2012 General Activities on Atomic Weapons Employer (AWE) Cases

DCAS will reconstruct radiation doses by evaluating all appropriate data relevant to which an individual worker or group of workers have been exposed, particularly when radiation monitoring data are unavailable, incomplete, or of poor quality. The data used for the dose reconstructions will be obtained through requests sent to DOE and data search and capture efforts.

DCAS along with Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU), the contractor hired to support NIOSH’s responsibilities under the Act, have been involved in data search and capture efforts. These efforts are being conducted at various DOE sites and federal and private records storage locations throughout the United States to retrieve radiation monitoring data needed to conduct dose reconstructions.

2012 Data Search and Capture

Battelle Laboratory (King Avenue)
Columbus, OH

During this data capture trip, 12 filing cabinets of information were reviewed and 290 documents were retrieved.

The documents apply to the following AWE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Sites Information Retrieved
Battelle Laboratories (King Avenue) Individual employee monitoring files, where the monitoring was initiated prior to 1956; incident reports
Battelle Laboratories (West Jefferson)

Ohio Department of Health
Columbus, OH

During this data reconnaissance trip, information from various file cabinets was reviewed and finding aids were retrieved.

They apply to the following AWE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site
Battelle Laboratories (King Avenue)
Battelle Laboratories (West Jefferson)

Ohio Department of Health
Columbus, OH

Two documents were reviewed and retrieved during this data capture trip. The documents apply to the following AWE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Battelle Laboratory (King Avenue) 1979 and 2004 Battelle environmental reports

New York State Archives
Albany, NY

During this data capture trip, 32 boxes of information were reviewed and 56 documents were retrieved.

The documents apply to the following AWE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Bethlehem Steel Inventory of drums shipped, special sampling and analysis of XRO Oxides, disposal of rolling mill oxides stored at Lake Ontario Ordinance Works
Hooker Electrochemical Slug material shipping directions, reconciliation of material inventory, safety precautions
Linde Ceramics Plant Memos regarding how to handle spills, special test badges at Linde, uranium transfers, accountability reports, health and safety at site, breath radon results, information on contracts, progress report, data of the Dracco reclamation system, counter-tubes installed, ore processing flowsheets, and discharge of effluent into wells

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Oak Ridge, TN

Staff searched the ORNL vault to retrieve external dosimetry information. However, no material was located.

The trip was conducted to retrieve information on the following AWE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site
Ventron Corporation

Boston Federal Records Center
Waltham, MA

During this data capture trip, 83 boxes of information were reviewed and 480 documents were retrieved.

The documents apply to the following AWE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Nuclear Metals, Inc. Breathing zone air samples at different site locations (1982-83, 1985-88, 1990-92, 94, 96), area operational air samples, exposure information/reports (1951-54, 1956-1959, 1966-68, 1976-77, 80, 1985-88, 1990-91, 99, 2000, 2001), in-vivo counting results 1987, urinalysis results and related information (1955, 57, 58, 70, 71, 78, 1982- 84, 1986-88, 90, 94), personnel exposure information – annual summary forms (1985, 86, 90, 91, 96), radiation incidents, termination exposure summary for employees (folders include exposure information, incidents, etc.), environmental sampling plan, U.S. AEC reports of exposure forms NY-199 annual reports

Massachusetts Department of Health
Charlestown, MA

Eight boxes and 4 lateral file cabinets of information were reviewed and 39 documents were retrieved. Salem Laboratory radiological safety and information and radiological characterization survey for Englelhard Corp. was retrieved.

Additional information was also retrieved for the following AWE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Lindsay Light and Chemical Co. Thorium residues in West Chicago
Metals and Controls Corp. License amendments, remediation plan information, radiological health and safety plan, inspection report, Building 1 radium abatement, environmental report, emergency plan
Norton Co. Radiological assessment of waste storage areas, survey of soil under sewage lines
Shpack Landfill Site chronological order of events, remedial investigations, investigation of radioactive material in a private dump, characterization survey

Massachusetts Department of Health
Charlestown, MA

Fifteen boxes and 6 feet of loose documents were reviewed and 112 documents were retrieved.

