Reported Tuberculosis in the United States, 2019

Estimates of Recent Transmission
Control of recent transmission is a vital component of the national TB elimination strategy.
To estimate recent transmission, CDC attributes TB cases to recent transmission if a plausible source case with a matching genotype and an infectious form of disease is identified in a patient who is ≥10 years of age, resides within a 10 mile radius, and has a diagnosis within 2 years before the given case.
These estimates may be used by state and local TB programs to monitor trends in their jurisdictions, and to assist in planning and prioritizing TB control activities.
- Figure 1. Estimated Cases Attributed to Recent Transmission of Tuberculosis, United States, 2018–2019
- Figure 2. Estimated Percentage of Extensive Recent Transmission of Tuberculosis in Counties with 10 or More Genotyped Cases, United States, 2018–2019
- TB Estimated to be Attributed to Recent Transmission: United States and the District of Columbia, 2018-2019
- TB Estimated to be Attributed to Recent Transmission: Counties with >5 Percent Estimated Extensive Recent Transmission, 2018–2019
- Characteristics of TB Cases Estimated to be Attributed to Recent Transmission: 2018-2019