient characteristics

Number by age
Rate by age
Number by sex
Rate by sex

Procedures by selected patient characteristics

Number and percentage with and without procedures
Number and rate by selected surgical and nonsurgical procedure categories
Number by procedure category and age
Number by procedure category and sex
Rate by procedure category and age
Rate by procedure category and sex

Hospital inpatient deaths

Number and rate of deaths by age and selected first-listed diagnosis

Expected source of payment

Number by principal expected source of payment, sex, age, and geographic region

Females with delivery

Number, percent distribution, and rate by type of delivery, age, and geographic region


Number and percent distribution for newborn infants by sex, geographic region, and health status
Number of all-listed diagnoses for sick newborn infants by sex and selected diagnostic categories

Male newborn circumcision

Number, percent and standard errors by geographic region and race

Detailed diagnoses and procedure tables

Number of first-listed diagnoses
Number of all-listed diagnoses
Number of days of care
Number of all-listed procedures