The documents apply to the following AWE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Nuclear Metals, Inc. License information, holdings basin decommissioning, ambient air sampling plan, Concord air monitoring data, NRC routine inspections, airborne emissions report, soil sample results, release abatement measures, drum burial information, historical summary, radioactive material inventory, site photographs, health and safety plan, site timeline, evaluation of bioassay data, exposure report, auto ignition issues
Ventron Corp. Radiation dose characterization and risk, engineering evaluation, post remedial action report, health study, fact sheet, review of site characterization report, response to Beverly Citizen newspaper questions, data Gap summary for Building A & A1, license information

US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Public Document Room
Rockville, MD

Reels of microfiche were reviewed and 146 documents were captured during this effort.

The documents apply to the following AWE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Nuclear Metals Inc. Export licenses to export depleted uranium to various locations, radioactive waste shipments-unusual occurrence report, termination of special nuclear material license #SNM-65, air sampling program, radiological work permit system, report of in-vivo counting, renewal of source material license, calculation of potential airborne releases, minimum requirements for entrance into restricted areas, dose rate evaluations for exposure to copper metal contaminated with depleted uranium, in-vivo uranium lung count results,

urinalysis program, request for approval to use the Clive, Utah NORM repository site, 1984 soil monitoring program, environmental summary report, license amendment to allow metal in the form of extruded rod, license amendment to authorize possession of Am241 in analytical samples an license amendment request to allow receipt and shipment of analytical samples of enriched uranium

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Oak Ridge, TN

One hundred documents were reviewed and 16 documents were retrieved. All documents are going through a classification review.

The documents apply to the following AWE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site
Joslyn Manufacturing and Supply Co.

Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI)
Oak Ridge, TN

Approximately 239 classified documents from OSTI were identified and reviewed. All documents are going through a classification review.

The documents apply to the following AWE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Reviewed
Nuclear Metals Inc. Monthly progress reports, documents pertaining to thorium and irradiated metals transported to the site

No data search and capture activities have been found for this month.

No data search and capture activities have been found for this month.

US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Public Document Room
Rockville, MD

Reels of microfiche were reviewed and 168 documents were retrieved.

The documents apply to the following AWE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corp. (NUMEC) Radiological survey and assessment, facility inventory status, license material, isotopic analyses
United Nuclear Corp. Survey for radionuclide concentrations, well samples, property release guidelines exceedance

US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Public Document Room
Rockville, MD

Various microfiche documents were reviewed and 140 documents were retrieved.

The documents apply to the following AWE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Retrieved
Latty Avenue Properties Decontamination of Building 2, radiation survey information, site remediation
Nuclear Metals, Inc. Air sampling procedure, environmental report, exposure incident, ground water analysis, holding basin remediation, inspection report, license amendment information, radiation waste management report

Richland, WA

Thirty documents were retrieved during this data search and capture effort. Search results conducted by Hanford were retrieved.

The documents apply to the following AWE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site
Allied Chemical Corp.
Baker Brothers
Gruen Watch
Joslyn Manufacturing and Supply Co.

Richland, WA

During this trip, 24 documents were retrieved. The documents were a result of Hanford’s search efforts.

The documents primarily apply to the following AWE work site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site Information Received
Joslyn Manufacturing and Supply Co. Most documents relate to Battelle-TBD-6000 Appendix BM – Joslyn Manufacturing and Supply Company

Richland, WA

Six documents were retrieved during this data search and capture effort. Search results conducted by Hanford were retrieved.

The documents apply to the following AWE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site
Allied Chemical Corp.
Baker Brothers
Bethlehem Steel
Joslyn Manufacturing and Supply Co.

Richland, WA

During this trip, 6 documents were retrieved. The documents were a result of Hanford’s search efforts.

Work site and information retrieved
Work Site
Joslyn Manufacturing and Supply Co.

Richland, WA

Hanford provided three documents on uranium hexafluoride in response to an earlier request.

The documents apply to the following AWE site:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Sites
Allied Chemical Corp. Plant

Richland, WA

During this effort, 62 search results that Hanford conducted were retrieved.

The documents apply to the following AWE work sites:

Work site and information retrieved
Work Sites
Baker Brothers
Joslyn Manufacturing and Supply Co.

Memorandum of Understanding Between the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Department of Energy

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and DOE signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in Fiscal Year 2019. The MOU describes how the Agencies will work together to carry out their responsibilities under The Act and Executive Order 13179. Part of the agreement covers how HHS and DOE will coordinate data search and capture activities.