Reported Tuberculosis in the United States, 2019

Risk Factors
Analysis of TB risk factors includes both comorbid conditions and social and occupational risk factors. Comorbidities include: conditions and medications that lower the immune system including HIV, diabetes and tumor necrosis factor-alpha inhibitor.
Social and occupational risk factors include employment or residence in a correctional or long-term-care facility, experiencing homelessness, and substance misuse.
Among reported risk factors for TB, diabetes mellitus (20.7%) was most commonly reported, followed by having been a close contact of a person with infectious TB (8.2%), or an immunocompromising condition other than HIV (8.2%).
- TB in Correctional Facilities, Ages ≥15 Years: Reporting Areas, 2019
- TB in Persons Experiencing Homelessness, Ages ≥15 Years: Reporting Areas, 2019
- TB in Long–Term Care Facilities, Ages ≥15 Years: Reporting Areas, 2019
- TB Among Injecting Drug Users, Ages ≥15 Years: Reporting Areas, 2019
- TB Non-injecting Drug Users, Ages ≥15 Years: Reporting Areas, 2019
- TB Among Excess Alcohol Users, Ages ≥15 Years: Reporting Areas, 2019
- TB by Primary Occupation, Ages ≥15 Years: Reporting Areas, 2019