2002 General Activities on Atomic Weapons Employer (AWE) Cases

DCAS will reconstruct radiation doses by evaluating all appropriate data relevant to which an individual worker or group of workers have been exposed, particularly when radiation monitoring data are unavailable, incomplete, or of poor quality. The data used for the dose reconstructions will be obtained through requests sent to DOE and data search and capture efforts.

DCAS along with Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU), the contractor hired to support NIOSH’s responsibilities under the Act, have been involved in data search and capture efforts. These efforts are being conducted at various DOE sites and federal and private records storage locations throughout the United States to retrieve radiation monitoring data needed to conduct dose reconstructions.

2002 Data Search and Capture

Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, TN 

Work site and information retrieved
Employer Name Information Recovered (Years)
Bendix Aviation 1948-1951
Brush Beryllium 1946-1951
Carnegie Institute of Technology 1950
Chapman Valve 1951
Edgerton Germeshausen & Grier, Inc. 1951-1953
General Electric (Neutron Badges) 1952-1953
Harshaw Chemical Co. 1953-1954
Horizons Inc. 1954
Kellex/Pierpont 1953
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1951-1952
Monsanto Chemical Co . 1954
New York Operations Office Misc 1951-1952
New York University 1952-1953
Sylvania 1953-1954
University of Chicago – Metallurgical Labs 1952
Vitro Manufacturing 1952; 1954
Vitro (W. Orange) 1952
Watertown Arsenal 1952

No data search and capture activities have been found for this month.

No data search and capture activities have been found for this month.

Fernald Record Holdings
Fernald, Ohio

OCAS requested that Fernald search their records database for any information for AWE sites. Fernald submitted the results of their search in November 2002.The search resulted in the identification of over 1,000 records. Each time a record was identified, a printout was generated identifying the type of record. These printouts are currently being reviewed by ORAU for use in dose reconstructions.

Environmental Measurements Laboratory (EML)
New York, NY 

NIOSH and ORAU personnel visited the Environmental Measurements Laboratory (EML) in New York City. More than 40 boxes of records and data were reviewed and found to be necessary for AWE dose reconstruction. Currently, EML is becoming part of the Office of Homeland Security. Therefore, all of the records reviewed were transferred to the DOE Office of Worker Advocacy in Washington DC. OCAS and ORAU personnel coordinated with DOE to obtain copies of the records once the transfer was complete.

National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Atlanta, GA 

OCAS and ORAU personnel have continued to search for locations of AWE records and have found some in Atlanta, Georgia. Additional information on what type of information or for what sites were recovered will be available once the information is reviewed, indexed, and archived.

Memorandum of Understanding Between the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Department of Energy

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and DOE signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in Fiscal Year 2019. The MOU describes how the Agencies will work together to carry out their responsibilities under The Act and Executive Order 13179. Part of the agreement covers how HHS and DOE will coordinate data search and capture activities.