Appendix A: Tables

Table 1a: Completed Exposure Pathways at the Pease Air Force Base
Exposure Pathway Elements
Pathway Name Contaminant Source Media Point of exposure Route of exposure Exposed population Time of Exposure and Comments
Consumption of contaminated groundwater



Zone 3 IRP sites



Drinking water




Former base residents

Former base workers

In 1977, TCE was detected in the Haven well that exceeded current drinking water standards (MCLs). No prior sampling data available. As of 1985 TCE levels dropped below MCLs.

Current and future
Water from base supply wells are under a regular monitoring program and currently meeting all drinking water standards. Sources of contamination are under active remediation. Groundwater management zones and use restrictions are in place to prevent installation of wells in areas of known groundwater contamination.

Recreational use of Peverly and
Bass ponds






Surface runoff via Peverly Brook

Landfill 1 (IRP Site 1)


Surface water





Fish consumption

Ingestion of surface water

Skin contact with sediment

Recreational users

No historical fish sampling data is available.

Current and future
Ponds are within a national wildlife refuge and no fishing or swimming is currently allowed. Fish, sediments and surface waters are under a long-term monitoring program.

Table 1b: Potential Exposure Pathways at the Pease Air Force Base
Exposure Pathway Elements
Pathway Name Contaminant Source Media Point of exposure Route of exposure Exposed population Time of Exposure and Comments
Indoor air contamination from volatile groundwater contaminants No data on indoor air quality are available. Groundwater contaminant plumes containing volatile organic compounds

Soil gas


Potentially building indoor air, but no data on indoor air quality are available. Inhalation Office workers Current and Future
The Air Force recently completed a soil gas survey to characterize the amount of any vapor migration from groundwater in site 49. The concentrations and composition of contaminants in soil gas did not indicate that appreciable migration of chemicals from the groundwater to the soil gas was occurring. Therefore, contamination of building indoor air quality is unlikely.
Table 2: TCE concentrations in the Haven Well, 1977-1993
Time Period Detects/Samples Average TCE Concentration(µg/L) Maximum TCE Concentration(µg/L) Comments
May 1977 to April 1978 12/12 194 391 Following the discovery of TCE contamination in 1977, clean drinking water was supplied to the base by the City of Portsmouth until the fall of 1978 (Craven 1998).
May 1978 to July 1979 5/5 122 202
August 1979 to July 1980 10/10 67 115
August 1980 to July 1981 12/12 29 82
August 1981 to May 1982 6/6 11 15
June 1982 to May 1983 5/5 10 17
June 1983 to May 1984 9/9 7.3 10
June 1984 to May 1985 9/10 5.5 7.7 See Note 2
June 1985 to June 1986 5/6 3.7 7.8 See Note 2
July 1986 to December 1993 17/19 2.5 5.0 See Note 2

1. TCE data for Haven well were provided by Cornell Long, Armstrong Laboratory, Occupational and Environmental Health Directorate, Brooks Air Force Base, Texas.
2. Water samples in which TCE was not detected were not used to calculate average concentrations.

Table 3: Contaminants of concern in Bass fillet from Peverly and Bass Ponds
Contaminant Mean Concentration (µg/kg) Maximum Concentration (µg/kg)
Upper Peverly Pond
Mercury 183.0 220.0
DDE 13.6 28.0
PCB (Aroclor 1260) 6.0 12.0
Lower Peverly Pond
Mercury 104.0 110.0
DDE 7.7 16.0
PCB (Aroclor 1260) 3.3 6.3
Bass (Stubbs) Pond
Mercury 436.0 520.0
DDT 9.0 10.0
DDD 34.8 40.0
DDE 60.2 79.0
PCB (Aroclor 1260) 46.5 51.0
Table 4: Contaminants of concern in sediments of Peverly and Bass Ponds
Contaminant Mean Concentration (mg/kg) Maximum Concentration (mg/kg)
Upper Peverly Pond
MEK 0.08 0.31
DDD 0.16 0.71
DDE 0.026 0.03
Lower Peverly Pond
DDD 0.03 0.05
DDE 0.02 0.03
DDT 0.45 4.20
Dibutylpthlalate 0.95 4.00
γ-BHC (lindane) 0.0049 0.0049
Bass (Stubbs) Pond
DDD 0.47 1.70
DDE 0.13 0.38
DDT 0.10 0.19
Table 5: Contaminants of concern in surface waters of Peverly and Bass Ponds
Contaminant Mean Concentration (µg/l) Maximum Concentration (µg/l)
Upper Peverly Pond
Nickel 12.0 29.0
Zinc 25.0 74.0
Lower Peverly Pond
Nickel 9.2 24.0
Zinc 17.0 105.0
Bass (Stubbs) Pond

NA= Not applicable. Either contaminants were not detected or detected below background concentrations.